Alien God System

Chapter 1321: Please take my knee

call out! A gray energy burst directly from Liang Bo, went straight for nine days, and disappeared.

The evil **** Garuda left, leaving only Liang Bo's body swaying, falling down feebly, fainting and not waking up.

Yang Feng didn't pay attention to him, just frowned, thinking carefully and sorting out the information just provided by the evil god.

Because the seven original sins committed by the people here are serious, the God Realm Committee decided to destroy the world, and it is still a 100% destruction.

"Brother Saint Ancestor!"

After taking a deep breath, Yang Feng murmured, "Do you know what crime the aborigines committed the last time the world was destroyed?"




Nodding his head, the holy ancestor said leisurely: "After I went to the God Realm, I checked the record of destruction of the world, and the main crime was greed.

In order to protect their interests in the spiritual world, the aboriginal people used cruel methods to suppress the ascending practitioners.

In the final judgment, it was destroyed by the crime of greed.

Of course, the crime is not single, there is jealousy.

Those who soared up from below practiced very fast, which aroused deep resentment among the locals, and wars were frequent. "

"Yes, among the seven original sins, jealousy ranks second and greed ranks fifth. These two crimes are enough to make the original inhabitants of the spirit world exterminate their race and species.

And now the big trial is coming again, the crime is the first arrogance of the seven original sins, no wonder he was sentenced to extinction! "

After spitting out a long breath, Yang Feng said helplessly: "Now I have to go to the Demon God, Diablo Demon Sovereign has asked for mercy, but where is his soul boy?

At this time, the only clue was that the soul boy's primordial spirit was very strong. "

With his low eyes, Yang Feng was thinking hard, but when he suddenly raised his head, he saw Luo Yinghao still staring at him blankly, with a shocked face, motionless.

"Brother Luo, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Feng asked.

Gurgle! Swallowing hard, Luo Yinghao walked to him tremblingly, pointing to Liang Bo who had fainted at his feet: "That...he..." "Oh, that evil **** has gone, his name is Jialou Luo, now Patriarch Liang is probably consumed too much after being possessed by the Cthulhu, and he is asleep.

"Wow, you even asked about the evil god's name, and..." Licking his dry lips, Luo Yinghao slapped his chin twice in front of Yang Feng, and said with a look of horror: "That's how you talked to him. Talking about?"

"Yes, the evil gods are cheap, don't slap him, he won't tell you the truth."

"I go!"

Unable to stop her face twitching fiercely, Luo Yinghao gave a thumbs up and exclaimed sincerely: "You are really awesome! Don't you know, when the evil **** appeared just now, I was scared and moved with every step. No more.

Who could have imagined that the power of the legendary **** would be so strong, just an evil **** with a side-by-side approach, that could make me unable to open my mouth even with a look in my eyes.

I really don’t know why I asked him to come down. Do you abuse yourself? "

"It's better for you to be able to ask useful information. He deserves to be a man who hides two spirit beasts deeply. I admire him.

Brother Yang, you will be my elder brother from now on, please take the knee of the younger brother. "

Hahaha! Yang Feng laughed loudly, Yang Feng waved his hand indifferently: "Brother Luo is polite, I think we have the same purpose in searching for the evil god, in order to find out the whereabouts of the executor of the great trial of the gods, the whereabouts of the demon Lord Diablo .

Next, we have to work together to survive this crisis together. "


Brother Yang meant..." Luo Yinghao looked at him expectantly, and Yang Feng grinned and told him about the information he had just received, only omitting his identity as a god.

After Luo Yinghao heard this, his face gradually sank: "The first of the seven original sins, arrogance, such a serious sin.

Although I have always felt that the world of the spirit world is wrong, but this set of rules was formulated in accordance with the suggestion of Di [八一中文网] Ablo Mozun. Why is it now a human sin?

He doesn't want people to have faith, so we will strictly prevent people from obstructing people to worship the gods and temples; if he does not allow wars, we will establish the strictest rule system to prevent wars. Why..." "Why what?

Anyway, what the leader said is like farting.

What he said on the first day, he would change it the next day, and even the plague bulletin would dare to change it. It was very common. Do you believe this? "

Cursing his lips in disdain, Yang Feng sneered: "Moreover, he is a demon, not a righteous god.

He specializes in sabotage, but not in construction. His profession is not right.

You actually listened to a demolition and architectural design. Isn’t it a problem?

Moreover, this building has remained unchanged for 100,000 years. It is obviously outdated.

Now this demolisher has come to demolish it again, and it is said that you built it by yourself and built it in disorder. What can you do?

cut! "

Well! Luo Yinghao couldn't help but sink his face, speechless.

After a while, Luo Yinghao said leisurely: "Anyway, the most urgent task now is to find the demon **** Di Ablo Demon Lord's descendant soul boy.

Only by negotiating with this demon venerable again, can we break a new line of life from this big trial! "

"Yes, but in the vast crowd, I have limited manpower, how can I find it?"

"I will report this news to the family immediately, and our Luo family will inform the other super-class families, and we will look for talented experts in the entire spiritual world together.

The primordial spirit of the born soul boy is extremely powerful, and the strength is definitely beyond ordinary people, and it should be easy to select. "

With gleaming lights in his eyes, Luo Yinghao looked at Yang Feng again, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Brother Yang, are you the soul boy of Di Ablo Demon Lord?"

Ha ha! With a chuckle, Yang Feng sighed softly: "If I am a soul boy, I will go with you to find it?

Am I not riding a donkey to find a donkey! "

"That's right!"

Nodding slightly, Luo Yinghao smiled unconsciously: "But just now the Cthulhu came to this world, and everyone can't stand his powerful spiritual power. Only Brother Yang can be calm and calm without changing your face. Estimate the strength of your soul. , Shouldn't be worse than that born soul boy."

More than not worse than him, much stronger, okay?

cut! He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng was noncommittal and did not answer.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng asked Taotie to carry the fainted person away. Luo Yinghao also immediately used the spatial teleportation weapon to transmit this important news back to the family... "Okay, the heroes are quick to act, and they have already passed the evil spirits. Came into the world and found a way to find the Demon Lord Diablo."

In a glorious and heroic hall, an old man slammed the table, dancing with excitement, and shouted: "Come here, quickly spread this news to the big families, and let them search for the powerful masters of the soul in the entire spiritual world. .

Among them, there must be the spirit boy of Demon Venerable.

We are going to make another deal with that adult. The fate of the entire spirit world and all families is in this negotiation. "

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