Alien God System

Chapter 1330: Birthday

Reluctantly shook his head, Yuan Hua smiled bitterly: "Old ancestor, don't rush to change people, I can still rescue him.

As long as you use that light energy to heal my injury, can't I still inherit my Acacia family great cause?

For your ancestors, this should be a breeze. "

"Yes, it's easy for the old man, a piece of cake, but how can the old man save it?"

With a sneer, the old ancestor said in a mocking manner: "You shouldn't think that you are of the origin of the Yuan family, and the old man thinks that you are my great, great, great-great-grandson, so let's save you.

Haha, stop dreaming.

Our Hehuan Sect pays attention to the double cultivation method. The old man’s children do not have ten thousand but nine thousand. There are too many to even recognize the old man himself, let alone so many grandchildren.

You can be ruined by someone, and you have completely lost the face of my Hehuan Sect. What qualifications do you have for the old man to save you and inherit my sect lord? "

"But am I not here to give you a birthday gift?"

"What about my birthday gift?

Where is my 90 million yuan? "

"Doesn't this allow the Luo family to get mixed up, should I go to Yingwu City again and find you the 90 million yuan in Yin?"

"Of course not!"

A rough breath came out from his nostrils, and the ancestor shouted: "Since the Luo family has participated in this matter, let it go, otherwise it will not give the Luo family face.

But if you didn't get the 90 million yuan, you just didn't make any effort, so why let the old man heal you? "

I knew that the ancestors had a clear distinction between public and private, unselfish and unkind.

Yuan Hua smiled bitterly and shook his head, his face straightened, and then he said: "Old ancestor, although the child failed to find the 90 million yuan in Yin this time to help you cultivate, but the child found a pair of medicine practitioners, It can also help you reconcile yin and yang and suppress the backlash of the heavenly light energy."


Double repair medicine person? "

"Yes, this dual repair medicinal man is a top dual repair medicinal furnace nourished by countless treasures of heaven and earth, no matter how many yuan yin is, it cannot be compared with it.

I think that after the ancestors use it, they will surely increase their skill greatly, get twice the result with half the effort, and cultivate one thousand miles in a day. "


"The child never dared to deceive the ancestors!"

Yuanhua prostrated deeply on the ground, solemn on the surface.

The old ancestor was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about it carefully. After a while, he saw a golden light burst out of the clouds, like a searchlight, covering Yuan Hua's entire body.

Yuan Hua couldn't help but shook severely, and suddenly felt that the wound he was about to heal suddenly emitted a strong burning sensation.

Then, he found a weird red light on the wounded area, which seemed to be struggling fiercely, but was quickly dissipated by the golden light and disappeared.

In the end, an indescribable vitality filled his body, and he suddenly felt that he was born again.

Looking down, as expected, his lost part was restored again, and he was as good as ever.

"Thank you ancestors!"

I was overjoyed, Yuan Hua repeatedly bowed and bowed.

The golden light disappeared, and the ancestor's voice sounded in the sky again: "Your wounds have not been healed because there is a sky-level haze energy surrounding it, which decomposes all the medicine.

Now that the old man has dissipated the energy, you are all right. "

"Yes, ancestor, thank you ancestor!"

"But remember, don't provoke the Naluo family anymore."

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor further exhorted: "The energy attribute of the sky-level haze element is decomposing, and the energy of the sky-level light element is activated. These two powers are originally the power of water and fire.

Our Hehuan sect only has one light beast, but the Luo family has one hundred thousand year-end accumulation. Who knows how many spirit beasts are hidden in the clan, and how many attributes?

Maybe, they have all seven attributes.

So for such a wealthy family, we have to stay away.

Even though everyone is a super family, but the background is different, understand? "

"Yes, ancestors, I promise not to provoke them."

Nodding fixedly, Yuanhua solemnly said: "In three months, you will have a thousand years of life.

In these three months, I will organize a birthday banquet for you, lively and lively, and will not go out to cause trouble again. "

"Well, I will leave the customs in three months, and see how amazing your dual medicine repairer is. I hope I won't let the old man down."

An ancestor's last instruction came from the clouds in the sky, Yuan Hua grinned, eyes gleaming.

Don't worry, you will never be disappointed, hehe.

At the same time, on the other hand, after saving the 90 million young girls from Yingwu City, Yang Feng and the others quickly set off on their way.

Considering that they are looking for aimlessly now, Luo Yinghao also has a tourist mentality, so Yang Feng planned to take them back to Yunzhou Xiongfeng Mansion first.

At the very least, A Yue and A Ri, A Xing and the others have to meet.

On the way back, he suddenly encountered a familiar aircraft.

Yang Feng looked intently, and saw that it was no other spiritual weapon, it was undoubtedly the magic cloud cave.

"Hey, I met an acquaintance, come forward to say hello."

Yang Feng grinned, and immediately stopped him: "Stop, I drive this mountain, and I plant this tree. If you want to pass this time, you will stay to buy road money.

squeak! The flying spirit weapon stopped abruptly, and a group of black-clothed people rushed out in a file, cursing: "Who are you?

Blind your dog's eyes, even dare to stop the road of our Demon Cloud Cave, don't you want to live?

Brothers, come on, chop this kid into mash..." "Stop! "

However, as soon as the man's voice fell, a loud shout rang out, and then a graceful man flew out of the aircraft.

No one else, but Yang Feng's old partner, Qin Shanhai undoubtedly.

Qin Shanhai couldn't help but see that the bold thief who blocked the road and robbed was Yang Feng, who had been missing for more than half a year, and couldn't help but said, "Who would dare to be such a bachelor in this entire spiritual world, he came alone to rob him, it turned out to be Brother Yang. You, hahaha!"

"Uh...Master, do you know him?"

"Yes, old friend."

Nodding his head, Qin Shanhai smiled and sent his subordinates away: "You all go back, I will tell my old friend."

"Yes, son!"

After everyone had left, Qin Shanhai flew in front of Yang Feng, took a deep look at him and said, "Brother Yang, you are really fine.

How long has it been since I left you to take Yangjiapu, you have already won the Wufu site.

It is estimated that in history, the spirit world heroes have not expanded their power faster than you. "

"Why, you already know?"

"Of course, I went to see you, and they said that you are going to travel as a shopkeeper."

Yang Tian smiled dumbly, Qin Shanhai gently patted Yang Feng on the shoulder, and exclaimed: "You are really a Palace Master Xiaoyao, let's go, where have you been cool recently?

Why did you go to England? "

Shaking his head noncommittal, Yang Feng said lightly: "I just take a walk and see the great rivers and mountains in this spiritual world.

It's your Demon Cloud Cave, where are you going to play with such a big fanfare? "

"Hey, we don't fight anywhere, just to celebrate our birthday."


"Yes, the thousand-year-old birthday of the ancestor of Acacia Sect."

With a slight smile, Qin Shanhai settled down.

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