Alien God System

Chapter 1339: Let's get married

Staring closely at the Poison King, Yang Feng's eyes flashed with sparkling light.

That’s right, when he heard the sound of the piano during the day, he hurried to the neighboring courtyard to inspect it, because he heard the source of this piece of music, and only he and a few friends in the lower world knew it. How come the tune of the song appeared here?

Otherwise, is it true that he has gotten to the brain and went to pick up girls with just the sound of the piano?

He is not a scholar of scholarly family, he likes to make friends with the piano.

He just wanted to see if anyone from the lower realm had come.

The Poison King licked his dry lips, and after hesitated a little, he muttered: "Know the teacher, the girl in this song was taught by the old man."

"You taught?"

"Yes, this girl was presented as a birthday gift to the ancestors of Acacia. She was not willing. When she first came, she was in a low mood. The old man taught her this song to relieve the depression in her heart. I did not expect that she really liked it. Ask the lord Forgive me!"

The Poison King bowed deeply and his face was full of sorrow. Yang Feng waved his hand indifferently and said in a strange way: "Old Poison, you are only teaching a tune, what's the sin?"

"The old man has not obtained the permission of the leader. Pass the music composed by the leader to others. Ask the lord for forgiveness!"

"Hi, what is this?

Anyway, the copyright in this world is not too important. I often copy other people's, and I don't pay people any copyright fees. This is nothing, hahaha. "

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng was clear: "It's just that this girl is so young that she will be forced to be forced to be a concubine by a thousand-year-old guy, which is really pitiful.

I deeply deplore this unhealthy trend and express severe condemnation.

This world is too filthy and has no human rights. How can the population be sent casually?

by! "

"Brother, let's grab the marriage."

Hearing what he said, the white waves on the side immediately clenched his fists with excitement, and laughed: "My hands have been itchy for a few months. Let's **** away the old guy's concubine together to help the girl escape the sea of ​​suffering. kind?"


As soon as the words came out, the Poison King screamed and waved his hand: "Young man, don't be impulsive, this is the Hehuan Sect, the territory of a super-class family.

That girl is also different from me, the old man is missing and nobody cares.

If the girl disappears, the people of the Hehuan Sect will chase you to the end of the world.

The little concubine of the ancestor of Acacia, can you take it away casually? "

"Hi, what are you afraid of?

It's a mere Acacia Sect, I don't care about it, hehehe. "

With a wicked smile, Bai Lang was full of fighting spirit, and stared at Yang Feng closely: "Brother, as long as you say a word, we will start the fight."

"Master, no!"

Seeing this stunned green look reckless, the poison king couldn't help but could not help but quickly looked towards Yang Feng, his eyes were full of eagerness, and his head was covered with cold sweat.

Because he knew that their family Yang Jiao was mainly instigated, not much calmer than this dumbfounded.

These two hot-blooded youths mixed together, and the ghost knew whether he would poke the sky out.

Yang Feng blinked his innocent big eyes, looked at the excitement and hope in Bai Lang's eyes, and then looked at the tension and eagerness in the eyes of Poison King. He grinned immediately and waved his hand indifferently: "Hey, this is the family affair of the Hehuan Sect. , What's the matter if we blend in?

Wash and sleep after you eat the supper, don't make trouble. "


Brother, didn't you hate this unhealthy trend just now?

Why now..." "Yes, I hate this unhealthy trend of old cows eating tender grass. The old cows have eaten the tender grass. What about our calves?

There is no grass to eat, so..." Yang Feng grinned as he said, "I decided to record the video from this birthday banquet, and send it back to Moments, so that everyone can condemn this unhealthy trend. Show the social superiority of my Xiongfeng Mansion, hehehe. "

I go! Rolling his eyes, Bai Lang turned his head and ignored him.

Yang Feng looked up to the sky and smiled dumbly, murmured: "Everyone sweeps the snow before the door, this world, that's it.

No one is too lazy to get involved if things are not up to their heads.

That girl is not my wife, and the Hehuan Sect is not in my way. Can I be guilty of grabbing relatives for a while?

Besides, maybe the girl is still happy?

Although the married man is an old man, this is a super-class family, a wealthy family.

Right, old poison? "

"Uh... yes yes yes, the leader is wise, hehehe."

He nodded in a hurry, and the Poison King let out a long suffocating breath, wiped the cold sweat on his head, feeling lucky.

Fortunately, the leader is not a selfless, righteous man.

Otherwise, I guess I can't stop him.

If he angered the Hehuan Sect because of this, wouldn't it mean he was harmed, and my disciple's painstaking efforts would be in vain, alas! The Poison King sighed, but suddenly, Yang Feng suddenly asked: "By the way, Old Poison, you are now a member of the Hehuan Sect. Then, do you know all the guests of the Hehuan Sect at this birthday banquet?"

"I know, what, what command does the leader have?"

"I'll just ask you, is there a sect called Yanhuo Palace to celebrate birthday?"


Yanhuo Palace? "

His body shook, and the heart of Poison King that had just relaxed, instantly tightened again, and a fine cold sweat oozes from his head again.

Yang Feng blinked his innocent big eyes and glanced at him: "What's wrong, why are you suddenly nervous?

Don't I just ask Yanhuo Palace, what's the problem? "

"No, no..." With his head shaking like a rattle, Poison Wang Cancan smiled: "The people from Yanhuo Palace are indeed here, but they have a good relationship with the Young Master Hehuan. Is it over?

The old man is worried that if you find trouble in Yanhuo Palace in this place, it will be against you. "

"Oh, so you are worried about this, ha ha ha."

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng said with a light smile: "Don't worry, I have nothing to do with Yanhuo Palace, I just want to ask them about someone."

"Who are you asking?"

"The Red Flame Demon Fairy in Yanhuo Palace, do you know?"

"Uh... don't know!"

After hesitating, the Poison King shook his head quickly.

Yang Feng nodded slightly: "It's normal if you don't know each other, and she's not a big man.

But you help me pay attention, if there is any news about her, tell me immediately. "

"Yes, the leader!"

"Well, then... just do it."

He had been chatting with this old man for a long while, and when he knew his current situation, Yang Feng was relieved. He looked up and saw that it was not too early, and waved his hand.

"If there is nothing wrong, you should go back first, and when I finish my work in the Hehuan Sect, I will take you away."

"Yes, the leader, the subordinates retire!"

Determined to nod his head, the Poison King bowed and left.

A quarter of an hour later, the Poison King returned to the original courtyard, knelt down in front of the door of the man who played the piano, and informed the inside of everything tonight. A surprise came from inside.

"What you said is true?

The reason why the leader came to Hehuan Sect was to find me? "

"The leader is always indifferent, stingy, lazy and good-looking.

Although he was full of words that he came to the banquet for the birthday gift of five spirit stones, the real point is to inquire about your whereabouts.

The old man has been with the leader for so many years, I can still see his thoughts, Wuer. "

The poison king's beard trembled slightly, and he chuckled slightly...

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