Alien God System

Chapter 1369: Possess

"Third Army, Flying Geese, Charge!"

"Ten-Rank high-level spells, beacon fires!"

"Eleventh-Rank Intermediate Combat Skill, Ten Heavy Slashes of Qi Yun!"

...Boom boom boom! It bursts loudly, one after another, one after another, continuously.

The two soldiers have red eyes, and they are endlessly dying. The anger in their eyes is as if the other party killed their father and enemy.

To be honest, even if the ten empires were combined, the enmity among people was not so great. Why?

Yang Feng was stunned, and then the money fell, waving his hand: "Brothers, I am the leader of the Nine Nations, Yang Feng, please stop for a while!"


He didn't even pay attention to his words, and no one even looked at him with a straight eye, and everyone was still killing him.

Yang Feng was angry and shouted: "You don't stop, just don't give Lao Tzu face, then don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude."

Iron Fist of Justice! With that said, Yang Feng was already punching the heads of a pair of high-ranking generals who were struggling to fight. For fear that he was too powerful, he killed the two directly and Yang Feng also collected a lot of strength.

However, when he really hit the two of them, his fist slammed through between their bodies.

And the soldiers they wielded constantly shuttled in Yang Feng's body, as if they were people from two worlds, they did not interfere with each other.

"I'm going, what's the matter?

I can't touch them, nor can they touch me?

Am I a ghost? "

Yang Feng looked strange and authentic.

Ding! At this time, the system voice sounded: "Friendly reminder, the player is now in the soul state, has no entity, and cannot have any influence on the material world."

"Can't make any impact?

What about my spiritual and martial skills? "

"When the player is in the primordial spirit state, no skills can be used, and people in the material world cannot perceive you.

Likewise, they can't have any influence on you. "

"I'm going, then what am I doing when I come back?

Others can't see me or touch me, where is my wife?

How do you slap? "

Yang Feng had some regrets in his heart, and at the same time he was even more puzzled how this war came about?

Could it be that Laozi’s apprentice ruled against the world?

It has only been a few years now, and finally the unified world has fallen apart again.

Alas, I have to say, without Lao Tzu's wise leadership, they really can't do it, tusk.

Yang Feng sighed in his heart, and then said: "Then how can I give play to Lao Tzu's invincible strength that day, and quell this war?

Otherwise, I would be even more anxious just looking at their helplessness! "

"To activate the skill again, the player must have an entity, which can be attached to someone or something first."

"You mean... I can possess?"

"Yes, you can attach any dead objects.

If it is a living being, as long as the opponent's soul is far less powerful than you, you can suppress the opponent's soul and occupy its body. "

"This is God's surrender!"

Yang Feng nodded clearly, already understanding.

When he was in the spirit world, he had seen the phenomenon of the surrender of the two-faced gods, and he was able to handle a single person, and he was suddenly possessed.

Unexpectedly, he could do all this now.

Suddenly, Yang Feng felt that he was finally a bit godly now, and unscrupulously occupied the bodies of mortals and manipulated them.

At the beginning, when the evil **** came to the lower realm to support the believers, he also had to occupy Qiu Xiaotian and their bodies to make a move.

Only now, who will he occupy?

Yang Feng was a little eager to try, choosing his own body among the millions of people.

Ding! At this time, the system's voice revived: "When you are possessed, the other party has a sense of trust in you, the easier it is to possess, and the less energy the player consumes, otherwise rejection may occur."

"sense of trust?

I don't know them, what kind of trust do I have? "

Yang Feng scratched his head, not knowing why, but he heard a weak voice suddenly sounded: "God of War Yang Tiandi, bless our army to a great victory, otherwise this battle will be defeated, and the enemy will definitely capture the city of Haoyang where our army is stationed. .

There are my parents and sisters, they will definitely be slaughtered, so please bless us, oooooo..." "Yang Tiandi? "

Yang Feng turned to look, and saw that it was a man lying in a pool of blood, already dying, but he was holding a jade medal in his hand, and printed on it was a man with a majestic man holding a long knife, just like Yang Feng. .

Especially when this man kept praying, there were golden spots of light oozing out, floating towards Yang Feng.

Obviously, this person is his believer and is providing him with the power of faith.

It’s just that Yang Feng didn’t know, when did he become a **** of war, and was still worshipped by the people as the emperor of heaven?

Shaking his head with a smile, Yang Feng's eyes flashed, and he stared at the man closely: "Since you prayed sincerely, then I, as your idol, can't let you down. Let me help you. ."

call out! As he said, Yang Feng jumped into the body and turned into a stream of light and penetrated into that person's body.

Suddenly, the person's body shook and became sluggish, but soon, the sacred light was restored in the pupils, shining brightly, and full of the temperament of a superior.

Obviously, this young general is no longer the dying ant just now, but Yang Feng is occupying his body.

Slowly getting up, Yang Feng stretched out in the chaotic army. He felt sore all over his body. He grinned and said: "Mom sells the license. How many knives did this kid have on his body? It hurts.

I have never suffered such a serious injury in my entire life. "

"Sixth-Rank high-level magic, rebirth healing technique!"

Snapped! As he said, Yang Feng snapped his fingers, and the flesh immediately emitted a bright green light, but before a while, it was already intact.

"Brother Big Niu!"

At this time, a small soldier chopped down two opponents and ran over happily, with tears in his eyes: "You're all right, great.

I just saw that you were stabbed a dozen times and fell into a pool of blood. I thought it was hopeless.

Unexpectedly, you are still alive,'s so good..." ", what do you call it? "

Yang Feng took a deep look at him and asked.

The soldier was taken aback and touched his forehead with a worried expression on his face: "Brother Daniel, shouldn't you be smashed in the head by someone, are you stupid?"

I’m Ergouzi. We grew up playing together. We came out of a village and joined the army. Did you forget? "

I'm going. What kind of village is this? Is it a cow or a dog? Is it a zoo?

Yang Feng couldn't help but smile, but he was relieved after thinking about it.

Village? Of course, the most common are pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

It's normal for people in the village to name their children and take local materials.

call out! Suddenly, at this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a black-faced man wielded two hammers and rushed over with his teeth and claws. Everywhere he passed, a group of soldiers were easily smashed into pieces of meat. Splashes of blood.

"Missing things, let me roll it all, I'm looking for your pioneer, Hong Duchi, not you ants, hahaha!"

"Brother Big Niu, it's the minced meat Tiangang from the opposing army. Run to thunder and beat, let's run quickly, otherwise even the whole body will be gone."

When Ergouzi saw him, his face was pale with fright, and he was pissing, but he didn't have time to escape.

bump! With a loud noise, the big man playing with the two hammers was flying upside down and fell back. With a bang, he smashed a big hole and couldn't get up.

Yang Feng looked at him indifferently, a stubborn calf flying up under everyone's astonished eyes...

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