Alien God System

Chapter 1401: New Era

"What are you doing?"

Seeing all this, everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

Black water floats in the air, with great spiritual power in his hand, and smiles coldly: "I want you to see clearly, this is a broken statue, the Emperor Yang Tian that you admire in your heart is a fake, he is just an ordinary mortal. ."

"Rank twelve low-level water spells, Black Storm Snow Slash!"

Boom boom boom! As soon as the voice fell, countless black ice tornadoes descended from the nine heavens, raging towards the huge statue of Yang Feng, but the black tornadoes disappeared as soon as they touched the holy light on the statue. .

When Yang Feng saw this, his eyes lit up, and his heart was amazed.

In fact, he didn't know why the statue suddenly emitted white light after his soul entered this statue, but he felt that the moment the white light was emitting, it calmed his soul a lot.

The original impatience disappeared, and a heart calmed down.

When Heishui used the twelfth-rank spell to destroy the statue, Yang Feng originally wanted to use his magical skills to resist, but he never expected that the white light on the statue itself had a strong defensive power.

Although Heishui's tricks are strong, they can't help it.

Seeing this scene, Yang Feng was shocked and curious, and at the same time relieved a lot.

Hei Shui was completely stunned. The soldiers below were all stunned, their eyes glistened, and they shouted: "Seeing that, the twelfth-grade spells actually don’t even have any skin on the statue. Damage is indeed a miracle from Emperor Yang Tian!"


He couldn't help but twitched fiercely. Hei Shui couldn't believe it was true. He furiously said, "This must be the other party's blind eye spell. The brothers from the Nether Palace went together and destroyed this bewitching statue. !"

Roar! As soon as the words fell, the remnants of the Nether Palace violently violently used their strongest skills to bombard the sculpture, but no matter how strong they were, they could not damage the statue.

Reluctantly shook his head, Yang Feng couldn't help but laugh, and then his heart moved.

call! The holy light spread from the statue, and everyone in Heishui felt as if they had been hit by the mountains, and they all flew out in an instant.

When he fell to the ground, his face was pale, he was vomiting blood, and his breath was dying.

Dozens of the strongest cultivators on the continent were all defeated in one breath, making everyone present were shocked.

"It can't be wrong. Except for Yang Tiandi's elder man's appearance, mortals in the world, who can have such strength?

Bye everyone! "

Wow! Suddenly, the saint disarmament in the palace bowed down one after another, kowtow again and again.

Not only them, all the people who saw this scene through the big screens all over the world also knelt down very consciously.

Yang Feng, who was hiding in the statue, felt that his power of faith at this moment seemed to have reached a peak and was more full, but this was not what he wanted at the moment.


Hei Shui gritted his teeth unwillingly, barely supported his body, stared at the holy statue, but his pupils shrank, and finally lowered his head feebly, lamenting in his heart.

Failed again, defeated again by this mysterious man.

Could it be... Has he really become a **** and descended into the world?

At this time, even if Heishui didn't want to believe it anymore, he had to face reality.

Huang Laojiu walked out proudly, saw the situation reversed, and laughed immediately: "Now you know who is the orthodox inheritor of Lord Yang Tiandi.

Come here, tie up those traitors to me, Qiuhou asked Zhan. "

"Uh... yes!"

With the manifestation of Yang Feng's miracle, these saints no longer dared to rebel against the senior leaders of the Nine Nations Alliance. They immediately went to catch Heishui and them, but before they could do anything, Yang Feng suddenly said: "Slow!"

"Master Yang Tian, ​​what else can you tell me?"

Everyone stagnated and hurriedly worshipped again.

"If you have a cause, you will have an effect! If you are really happy and happy, you shouldn't just follow the rebellion because of some words of separation?"

"Uh, this..." The body stagnated, and all the saints sighed and bowed their heads. After a while, people began to bow and cry.

"My enlightenment to Emperor Yang Tian, ​​the national materials are monopolized by the chamber of commerce you left behind, and other merchants cannot get involved in any commercial business.

When you were alive, prices were fairly stable.

But after that, the Chamber of Commerce kept raising prices, and we could no longer afford it. "

"Master Yang Tiandi, the farm used to be owned by individual farmers. Now they are all owned by the alliance. All farmers have become tenant tenants. We don't see any hope in the future."

"Master Yang Tiandi, the officials and officials are protecting each other, and the grievances continue.

In the past, when you were alive, we could still sue in front of you, but then we were all under the care of the local dog officer, and even the power to sue was lost. We also said that we discredited the prosperous world, we...bitter, woooo! "

…Everyone underneath talked one by one. After Yang Feng heard it, his face gradually became gloomy, and he suddenly said: "That's good, if your situation is not the same, the deity will look down on you.

It's have your own reasons for opposing, why do you still use the name of the deity? "

"Because you have a reputation, you can recruit more people in the same way.

After all, you said at the beginning that where there is oppression, there is resistance! "

"Well, that makes sense!"

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng said with a smile: "Since you have such a strong reason for starting the army, why should the leader be guilty?

He just used my name to stand up for you.

You are in your early days, but you want to tie him up and hand him over. Is it too unjust? "


Everyone was taken aback, all of them were inexplicable, and Heishui was also startled in shock, not knowing what Yang Feng meant.

Huang Laojiu looked bitter and wailed: "Brother Feng, where are you standing on?

Why do I get more and more wrong? "

"I stand on the side of the people!"

Yang Feng gave a faint smile and continued: "Although the Nine Nations Alliance is the team I left behind, I left these people at that time for the sake of peace in the world.

Now that they can't protect this world, and they have caused chaos in the world, they don't have the qualifications to sit in this seat again, what do you think? "

"Thank you Lord Tiandi for your support!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Holy Disarmament was grateful, and the people all over the world were boiling over.

Unexpectedly, after the reappearance of Yang Tiandi's supernatural power, he could wipe off all his subordinates back then. It was really a god's chest.

But before they were happy, Yang Feng said again: "But have you ever thought about it? They don't take this seat, who do you plan to let sit?


Black water?

Or other people who look like dogs?

You should think about the magic of this seat. Anyone who sits on it may change it.

You struggled to drive away an interest group that abused power, and there will be a second one. Do you still have the strength to get rid of another?

How much are you going to pay by then? "

Uh, this... suddenly, everyone was speechless.

"What should change is not the person who sits in this position, but this era."

With a grim expression, Yang Feng settled down: "We need to enter a new era, from feudalism to the era of capitalism.

Although this era is not perfect, it is better than the previous one. History must advance. "

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