Alien God System

Chapter 1453: Brother Feng is Brother Feng

Quiet, deadly quiet! Yang Feng is still like before, boringly drawing circles on the ground, his face is as calm as a lake.

The three young girls were already staring, and their throats were like a fly stuffed with them, and they couldn't speak.

At this moment, Yang Feng seemed to be hundreds of times taller in their eyes instantly, becoming an existence that they would never touch.

Tu Ganglie also stared at Yang Feng in a daze, grumbled, swallowed hard, and smiled brightly: "Brother Feng, are you kidding me?

I remember that we came to the spirit world at the same time. Why did you develop so fast?

In just a few years, have you become a first-class family leader?

Could it also recognize your godfather? "

"The godfather who recognizes you!"

Snapped! Yang Feng picked up a stone directly, threw it on Tu Ganglie's head, and said with a smile: "In this world, except for the original in the lower realm, who is worthy of being Lao Tzu's father, he is not afraid of losing his life.

Besides, not everyone is as lucky as you. As soon as I came to the spirit world, I came to the land of a second-rate family, and was appreciated by the second-rate family leader. He instantly reached the pinnacle of life, as if reborn in the landlord’s house. Same, I am miserable. "

"Why, you are..." "I fell into a third-rate family, and I started out as a fourth-class untouchable."

"What, you were just a fourth-class untouchable from a third-rate family."

Tu Ganglie was startled and shouted: "Then why are you now the lord of Yunzhou again?"

"Of course I worked hard!"

With a proud look on his chest, Yang Feng smiled lightly: "Although we have a bad background, we are strong.

So, I started from the third-rate family, first occupied the third-rate family territory, then captured the second-rate family, and finally took down Yunzhou. I am the largest in Yunzhou.

You should understand that Brother Feng was originally from a rebel background.

How did we unify the lower realm, now how to unify the spiritual realm.

A mere four-class slavery wants to suppress me?

No way, cut! "

Yang Feng raised his chin quickly, unspeakably wild in his eyes.

Tu Ganglie looked at Yang Feng deeply, feeling dumbfounded, and finally couldn't help but praised: "Brother Feng is Brother Feng, no matter where he goes, he is a generation of heroes!"

Even the three girls, looking at Yang Feng at this time, became more and more admired.

Only now did they finally realize that what Tu Ganglie had previously bragged to them was true, and that Yang Feng was truly a hero.

Perceiving the changes in the eyes of the three girls, Yang Feng couldn't help but raised his head even more, slandering.

Sure enough, the value of a man has to be set off by his career.


After waiting a little, Tu Ganglie smacked his lips and said, "Um... Since you are the lord of Yunzhou, is my foster father alive or dead now?"

Yes, how is our father now?

Hearing what he said, the three women also recovered from the shock of Yang Feng and looked at him longingly.

With a sneer, Yang Feng shrugged dismissively: "Where do I know this?"

"Aren't you the master of Yunzhou, why don't you know?"

"Please, look at me like this, is it obviously on vacation? How do you know how the specific affairs of the company are going?

When I left Yunzhou, I just ordered them to start expanding their territory. As for the specific operations, the following was entirely responsible, so I won't get involved.

Gang Lie, you should understand Brother Feng's way of governance, which is to govern by doing nothing, which gives the following great freedoms. "

With a chuckle, Yang Feng shrugged: "Besides, I am the head of Yunzhou, but at the highest level of Yunzhou, the chairman of Yunzhou Group, like the life and death of a second-rate host of the enemy, I need to care about such trivial matters. ?

If I have to do this kind of thing myself, personally direct, personally deploy, and personally take charge, it can only mean that I have raised a bunch of trash under me. It is my biggest dereliction of duty, understand? "

Uh...understood! Hearing his words, Tu Ganglie nodded clearly.

The three girls of the Shi family became more and more worried. They looked at Yang Feng and stopped talking. Finally, Rong Rong gritted her teeth and said: "Yang...the governor, just now we had eyes but did not know Taishan. Offend, please forgive me.

Now that the entire Xiangzhou is occupied by the Yunzhou Army, the life or death of our father is uncertain. Could you please help us to check the whereabouts of our father, please. "

With that said, Rongrong bowed deeply.

The other two girls met and bowed down.

Yang Feng rubbed his chin and considered a little, then looked at Tu Ganglie, seeing that he was also begging, and immediately nodded and said: "It's easy to say that the heads of the Yunzhou military department are now two old generals Dugu and Yelu. Know them too.

You go to Yunzhou with Ganglie, just ask them.

As for life or death, it all depends on your father's good fortune.

War? That's it. Death and injury are inevitable. It has nothing to do with personal grievances. "

"If your father didn't become a prisoner and died in the battle, he felt that it was all because of me. If I am your father's enemy, it doesn't matter if you ask me for revenge.

For the sake of staunch, I won't touch your hair. "

"Dare not..." The three women hurriedly said while shaking their heads.

Tu Ganglie grinned and said, "Where can I go here, Brother Feng, this spiritual world is inherently impermanent."

Can you help us find the righteous [biquge] father, we are too grateful, where can we complain?

Besides, you are not personally responsible for this war. "

"As the owner of Yunzhou, I am responsible for everything in Yunzhou.

So no matter who wants revenge for this matter, he will come to me, and it has nothing to do with others. "

With a chuckle, Yang Feng waved his hand indifferently: "Go, go, I hope your foster father has become a glorious prisoner and didn't sacrifice on the battlefield."

Eh! Tu Ganglie smiled and nodded, then said, "Brother Feng, you... won't you go with us?"

"I won't go back for now, I'm going to see the holy mountain.

Maybe there will be the biggest goal our Yunzhou Army will contribute! "


You plan to attack... No, Brother Feng, it is the territory of a super-class family! "

Tu Ganglie couldn't help but slap his tongue.

A confident smile crossed the corner of Yang Feng's mouth: "So what?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng turned and flew into the sky.

Seeing his distant back, Tu Ganglie was a little dull, and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile: "Brother Feng is Brother Feng, and he is the same as before, watching the world, fearless, we really can't compare!"

"A hero!"

The third daughter of Rongrong couldn't help but let out a sigh at this time, looking in the direction of Yang Feng's departure, her eyes shone, and little stars appeared.

Tu Ganglie glanced slantingly, suddenly a sharp spirit, and smiled bitterly: "Brother Feng is Brother Feng, and the same as before, woman killer!"

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