Alien God System

Chapter 1481: Goodbye Lin Fei

Yueqing felt very confused, even inexplicable.

Judging from his so many years of flattering experience, it is a good time to jump out at this moment and gain momentum for the leadership.

Even if you can't win the favor of the leader, it is great to be able to add fuel to the fire, kill people with the knife, and make Yang Feng and the group offend the super-class family, and then be beheaded by this elder.

Unfortunately, what he didn't understand was that this super-class family is also very cautious towards these players.

Anyone who can pass the first level selection is likely to have a background, especially these strange strengths, just like Yang Feng now, he clearly comes from a second-rate family, but has the strength of a superb family master.

Obviously, there is a **** behind him.

Whether it is a Cthulhu, a Righteous God, or a Demon God, these ordinary people like them can't afford it anyway.

People with backgrounds are awesome at all times, how can they be provoked?

"Go away, don't be an eyesore here!" In the end, the black-robed old man gave Yue Qing a fierce look, and after swearing, he looked at Yang Feng and the others, immediately made a very humble gesture of please, and laughed: "Everyone, please join the team. I will announce important things later.

I interrupted the three of you to rest in the morning, sorry, ha ha ha! "

Puff puff puff...a mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out, and all the second-rate family princes who were present looked at this scene, they all looked silly.

Yueqing returned to his position with a face full of irritation, muttering: "Why are all these virtues like this?

That time, Lord God King called him brothers and sisters, and finally let us out of anger.

This old man has the same attitude this time, I don't understand, what is so good about this kid, how can anyone take care of him like that? Damn! "

Ignoring Yueqing’s complaints, the black-robed old man saw that everyone had arrived, so he solemnly said: "Today afternoon, after lunch, the old man will take you to the second round of selection. ready."

What, the second round, is it coming?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present raised their faces solemnly, and their brows constricted deeply.

They all experienced the cruelty of the first round.

Of the players from the second-rate family, only 20 of them survived, and the third-rate family was even more miserable.

This second round will probably be more cruel than the first round.

Suddenly, everyone nervously sweated their palms and returned to their homes one after another to start preparing.

Some re-screened their spiritual weapons pill to prepare for emergencies; some re-mastered their martial arts techniques to prevent rushing by then; in Yueqing, they hurriedly worshipped the gods, this second round, As long as there is the help of the Supreme God King, they shouldn't have much problem.

As for Yang Feng and the crowd, Nangong Yueyi gave himself a divination to the three of them, with confidence; Feng Yu, for some reason, practiced cooking in the courtyard, probably after listening to her Qinglong brother’s suggestion to control a man’s heart , Control his stomach first; as for Yang Feng, he went back to the room again and began to fall asleep.

In short, at this moment, all the players are hurriedly preparing for the second round of selection in the afternoon.

Time passed by, and soon before the time had come, the black-robed old man came again to greet everyone.

People gathered together in a nervous mood, ready to go.

Only Yang Feng, rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning, followed the team in a misty manner.

The black-robed old man glanced sideways, slandering.

I go, this kid sleeps from morning to noon, so relaxed.

But it’s no wonder that people with backgrounds don’t have to worry, ha ha ha.

Shaking his head and laughing, the elder black robe flew all the way to a towering peak. When he came here, he saw a magnificent colosseum on the peak, with a radius of tens of millions of square meters.

People just took a look, and their hearts couldn't stop beating wildly, secretly wondering.

Worthy of being a superb family, it was actually able to build such a huge building on a high mountain.

In this Colosseum, I am afraid it can fit a whole third-rate family's territory.

People looked as if Grandma Liu had come to the Grand View Garden. They looked left and right around the Colosseum in surprise, and walked in with the black robe old man.

The guards around, majestic, standing in every corner of the Colosseum, how spectacular.


Afei, you are here too, long time no see, hahaha! "

Suddenly, Yang Feng's eyes lit up, he saw an acquaintance, and immediately stepped forward to say hello.

That person was no one else, but was the captain of the Yan Jiawei who had been his guard for a while, Lin Fei undoubtedly.

Lin Fei was surprised to see Yang Feng also coming, and said with a smile, "Patriarch Yang, are you here too?"

"Yeah, I'm idle anyway, let's join in the fun."

With a grin, Yang Feng patted him on the shoulder, and then lowered his voice: "But this time I am here under a pseudonym, Tu Ganglie. You will call me Brother Tu in the future, don't say anything."


Did you come by a pseudonym?

Isn't that deceiving the heads of the super-class families? "

"It's me who lied to them. What is your business?

You can call it that way. "

Yang Feng glared at him, and Lin Fei hesitated and said suspiciously: "It's a good thing to say that this selection is to absorb worldly talented people and strengthen the power of super-class families. Why are you using a pseudonym instead of your real name?

With your strength, you should be expected to enter a super-class family. "

Alas, silly boy, it seems that you have no idea about the true purpose of this selection.

But this is also normal. Who makes you insufficient?

Looking at your hard work and acting as a front for leaders, you know that you are only the bottom of this family. Where can you get access to the core secrets?

Yang Feng laughed and shook his head, but didn't break it.

And because of this, Lin Fei didn't know that Yang Feng was a matter of the devil. Otherwise, the family heads might have known the relationship between Yang Feng and Yan Yurou.

After pondering a little, Yang Feng laughed and said: "I have offended people. If I reveal my identity now, I will definitely be crushed.

If you are lucky enough to be a member of a super-class family, then don't be afraid, at least the other party can't kill me.

Don’t your super-class families have regulations, internal conflicts, internal resolution, hehehe. "


Are you offending people?

Who did you offend? "

Lin Fei was puzzled, and asked: "No matter who you offend, no one would dare to attack the Holy Mountain in this selection, unless you offend a certain super-class family."

"Unfortunately, I just offended a super first-class family, so that I was so incognito."


Do you really dare to offend someone from a super-class family? "

Hearing his words, Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked: "Then who did you offend?

How did it offend?

Is it serious? "

That... slapped his lips twice, Yang Feng grinned, and said indifferently: "Hey, it's not a big deal, I just beat the situation of that Kuang family to Lingyun, and then the whole state is publicly tried and sentenced. He is only a life sentence, no big deal, hahaha!"


You actually gave the Kuang family a public trial? "

Hearing this, Lin Fei was shocked and his face was pale, with his mouth wide open, he could fit two salted duck eggs...

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