Alien God System

Chapter 1489: Shameless

The terrifying space distortion raged for a full quarter of an hour before it was able to stop. Everything was turned into ruins. Only after Nangong Yueyi didn't have that strong suction power, they thumped and fell to the ground, and fell to the ground.

Feng Yu also retracted the tail of the fire he had tied to them, wiped the cold sweat on his head, exhaled, and then looked at the tough man with a pale face.

The man didn’t pay attention to Feng Yu and the others. He just looked at the trembling void ahead indifferently, with a sad smile curled up at the corner of his mouth: “You guys of heaven, don’t blame me for being too cruel to you. Blame your ancestors.

To put it bluntly, you are just a small interest for atonement for your ancestors. "

As he said, the man turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly he heard a sweet voice: "Yang...uhhhhh...what are you doing?"

"Didn't I say it, don't call it!"

"Don't call it anything?

You rascal, get up from me! "

This voice is very beautiful, and anxious, it has a sense of shame and anger.

The pale-faced man shook his body and turned around abruptly. He saw that beneath the already covered ashes underground, he was undulating regularly, and there were heavy breathing sounds.

With a flick of his brow, the man's face was shocked, but he didn't know why.

Could it be possible that there are still people alive just after I was destroyed?

how is this possible?

Just rely on the scum strength of these people?

Looking at the undulating soil, Feng Yu's cheeks reddened. He didn't know where he thought of it, and said angrily: "What are you doing underneath?

Come out to me! "

boom! With a loud noise, Feng Yu just arbitrarily set up his sleeves, and a gust of wind swept over the thick land, revealing a scene where the two people underneath were unsightly.

At this moment, Yan Yurou was flushed under the female and the male, her face was flushed under her body by the old man, Yang Feng, glaring at her, tears were about to come out.

Yang Feng looked eager, shaking his head and winking at her, as if he wanted to tell her something, but he couldn't say it clearly.

"Yang...uhhhh..." Yan Yurou was unclear, so she was about to call out, but Yang Feng slammed into her mouth and sealed the small cherry mouth with her mouth, immediately rushing Yan Yurou into confusion with her small feet. Huang wanted to struggle, but Yang Feng pressed his arms with both hands, and couldn't escape.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Yueyi and the others were dumbfounded.

Wow, Brother Feng is really a real man. The enemy does not forget to be happy and happy at the moment, admire him.

Feng Yu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he roared: "Shut up, what are you two doing?

Shameless in broad daylight. "

"Hey, Old Man Yan, that's your daughter, Yurou."

At this time, in the chamber, a group of old guys also witnessed the scene in front of them, and they were completely stunned: "That kid is so bold. It is so frivolous and soft in full view. Can you bear it?"

"Oh, what can't be tolerated? They just saved Yu Rou's life. Be content.

The other boys were wiped out in an instant. "

"Help is life-saving, but life and death are small, and disjointedness is big. It's not the same thing, don't you think, Lao Yan?"

Well! Everyone at the scene was waiting for Yan Chongtian's response, but saw Yan Chongtian clenching his fists, his face flushed with anger, but they couldn't say a word.

The white-faced man stared at this scene closely, his face sank, his fingers were put together, and he shot Yang Feng behind him suddenly: "Empty Sword Art!"

call out! Almost just for an instant, an invisible blade appeared behind Yang Feng's head in the blink of an eye, as if crossing the space.

Yang Feng's eyes trembled, he sensed it, and immediately raised his hand to move back.

With a muffled sound, the empty sword hit the back of his hand, but it did not cause him any harm.

The white-faced man's heart trembled, and his face quickly became solemn.

Although this rascal is shameless, his strength is indeed not to be underestimated. It is completely different from the flowers raised by the holy mountains.

Yang Feng took the big head away from Yan Yurou's lips, whose entire face was congested with shame, straightened up, turned his head to look at the cold-faced man with a cold face, and shouted: "I'm asking you to provoke you. Yes, you attacked me behind?

rat! "

"With what your Excellency just did, still have the face to say that I am despicable?

Ha ha. "

With a cold smile, the white-faced man said: "Let me ask you a question first, are you a child of a super first-class family?"


Yang Feng shook his head lightly.

"Well, are you the enemy of the super-class family?"

"I can't be considered an enemy, but I can't understand the way some people in a super-class family do."

"Then treat it as a grudge with a super-class family."

Nodding clearly, the white-faced man suddenly said with a cold expression: "But even if you hate the children of the super-class family, you can't take advantage of the danger and do such a shameless thing in such a situation!"




Yang Feng looked puzzled, blinking his big confused eyes to look at Yan Yurou below him, but at this moment, Yan Yurou's face was as red as a shrimp, and the blush spread to the depths of his neck. He was already staring angrily at a place far beyond the reach.

Yang Feng was surprised and surprised: "Miss Yan, why are you looking at me with such a look?

I just saved your life. You don’t want to be grateful to me. You still stare at me. What is the reason? "

"Huh, despicable, dirty!"

Snapped! With a cold snort, Yan Yurou straightened up, slapped Yang Feng directly, and got up angrily away from him.

Yang Feng touched the place where Yan Yurou had just touched him, inexplicably, what did I do wrong just now, she was so to me.

The white-faced man glanced at him and continued: "If you really have an antagonism with a super-class family, you can kill them, or even kill their whole family, but you must not take advantage of the danger, in broad daylight, in full view, such a frivolous woman. , This is really shameless.

Although I also hate these super-class families, but I will never use such obscene means to retaliate, it is inferior to a beast, hum. "

Uh! Hearing his righteous and awe-inspiring reprimand, Yang Feng recalled the situation just now, immediately understood, and nodded clearly.

In fact, he just heard Yan Yurou want to call out his real name, and in a hurry, he ran to stop her.

As a result, the white-faced man called to Yan Yurou, and he hugged Yan Yurou [新笔趣阁] in his arms to protect the girl.

But who ever thought, the girl yelled again to call out his name.

At that time, he was holding Yan Yurou with both hands and was pressed on the ground, unable to take off his hands, so in a hurry, he could only seal with his mouth.

As a result, the more he used his mouth, the more the girl screamed, so he had to keep sealing up.

In the end, I got used to it, even if I took out the last two hands, I didn't bother to use it.

The situation was urgent at the time, and he didn't think anything, but now thinking about it, it seems that he really took advantage of others.

However, he did not regret it.

I believe that any male compatriot will not regret it even if he slaps him afterwards, hehe.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up, showing a wandering smile, but he turned his head again, seeing Yan Yurou's gloomy face, as if he wanted to eat people, suddenly his face was serious, and he waved his hand like a gentleman and said: "Miss Yan , Everything is a misunderstanding, listen to me to explain!"

"No need to explain, die, Deng's apprentice!"

Yan Yurou flicked her long sword, thunder bursts, and raging fire spurted from her eyes...

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