Alien God System

Chapter 1902: Science and myth

"Human Eternal Life Plan?"

With a jump of his eyelids, Yang Feng stared at Vincent closely, silently, waiting for the following.

Vincent and Ying Long looked at each other, smiled and said, "Do you believe that there are gods and immortals on earth?

Do you believe that there are heaven and **** in the world?

Do you believe in ancient fairy tales? "

Uh...Sucked twice, Yang Feng didn't know what he meant and didn't answer.

"Materialists, there is no imagination!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Vincent took out a cigar and lighted it on, and gestured to Yinglong.

Ying Long smiled slightly and continued: "Brother Yang, in the ancient mythology of China, there is a battle between Emperor Yan, Emperor Huang and Chi You, have you heard of it?"

"Of course I've heard it, Kuafu Chasing the Sun, Jingwei Reclaiming the Sea, God of War Xingtian, these are all familiar stories in China."

"Very well, the key is that this ancient war not only happened in China, but was recorded in mythological systems all over the world.

Like the "Homer Epic" of ancient Greece, the "Mahabharata" of ancient India, and ancient civilizations such as Maya and ancient Egypt, all recorded the same scenes. "

Taking a deep breath, Ying Long murmured: "Huge flying birds were chasing in the sky. The gods cast a sky fire and razed thousands of miles to the ground. The huge mushroom cloud glowed brightly in the sky... Brother Yang, do you think this? What does the paragraph description look like?"

Hmm... Yang Feng pondered for a little bit: "Nuclear war?"

"Yes, it's a nuclear war!"

Nodding his head, Vincent flicked the soot on his cigar, and smiled: "In the Chinese mythology, wherever Huangdi’s daughter went, there was a thousand miles of red flames, and there was no grass. This is also after the explosion of the nuclear bomb. Radiant scene.

In ancient times, when transportation was underdeveloped, humans in all parts of the world actually recorded the same thing and the same scene accurately at the same time. What does this show? "

"Explanation... They all saw it, they were witnesses!"

"Yes, there were gods in ancient times, and they fought a nuclear war far beyond the understanding of ancient humans.

At that time, human beings thought it was the anger of the gods, but in our current view, it was two... or even multiple high-tech civilizations of sea, land and air, and even interstellar wars. "

Kuan Kuan stood up, and Vincent took two steps, with a touch of indescribable excitement in his eyes: "Some scientists speculate that it is an alien civilization, and some believe it is an ancient high-tech civilization on the earth.

The technology in their hands is far more advanced than what we have now.

However, since that ancient war, these great civilizations have all disappeared at once, as if they never existed. Why? "

"Probably... all dead?

After all, they fought a nuclear war! "

"Impossible. Although nuclear wars can indeed bring immeasurable damage to the earth, our ancestors of human beings are still alive. We even recorded this ancient war. There is no reason why an ancient civilization with such advanced technology would directly nuclear All were destroyed in the battle, and no one can stay."

"Then... they emigrated?"

Turning his eyes around, Yang Feng thought for a while and said, "After all, the place where the nuclear war has passed is not suitable for living. People may have already gone elsewhere."

Snapped! After snapping his fingers, Vincent laughed and said: "Positive answer, the scientific community also believes that the possibility of this group of higher civilization immigrants will be much greater than the possibility of their destruction.

It's just...where did they move to? "

"Where do you know?

People's technology at that time surpassed our hundreds of times, and we want to catch up with others unless we open it! "

Yang Feng shrugged helplessly, Vincent let out a laugh, and nodded: "Yes, for these advanced civilizations that have been ahead of us for so many years, they are indeed like gods, and we mortals will never catch up with them.

However, before they left, they left clues to guide us. "


What clue? "


With a flash of light in his eyes, Vincent specifically stated: "In order to explore the whereabouts of ancient civilizations, our family spent a huge amount of money to organize scientists, archaeologists, and historians from all over the world to collect materials passed down from ancient times, and suddenly discovered A secret.

In ancient myths and legends, no one cultivated.

God is God, man is man, there is no channel for man to become God.

However, after the ancient wars, although the gods were gone, cultivation methods appeared in China and ancient India, and many legends of becoming immortal were witnessed, and mankind found a way to become gods. "

After his body shook, Yang Feng muttered a little, and then understood: "You mean...the secrets of cultivating immortals are left by ancient civilizations?"

"Not bad!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Vincent smiled: "Based on the collective discussions of the scientists supported by our family, everyone has come to a conclusion that in these cultivation methods, the key to the ancient civilization to the new world is hidden, that is, they are in Where the immigrants went after the war.

China called it the immortal world, and ancient India called it the Pure Land of Bliss. There are other places with different names, but they should all refer to one place. "

hiss! Unable to take a breath, Yang Feng raised his eyelids and looked around and said, "Could it be that this is..." "This is not the site of ancient civilizations. Let me continue."

With a sneer, Vincent continued: "My family organizes the world's best scientists to conduct research on practice secrets from all over the world, but they are still confused.

At that time, we guessed that the whereabouts of ancient civilizations were nothing more than two places, one is the depths of the universe, other planets; the other is the underground world, inside the core of the earth.

Therefore, we used a lot of manpower and material resources to explore the sky and the underground. It was not until 1943 that we unwittingly discovered an amazing truth and finally found their place. "

In 1943?

His brows frowned slightly, and Yang Feng considered it carefully.

Ying Long glanced at him and smiled: "Brother Yang, it seems that you already know what we are talking about."

"Uh... I'm sorry, I was not born in 1943, and my history is not very good, what happened this year?

It seems that the history teacher hasn't let me recite this year. We all recite 45 years. "

puff! A staggered, Ying Long almost didn't fall, and shook his head with a wry smile: "I should have known that he is not too strong in literature and history, ha ha ha.

Brother Yang, in 1943, there was an event called one of the top ten mysteries in the entire scientific community. The Philadelphia experiment, should you have heard of it? "

"The Philadelphia Experiment?

Super battleship project? "

"Yes, that was a stealth warship experiment conducted by the military, and the scientists participating in this project are all famous and famous people.

Einstein is known as a monster scientist who has surpassed the level of human science and technology for five hundred years; Nikola Tesla is known as the great inventor of aliens; and von Neumann, the father of computers. "

Taking a deep breath, Vincent's eyes became deep: "These people just wanted to be an invisible warship, but during the experiment, the warship actually teleported.

Although the military tried their best to conceal it afterwards, the news came out with hundreds of witnesses.

In particular, this experiment revealed the doubts of our family for hundreds of years, the whereabouts of ancient civilization! "

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