Alien God System

Chapter 1908: Spike

Rumble! The earth-shaking loud noise stretched all over the place, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Yang Feng felt the turbulent fluctuations, his eyes trembled, and he couldn't help worrying: "It's just the unity of soul and body. Does it need such a big movement?"

Yang Feng was afraid that what he did here would arouse Ying Long and the others' suspicion, but he heard the sound of swooshing through the air continuously.


Who is coming?

Could it be the beast gods of those animals?

With a tight heart, Yang Feng looked at the Soul Heaven Emperor who was still stiff in his body. It was obvious that he hadn't completely integrated successfully, and it would take time.

If the beast **** here breaks all of this at this time, it will be all exposed, what should I do?

"Yang Feng, take your life!"

"The dog **** of the ancient Protoss can't die!"

"I didn't solve you in Hungry Ghost Road last time. This time it depends on where you go, Jie Jie Jie."

... But at this moment, there was a clamor from the bursts of air breaking, Yang Feng's ear moved lightly, and suddenly a nervous heart was released.

That's great, great, it turned out to be here to kill me, not a public official of the Animal Dao, now there are people who are back, so I can rest assured.

Fortunately, those black-clothed assassins don't have the supernatural powers of the Voice of All Things, otherwise, hearing such grateful words in Yang Feng's heart would have to make his nose crooked.

Hey, we are here to kill your assassin, aren't you scared at all?

Want us to give you back the pot?

Can you respect our profession?

However, it is clear that with Yang Feng's current strength, the art experts are bold enough to not put these errand killers in their eyes.

Huh huh! Only in a moment, a black shadow appeared in front of Yang Feng, his whole body was covered with murderous aura.

The killer leader had a cold glow in his eyes, staring at Yang Feng coldly, and shouting: "Are you Yang Feng?"

"Nonsense, do you killers act before you know your goal?

Confirm now? "

After a long yawn, Yang Feng said nonchalantly: "I am, stop talking nonsense, come on!"


Such a dick?

The brows trembled, and the assassins glanced at each other. It seemed that they had never expected that Yang Feng would be able to face their life-death people so calmly, and immediately began a teleportation dialogue.

"Boss, are we here to scare him?

But his attitude is obviously not afraid at all?

How to do? "

"It is estimated that you have been chased and killed a lot.

After a while, let's take off his leg, and he will be scared! "

"But the above said that we just scared him, can't we hurt him?"

"Unloading a leg is not killing him, he will install it soon.

As long as we take his life, he will feel isolated and helpless, and he will completely surrender to the president. "

...The assassins nodded together and reached a consensus.

Yang Feng raised his brows, his ears moved, and he listened to their spiritual conversation.

Scaring me?


Oh, this is beating me! Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood, and smiled: "You were sent by President Vincent, right?"


how do you know?

The pupils shrank, and the assassins all took a breath and were startled. The assassin leader shook his head and denied, "Vincent?

Who is he?

Ours specializes in killing your local protoss of the ancient protoss, huh.

You didn't kill you in Hungry Ghost Road last time, so where are you going this time? "

"Really, you are the same group as the last wave!"

With a smile and nodded, Yang Feng beckoned impatiently to the assassins: "What are you waiting for, let's go together, let me see your skills, before Ying Long comes to the end.

I want to see, Vincent, the son of the First Family on Earth, sent what kind of elites from his fellow villagers to beat me, hum. "

His eyes couldn't stop condensing, the assassin leader's body trembled uncontrollably, and then he shouted, and rushed towards Yang Feng suddenly: "I told you, we don't know Vincent, we specialize in killing the ancients. The dog's native protoss.

Shura Road, Three Thousand Killing Realms! "

Wow! The killer leader didn't know when, a white long knife in his hand was already slammed out.

Suddenly, Yang Feng's entire body was plunged into a white space full of murderous air, and there were shura blades in all directions, as if he was about to crush his divine body and soul.

Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly, and stood still, without even making any defenses.

The killer leader was taken aback, and he didn't know how to move: "Why don't you fight back?

Are you not a cultivator of heaven?

Don't you know God's Way and Magic?

Why not use your heavenly magic to escape? "

"No need!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Yang Feng smiled evilly: "Vincent sent you to frighten me. You didn't let you kill me. You dare not kill me. At most, you can unload my legs. So what?

As a god, you lose only one leg, you can get it back in minutes, it doesn’t matter, hahaha! "

The body shook, and the leader was instantly stunned.


Why does he know everything?

And just in his swaying work, Yang Feng suddenly flashed a light in his hands, and the divine artifact Seven Emotions and Six Desires immediately flew out: "Fulfill all your desires, joy, anger, sorrow... Seven emotions and six desires, close!"

The leader hadn't realized what was going on, he felt his soul tremble, and then turned into seven colorful clouds, which was instantly sealed by the artifact.

puff! The assassin leader's divine body fell weakly to the ground, his eyes were blank, and his breath was gone, becoming an empty shell.

The Three Thousand Killing Realm he had just used also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yang Feng took the Seven Emotions and Six Desires into his hand, and a wicked smile crossed the corner of his mouth: "I can't do it, do you really believe it?

I just lied to you just now. The more the enemy's mind is lost, the stronger the power of this monument of seven emotions and six desires.

Just from the fact that your soul can be split so easily, you should not be an ancient protoss, but a local protoss? "

Yang Feng understood that this monument of seven emotions and six desires was a divine tool refined by the Emperor Huntian. He had authoritative research on the local gods, especially the spirits of the local gods after the ancient times.

As for the souls of people on earth, as well as the spirits of ancient local protoss like the Hungry Ghost King, he has not fully studied them thoroughly.

Therefore, the greatest effect of this monument of seven emotions and six desires is the local gods and spirits after the Second World War.

Presumably these assassins were not the troops of the ancient Protoss, but some mercenaries.


Those assassins couldn't help but stunned when they saw that their leader was taken by Yang Feng in an instant.

You know, their leader is a 190-level Asura master, who can actually be killed by this kid in seconds?

What level of strength is this kid?

Not an intern?

Why is it so strong?

Could it be...that artifact?

Thinking of this, fear appeared in the eyes of all the killers, staring at the monument of seven emotions and six desires in Yang Feng's hand...

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