Alien God System

Chapter 1932: He looks like a dog

"You mean that this time someone from the Tiandao Disciplinary Committee came to investigate?"


"If it's just a matter of discipline, isn't it a trivial matter?"

"Actually, it's a big thing, but if you want to enlarge it, it's not too small. If you buckle down a hat that is not respectable, Jin Ling and the others will be kicked out of the six-way system at the lightest level."

Chang Wei shook his head and sighed, then glanced at Yang Feng lightly from time to time: "That... Young Master Yang, do you have any ways to solve this?"

"Take me first to see how they are."

"it is good!"

Determined to nod his head, Chang Wei hurriedly bowed and waved his hand: "Young Master Yang, please here."

Ok! Yang Feng nodded slightly and swayed away in a horoscope, while Chang Wei was accompanied by him, taking care of him as a pug.

Chang Yanyan saw that her entire cheek was about to burn. Her father really lost all of her people today.

"Father, you..." "Girl!"

However, as soon as she heard her uneasy voice, Chang Wei immediately waved her hand and interrupted: "No matter what's wrong with you, wait until Dad goes back. Now Dad is busy, don't disturb Dad doing business."


Your business is to beg a pity at an intern, pat the horse to welcome you?

What on earth does his family do?

Can you, the boss of the human world, be so complacent, don't push your face?

Chang Yanyan's lungs were about to explode, Yang Feng's body was slightly stagnant, and she looked back at her, revealing a contemptuous smile, as if she was talking.

Girl, this is your patron?

In my eyes, it's just a small stone at my feet, hahaha! Chang Yanyan was trembling with anger, her eyes breathing fire.

Yang Feng ignored her, just turned around and pointed at Zhong Lihun, who was dumbfounded, and ordered: "That...Chairman Chang, my brothers just came to the world for an internship. You are unfamiliar with the world. You can arrange it. ."

"This is easy to say, don't bother Young Master Yang."

With a grin, Chang Wei looked back and saw that the two main gods, Venus and Luo Hongyu, had nothing to do, sticking here like a wooden stake, and immediately commanded: "The two... so and so, go, Bring these brothers of Young Master Zi to the personnel office to arrange internships.

Tell them, take good care of them, otherwise the old man can't spare them, have you heard? "

"Uh yes, president!"

"Okay, get to work quickly."

Waved impatiently, Chang Wei turned his head and looked at Yang Feng, then bent down with a look of eagerness, and made a please gesture: "Young Master Yang, please come with me.

Don't worry, your friends, the old man will take good care of you and will never let you down, hehehe. "

The two of them gradually disappeared, leaving only a group of interns staring blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

"He looks like a dog."

Zhao Gongming murmured.

"Who are you talking about?"

Zhong Lihun asked startledly.

"Who else can?

The body has been catted.

Brother Feng, he seemed to be leading a dog and going out for a walk. "

Zhao Gongming slapped his mouth twice and looked at Zhong Lihun, and the two couldn't help laughing together.

"Lao Zhao, don't despise the family president.

After you enter the six channels, it is estimated that you will have to be like him, or even not as good as him. "

"Really, what are we doing so hard to enter the Six Paths?

Isn't the saint not incense?

Have to turn yourself into a dog? "

"Dogs can rely on human power, but if they don't enter institutions, people are not as good as dogs!"

... The two were talking and laughing, and with a group of brothers from the Yang family, they slowly left with Venus.

Looking at their distant backs, the little brothers behind the three saint kings also began to notice, and their brows became deeper than one.

"The Yang family's help is so great, you can eat anywhere."

"Isn't it? As the head of the Seven Sage Kings of the Academy, Yang Shengren is not someone who has gained a reputation.

You haven't seen it now, when these three holy kings are added together, they are all trampled to death by Yang Shengwang, and even the backer is unreliable. "

"Yeah, and even that Zhong Shengwang has surrendered to Yang Shengwang. It can be seen that Yang Shengwang's power is absolutely extraordinary."

"Brothers, I want to transfer now.

As you know, the only way to enter the Six Paths and get a promotion is to stand on the right team.

Obviously, Yang Shengwang's team is much stronger than the other Shengwang teams. This network is very telling, so..."..."What are you talking about? "

With a roar, Chang Yanyan glared fiercely at the people behind her, and immediately before all the younger brothers glared and bowed their heads, they dared not speak any more.

But their eyes were wandering, obviously thinking about their future way out.

In the future, when you enter the six organs, with many parties, it is not because you have strong abilities and meritorious service that you can get a promotion and raise your salary and reach the pinnacle of life.

But which party has a lot of resources and a wide range of contacts, so it will naturally invest these resources on its own people, so there are more opportunities for promotion and salary increase than others.

As for which party to choose to stand on, in the academy, competition has already begun.

When these second generations of officials are choosing their future leadership team, ordinary saints are also choosing these second generations of officials, comparing the strengths of their family backgrounds, how much benefits can they bring to themselves in the future.

Obviously, after such a long internship, people have discovered that the Yang family's network resources are really leading the way, sweeping all the second generations of officials.

Her eyes trembled, and Chang Yanyan looked at these more and more distracted subordinates, so angry that her two small pink fists were tightly clenched and her veins were exposed.

Jin Shiyuan couldn't help but sighed, shook his head and said, "Oh, the hearts of the people are scattered, it's not easy to bring the team."

At the same time, on the other hand, Chang Wei led Yang Feng to a white hut. Outside there were two white-clothed security guards standing guard without squinting.

"Stop, who, what are you here for?"

"Dear brothers from heaven, I am the chairman of the Human World God Realm Committee, Chang Wei, I want to see the three subordinates inside, so let’s get along."

"Important suspects are being held inside, so visits are not allowed. Please come back, Chairman Chang."

The two waved together, their expressions were very firm, and they looked upright.

Yang Feng frowned slightly and glanced at Chang Wei. Chang Wei grinned and shook his head indifferently. Then, a light flashed in his hand, and a black card appeared in the guard's hand. He smiled: Apart from human favors, this is a visit by family members, so let's make it easy, brothers.

There are 30 million Shen Yuan Jing stored in this Shen Jing card. Please invite the two brothers to drink tea. "

Uh, this... After looking at each other, the faces of the two guards immediately calmed down, coughed dryly, let the passage open, and shouted: "I can only visit for a quarter of an hour, and come out quickly after talking."

Wow! As they said, the two of them were already Qi Qijieyin, and they patted the door. After the air fluctuated in front of the door, the barrier immediately opened...

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