Alien God System

Chapter 1942: Sanjiaguiyang

Chang Wei's words caused the whole cheeks of the three little ones to become hot, especially Chang Yanyan, even more complaining in his heart.

Dad, are you still my father.

In front of outsiders, so burying his own daughter.

Why am I out of mind?

Why can't you do anything? The best way to cause trouble?

What is good about Yang Feng?

What Zhu Zhechi want us to be near him?

What if the person near Mo is black?

Yang Feng looked deeply at Chang Wei's sincere eyes, and after hesitating a little, he sighed: "President Chang is ridiculously praised, but he is actually down...Except for his handsome appearance, he has no other strengths. You look too high at me Up."

Well! His heart was stagnant, and Chang Wei instantly didn't know what to say, his face was as weird as he had eaten a fly.

Chang Yanyan also covered her mouth and snickered, rolling her eyes in disdain, narcissistic! "Why, what does President Chang think is wrong with this statement?"

"'s all right, but Young Master Yang, you are too self-effacing."

He nodded hurriedly, and Chang Wei said earnestly: "Young Master Yang is not only magnificent and extraordinary, but he is also a genius rare in billions of years, yet he is so humble.

This noble character is precisely the precious quality that young people today are extremely lacking.

If the little girl can be fascinated by Young Master Yang, she will definitely be helpful in the future.

I also hope that Young Master Yang will not cherish himself with a broom, and help these classmates a lot. I thank you first here. "

As he said, Chang Wei stood up suddenly [] and bowed.

Yang Feng hurriedly waved his hand and said with a smile: "Chairman Chang is really too polite. How dare the younger generation dare to accept the gift of the chairman? It really hurts me."

"If Young Master Yang does not agree, the old man will have trouble sleeping and eating, and I hope Young Master Yang will do it well."

"This..." After thinking for a while, Yang Feng nodded in embarrassment: "Since President Chang is so dear, if the younger generation refuses to resign, he will really feel sorry."

"So Young Master Yang agreed?"

"Of course, the three of them will be by my side in the future, let me experience my precepts and deeds."

With a grin, Yang Feng looked at Chang Yanyan and the others again: "In addition, the three of you will take all of your men and horses to Zhong Lihun's place for statistics and merge them together.

From now on, everyone will be your own. The three of you are with me. They are cadres and will not treat you badly, ha ha ha. "


The body shook, the three of them said together: "Are you going to annex our three gangs?"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng ignored them, but his face instantly sank.


Chang Wei turned his head and gave them a vicious look: "What annexation?

Do you think your mobs are very valuable?

Young Master Yang is now willing to be honored to lead you. That is your blessing. If you don't get cheap, you'll sell well. "

After slapped his mouth twice, Yang Feng saw that these three little ones still had emotions, and immediately sighed: "I want to save all beings, but all beings are ignorant and dislike me.

President Chang, it seems that the fate between me and these three classmates has not arrived yet, and the time is not ripe, I think it is still..." "It is ripe, don't worry, this opportunity is definitely ripe. "

Shaking his hands in a hurry, Chang Wei looked back at the three of them, gritted his teeth and said, "From now on, you have to obey Young Master Yang's instructions. Otherwise, the old man interrupts your legs. Did you hear that?"

Uhhhhh! Like a chicken eating rice, the three of them kept their heads lighted, daring not to have any objections.

Yang Feng and Chang Wei looked at each other, both showing knowing smiles.

Then, after Chang Wei and others chatted with Yang Feng for a while, they left.

On the way back, Chang Yanyan said with a full face: "Father, why did you let us mix with that Yang Feng?

The big deal is that we won't provoke him anymore, and I don't want to face his narcissistic face every day, hum. "

"Do you know a fart?"

Taking a look at the girl, Chang Wei let out a long breath: "Father, this is also for your good. Do you know how deep the background of this surname Yang is?

The investigative team that came down from heaven, he greeted them and asked them not to check anything.

How much power is this?

If you enter the Six Paths in the future, if you have him to help you, your future will be open.

Even if there are some bumps, he can settle it for you.

It's just this feeling that has to be cultivated deep enough in college. "

"But he wants to eat my Changjia Gang!"

"What Chang Jia Gang?

That's the mob, you don't need to care too much. "

"Why don't you care too much?

Dad, didn't you say that these people will be my contacts in the future. "

"Yes, it's your contacts, but they are all blood-sucking contacts."

Rolling his eyes, Chang Wei solemnly said: "Father said that when you are in the academy, you will gather more contacts, so that it will be convenient to work in Liudao.

But why do these people follow you? It's to rely on you to climb up and take advantage of you. You are the bleeding party.

But Yang Feng is different. He can give you a blood transfusion, a noble person who can make our family a higher level in the Six Paths.

Can those mobs compare with Yang Feng?

You hugged Yang Feng's thighs tightly, with the help of a hundred mobs. "

Well! Her mind was stagnant, and Chang Yanyan stopped talking, and the other two stared in silence as well.

Chang Wei didn't look at them, just murmured: "In fact, despite the fact that Yang Feng's own background is not mentioned, the old man also wants you to be more close to him."


"Because he is really much more mature than you.

He will not take the initiative to choose trivial things, but he will not lose his majesty before his hands.

Even if you make a move, it will leave room for others, and will not let the opponent jump over the wall.

Regardless of dealing with people, talking and deportment, they are very measured.

This is too hard to see for you. "

"It's not bad."

Pointing his head very much in agreement, Hong Mo also smiled and said: "This kid fought with me when he was in Hell Road, and the old man won.

But he was neither humble nor arrogant until he passed out.

This time in the world, the old man was defeated by him with one move.

But in front of the old man, he was not half arrogant and arrogant, just like when he was in hell.

This approachable attitude is better than all of you.

If you guys win Lao Tzu, I guess the tail can be up to the sky, Hong Xuan must not even recognize Lao Tzu, hum. "

"This is what I want you to experience by staying with him. You won't be arrogant, won't be discouraged, and will always maintain a normal heart.

When dealing with people and things, you must be sleek and sophisticated, don't rely on the strong to bully the weak, and don't lose your heart because of weak kitsch. "

Taking a deep breath, Chang Wei's eyes flashed with profound light: "Even if this kid doesn't have a deep background, I believe his future achievements will be extraordinary.

Remember, this world is not divided into strengths and weaknesses, otherwise there would not be such a colorful world.

When dealing with others, you must understand the human relationship and sophistication, otherwise even the strongest master will fall.

The strong are not terrible, but the strong are the most terrible who understand the world.

And Yang Feng is just such a person! "

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