Alien God System

Chapter 1944: Alice

"Brother Feng, who is your instructor here?

Is it sister-in-law? "

A quarter of an hour later, the entire Yang Family Gang had accepted the fact that the other three gang members had joined. Zhong Lihun also calmed down and asked Yang Feng.

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head: "How is it possible?

Your sister-in-law manages me so strictly, they are going to be my mentors again, can I still survive?

My intern is under the name of Yanyan's dad, and the president Chang is my mentor. "

"That's it!"

Nodding clearly, Zhong Lihun couldn't help but envy and said: "Brother Feng, the instructor who brought you is the leader of the various disciplines, it's really good."

"Then it is necessary, based on our identity, these two leaders are not worthy to bring us, you know?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you know this early, why are you calling all our interns here?"

"This..." Yang Feng blinked his confused eyes and shook his head: "I don't know this. Who knows, why are we getting together early in the morning?"

Everyone's heads were shaking like rattles, all in a daze.

Zhong Lihun immediately sneered: "Brother Feng, then your intern is useless, you can't even get any internal information."

bump! With a loud noise, Yang Feng once again made an old fist, hitting Zhong Lihun's big mouth on the ground, his head quickly swelling up a high mountain.

"You dare to doubt the authority of a leader. It is a big taboo in the workplace. Let me teach you a lesson for your mentor.

"Is it respecting the old and loving the young?"

bump! Another old fist hit, Yang Feng stared at him viciously: "I don't care if you love your young or not, but you must respect your elders and know how to respect the boss, you know?"

Zhong Lihun raised a hand tremblingly to replace his head, and nodded his wrist up and down to show that he knew.

Chang Yanyan and the three of them were shuddering as they watched from the sidelines.

Unexpectedly, Yang Feng had such a tyrannical temper that he would beat people at every turn.

We will not be subjected to such inhuman abuse under his hands in the future?


Suddenly, Yang Feng shouted loudly, and immediately frightened Chang Yanyan, and nodded quickly: "Brother Feng, what do you want, but please give me instructions."


Why have you suddenly become so cute? "

Glancing at her strangely, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile and said, "Fortunately, your dad keeps complaining that you are unruly and willful and not obedient to discipline. I think you are still very knowledgeable, hahaha."

Nonsense, my father won't really beat me, but you can really kill me, how dare I be savage?

Chang Yanyan smiled awkwardly, but it was uglier than crying.

"By the way, why do we have to get together this time, do you have any inside information?"

"I..." Chang Yanyan thought for a while, and then said: "I think we are going to..." "Are all the interns here?"

Suddenly, Chang Yanyan hadn't finished speaking, and a pleasant voice suddenly resounded in the ears of everyone present.

Everyone looked up and saw that, at some unknown time, a white long skirt floated down, and a slender, blond woman approached.

With a slight smile, Baihua was immediately ashamed, and the sun and the moon paled.

All the male saints present saw their eyes straight, and Yang Feng was no exception.

Fairies, angels, as expected, there are beauties in the world, the previous relationship was too early! "Hello interns, I am the lord **** Alice.

Gathering everyone to one place today is to take everyone to appreciate the development of civilization on various planes, so that everyone has a deeper understanding of the work of the human world.

During this period, I will serve as your guide, leading you all the way to learn and experience. "

The woman introduced herself to everyone, but Chang Yanyan frowned slightly, and stepped forward unanimously: "Why are you here as the guide?

Are there no other main gods of the human world? "

"It turned out to be Miss Yanyan."

Alice nodded slightly, and Alice smiled and said, "This is the arrangement above. I was also ordered to act. This is my job."

"I'm going to find my dad and change you, hum!"

Angrily glared at her, Chang Yanyan turned and left, but before she took a step, an iron claw had already caught her neck, and at the same time, Yang Feng's gloomy voice wailed like a ghost in her ears. Called: "Dead girl, you dare to change her, I will choke you to death now, believe it or not?"

hiss! Unable to take a breath, Chang Yanyan shuddered with fright, her body stiffened, and she dared not move for a moment.

Yang Feng smiled coldly, and threw the ignorant girl behind him, and let Zhong Lihun and Jin Shiyuan watch them, while he smiled at Alice in a gentle and rainy manner: "Respected Lord Alice, this kid just now Don't mind if you are not sensible or foolish.

I am deeply honored to have Alice as the guide for this internship. "

Uhhhhh! Nodding hurriedly, the male sages all agreed deeply, and at the same time they were secretly grateful for what Yang Feng did and gave their thumbs up.

Even the other two gangs that are hostile to the Yang Family Gang are no exception.

Although their stances are opposed and they are in conflict, they have reached a highly unified consensus regarding the matter of the Lord Alice as their guide.

The fact that Chang Yanyan wanted to use the privileges of the lady of the human world to replace Alice's guide just now was simply annoying, and the rebels were taken lightly.

Saint Yang was able to stop it in time, and it was really an act of violent peace, bravely doing what is righteous, and a great knight for the country and the people.

At this time, all the male compatriots were grateful to Yang Feng. After all, Yang Feng kept everyone's happiness, but the pair of eyeballs were staring at Alice's bumps and convexities, and could no longer move.

Watching this scene, Chang Yanyan's eyes flushed with anger, but helpless, she could only curse sentence by sentence in her heart, a bunch of stinky men! Alice was surprised to see that Yang Feng was able to control this eldest lady of the human world, but she nodded her head very gracefully and said, "Thank you, you've passed the prize.

It's just this classmate, why are you wearing a mask? "

"Oh, that's it, Lord Alice."

Taking a deep breath, a touch of sorrow flashed in Yang Feng's eyes: "It's true that I am wearing a mask for your good."

"For my good?"

"Uh no, it should be said that it is for the good of the goddess of the human world."

Shaking his head bitterly, Yang Feng said in sorrow and sorrow: "It's true that I have a handsome face, no one before and no one to come after.

Whenever someone of the opposite **** sees me, they will think about me.

Some cut their wrists for me and committed suicide, and some jumped into the river to find death for me. I really killed too many people.

The world has spread, and when Yang Feng missed his life, it was me.

I have been named a female killer for a hundred years in a row, and the number one demon in the arena is caused by my handsome face.

So..." After speaking, Yang Feng leaned in front of Alice suddenly, almost before she staggered, fell to the ground, and said every word: "The reason why I am wearing a mask is because I am worried that you will... Careless, love, on, me! "

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