Alien God System

Chapter 1956: Desperate


His heart shook suddenly, Tang Aotian immediately looked at the sound coming from and around, but only saw a familiar figure appearing in front of him like lightning, with a hearty laugh.

"It's you?

Don't be the remnants of the gods, the withered emperor? "

"Yes, the old man has been waiting here for a long time."

Raising his head triumphantly, the deadly emperor looked down at him and sneered: "Tang Aotian, if you don't want to die without a place to bury you, just surrender.

Accept the power of the other gods, and do your best for the other gods. In the future, there will be a place for you in the new God Realm. "

"Fart, just because you, the little withered emperor, also want to attract me?

Hum, it's just fantastic. "

Cursing his lips indifferently, Tang Aotian said with contempt: "Besides, do you think you can kill me if you are strong?

My three thousand Asura gods, can't take your little withered remnant?

Hum hum! "

Is it! A wicked smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and the Withered Great Emperor looked at him and sneered: "Who said that this time our super-shinto is here alone?

Come out, brothers, it's time to settle accounts with this Shura Dao. "

Shattering! Suddenly, after hearing a sound of breaking through the sky, streams of light flashed around the three thousand gods of Shura, and seventy-two lines were filled in the blink of an eye, each of them fierce and evil, with treacherous smiles.

Although there are only 72 of these people, the terrifying spirit power fluctuations and the so-called terrible fame make these Asura gods above level three thousand and 190 unable to stop their heart trembling, and the cold sweat on their heads is fast. Popped up.

"Voidwalker, Evil Emperor with Blue Face, Heavenly Sovereign of Blood Demon..." A leader of the Shura **** looked around, his legs were already weakened by fright: "Director Tang, the seventy-two pillars of other gods have arrived. .

We are surrounded by them, what should we do? "

"Don't be nervous, they only have seventy-two, but we have three thousand people!"

"But seventy-two of them were able to upset the six realms of the gods. I'm afraid that our 3,000 people will not be enough to fight."

Captain Shura was so scared that he was crying, Tang Aotian gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Brothers follow me, we will break out together, and we will be fine when we return to the God Realm."

"Yes, Sir!"

Grumbling... They swallowed hard, and the Asura captains heard the plan, and their hands holding the sword were shaking with tension.

After taking a deep breath, Tang Aotian became suspicious on his face: "It's strange, why don't the seventy-two pillars of the gods gather here?

What is there for them to gather here?

Is it to deal with the old man?

Shouldn't it?

The old man went down, it was a temporary motive. They could not know in advance, so why did they come? "

Tang Aotian was frowning, puzzled, why he entered the circle of these seventy-two demon heads in a daze, but suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"Yang Feng?"

"Director Aotian, this is not the time to think about Yang Feng, right?"

Hearing his yelling, the surrounding captains suddenly trembled and said, "Now that we are crossing the river with the mud bodhisattva, we cannot protect ourselves. Don't you think about killing Yang Feng?

It's important that we survive by ourselves! "

"No, I didn't want to kill him, but why did these seventy-two demon heads gather here? Who are they for?"

Taking a deep breath, Tang Aotian immediately felt a chill in his back rushing to his back: "It is Yang Feng, all the people here are gathered for that stinky boy.

It's just that we gathered in one place to get rid of him, so these seventy-two demon heads are gathered here, why?

Is it possible to kill him too?

There would be no need for seventy-two to be dispatched together.

But if it wasn't for killing him, it would be..." Thinking of this, Tang Aotian understood something instantly, and roared with a hiss: "Brothers, let me stand out, and I must return to the God Realm.

No matter who can go back alive, bring a sentence to it, Yang Feng is an important figure in the remnants of other gods.

Even..." As he was talking, Tang Aotian, who had always been brave and good at fighting, stopped suddenly, as if he didn't know what to say, but in the end he gritted his teeth and roared: "Even, he is another god! "


The body was full of spirits, and the Shura gods present were all dumbfounded.

The Sanctuary College student Yang Feng they had always wanted to get rid of secretly was actually the six strongest demon that even the Lord of Heaven was afraid of, don't you?

No way...squeak! At the same time, Yang Feng, who was playing a game leisurely in a remote corner at this time, stopped slightly with his fingers, turned his head and looked in the direction of Tang Aotian's roar, and took a deep breath.

"It's worthy of being the director of the Shura Adjudication Office. As expected, he didn't go up through the back door. He is really capable.

Originally, this time I was going to use my plan as a bait to kill those who were deliberately trying to kill me.

But he never expected that Tang Aotian would guess it.

If I had known this, I shouldn't have called all 72 Zhusha.

Calling a dozen or so, maybe it's almost enough. "

With gleaming light in his eyes, Yang Feng shook his head with a grin.

In fact, when he was playing a game in that ball of light just now, he had already contacted 72 Zhusha.

It's just their super-shinto contact information, which other gods can't tell.

Everyone thought he was talking to the game, and the kills and kills he shouted in his mouth were shouting to the game characters.

But in fact, that was an order from his opponent.

All the people who entered the set here were all killed, without leaving a living, especially now, it is impossible to let these Asura gods return.

"Master other gods, don't worry, even if Tang Aotian sees through your identity, Lord Dirty will never let one of the Shura gods slip through the net to escape.

You don't have to worry too much, you can continue to play the world, ha ha ha. "

A super-shinto servant who was waiting by the side seemed to see Yang Feng's worries, and immediately encouraged him.

Yang Feng didn’t speak, but after hesitating a little, he suddenly jumped forward and flew towards the battlefield again: “I didn’t care about one or two small fish and shrimps that escaped from them before, but now, I have to watch it myself. All of them slip through the net!"

Zi Zi Zi! In the direction of the battlefield, the green thunder and lightning in the sky began to fill the sky, and some Shura gods flicked around with magic mirrors, but there was no response at all.

"Master, we have lost contact with the God Realm."

"I know! So I just said that the brother who broke out must take my words.

Since they are here prepared, how can they not cut off our communication? "

Taking a deep breath, Tang Aotian stared coldly at one of the seventy-two demon heads with green hair and thunder and lightning, his eyes narrowed.

"Seventy-two Zhusha, Wanfa Lei Zun, can isolate all divine thoughts.

With him, there would be no connection between the God Realm and the mortal world.

This time we are in a desperate situation, alas. "

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