Alien God System

Chapter 1972: Reappearance

Seeing this, Li Changfa kindly discouraged him: "Little brother, this is a 7th-Rank Spirit Soldier. If it is auctioned, each piece can be sold for at least 100,000 yuan. If you take 70%, you can divide it into 70,000 yuan or more. , Why sell it in this ordinary way?

Don’t you have no place to sell, and are in a hurry to sell?

It's still a good deal! "

"No need, I'm in a hurry to get the cash."

Yang Feng's complexion was very firm, and Li's long hair shook his head with a pity, and then said: "If you want to sell, the old man is willing to accept it. One piece is only 10,000, which is too cheap."


Raising his brows, Yang Feng smiled and said, "You are willing to accept it too?

How many do you want to receive? "

"Do you have any more?"

"Of course, as many as you want, how many do you receive?"

Yang Feng asked, Li Changfa groaned a little, and sneered: "If you have more money...Let me accept...two pieces!"

His face suddenly sinking, Yang Feng curled his lips contemptuously: "I only accepted two pieces, poor ghost!"

"what did you say?"

Hearing his words, the little beauty immediately became angry again: "This seventh-grade spirit soldier is a rare treasure. How many stores in Yunyang City can afford it?

We are not the number one merchant in Yunzhou like Jinyao Auction House. My grandfather is already very good to be able to receive two.

The point is, can you get these two? "

Without speaking, Yang Feng just rolled his eyes: "Fifteen thousand!"


You give 10,000 pieces to the auction house, why are we fifteen thousand? "

"Because they are asking for a large quantity, the wholesale price I gave, you only need two pieces, the retail price, can this be the same?"

"You..." The little beauty jumped with anger, wishing to fight Yang Feng, Li Changfa hurriedly stopped, smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, fifteen thousand pieces in total, thirty thousand in total, and very good. It's worth it, I want it.

It's just... when shall we trade? "

"Tomorrow, you and Mr. Yun will come to my house together. We will pay the money and deliver the goods in the same way.

Also, I now live in the former house of the Liao family...Uh no, it is now the Huo family. "

"Okay, the old man will pick up the goods tomorrow, hahaha!"

With a big laugh, Li Changfa nodded heartily.

Then Yang Feng saw that the business had been negotiated, and there were still two sales channels, so he stopped staying, and after arranging the transaction time with the two customers, he left contentedly.

Just looking at the back of him away, the little beauty of the Li family pouted with anger: "What, he looks so high, I don't believe that he really has so many Seventh-Rank Spirit Soldiers, and they are exactly the same as this axe."

"Lan Lan, although this young man is a bit unscrupulous, he was able to avenge the genocide in just three years, which shows that his perseverance is absolutely extraordinary.

You should take a good look at the advantages of others, but the old man admires them very much anyway. "

Gently patted the girl's head, Li Changfa smiled, and then looked at Yun Hangdao on the side: "It's just that this kid's arrogant temperament should be beaten.

Tomorrow we will bring enough spirit crystals to see what else he can produce. I hope his stuff is as strong as his cowhide, hahaha! "

Hahaha! Yun Hang glanced at him and then laughed.

In fact, neither of them believed that Yang Feng could come up with such a large volume.

He promised to trade with him only for the purpose of arching him on a high platform to see him embarrassed, but soon they will discover how sharp Yang Feng's fangs are.

At the same time, on the other hand, after Yang Feng returned to his mansion, it was already late at night.

Huo Yanfeng inside his body was bitter, and he couldn't help sighing, "Old ancestor, they will come to get the goods tomorrow.

That's 7th-Rank Spirit Soldiers, where can we find so many 7th-Rank Spirit Soldiers, and all of them are tomahawks? "

"What's the matter, isn't it?"

Huh! Shrugging indifferently, Yang Feng's hand flashed, and a Seventh-Rank Spirit Soldier Tomahawk that was exactly the same as in the auction room appeared.

Huo Yanfeng was surprised: "Old ancestor, you stole the auction lot?

Are you trying to sell the stolen goods back to them?

Didn’t this let them catch it on the spot?

Besides, there is only a spirit axe, they want a large quantity.

To put it bluntly, they must be deliberately trying to fix us. "

"So what?

Isn't this still there? "

Huh! A ray of light flashed again, and an identical spirit axe appeared in Yang Feng's hand.

In an instant, Huo Yanfeng was stunned.

"This...Is this spirit axe exactly the same?

Is it made by the same person? "


Huh! The corner of his mouth grinned, and the light in Yang Feng's hand flashed again, and the two axes immediately turned into four.

At this moment, Huo Yanfeng was even more stunned: "This, this...why has this spirit axe changed so much?

And it feels like it's the same. "

"It was originally the same."

Yang Feng laughed loudly, and Yang Feng's eyes shone with sparkling light: "Silly boy, see it, this is my ancestor's method, copying magical powers.

As long as it is a man-made product, I can replicate it infinitely.

Why should I go to the backstage of their auction house to see the lot? I took the opportunity to copy their stuff and enter my storage space.

Now our Huo family is poor and white, what business can we do?

But with these replicas, we can ship in large quantities, squeeze out the Jinyao auction site, and become the entire Yunyang City... Oh no, it is the largest merchant in the world! "

Wow! I couldn't help but let out a sound that could not be added. Huo Yanfeng was so excited that his whole soul was constantly trembling: "Ancestor, you have this ability, why didn't you use it to revitalize the family?

If you made it early, wouldn't we be so stubborn? "

"Isn't this a ghost skill that I only realized after I died?

I don't know when I live. "

"Then can you pass it to me, I can sit on Jinshan in the future, eat and drink without worries, just think about it, hehe."

"Okay, wait until you die."


Huo Yanfeng was taken aback, and Yang Feng sneered: "I told you that this is a ghost skill. You can only learn it when you become a ghost and get a tablet. Do you want to learn it?"

"Uh... forget it, actually I don't care too much about wealth, I'm a pure-hearted person, hehe."

With an embarrassing smile, Huo Yanfeng stopped mentioning it.

Yang Feng also laughed and shook his head, ignoring him, and after preparing all the copies of the spirit axes, he exchanged the souls with Huo Yanfeng.

Yang Feng hid in the depths of his body, and Huo Yanfeng regained control of the body.

"Boy, take a good rest tonight, let's go to the transaction tomorrow, and promise to let my Huo family rise again!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

Nodding his head, Huo Yanfeng looked forward to it, and then said a little shyly: "By the way, Patriarch, what do you think of the girl standing next to Grandpa Li during the day?"

"What Grandpa Li?

You are so sweet, why, do you like someone's granddaughter? "

"This...I think it's good, what do you think?"

"One tigress, beware of eating you!"

With a fierce yell, Yang Feng cursed: "Sleep, knock them to death tomorrow, hum!"

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