Alien God System

Chapter 2004: Guard

"That..." Hu Yan Lieyang scratched his head anxiously, and his hands and feet were cold with fright: "Patriarch Huo, we are all big masters, I don't have that habit.

If you want me to promise me, I would rather die! "

"Very well, if you really dare to promise me, I will kill you now."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng said with a smile: "That is the second option, selling yourself as a slave.

From now on, you will be my personal guard and eat this.

In the future fights, you rush to the front, not every time there are a few small provocations, I personally take the action, this is too bad for your identity. "

Whoosh! With that, Yang Feng directly ejected a pill and threw it into Hu Yanlieyang's arms.

Hu Yanlieyang took it, and his eyes lit up: "Twelfth-Rank Top Healing Pill?"

"Yes, take care of the injury and be my thug!"

"But Patriarch Huo, I..." "Why, do you want to be ungrateful?"

Yang Feng glared at him, staring at him coldly, and Hu Yan Lieyang smiled bitterly: "No, I am wanted by the holy mountain now. If I am by your side, I am afraid that it will cause you trouble."

"I am a businessman, and I am not afraid of trouble. I am afraid that I will pay the price and not get what I deserve.

I took your life back, you are my one, let's go! "

Not allowing him the slightest refutation, Yang Feng waved his hand and flew away with a group of guards.

Hu Yan Lieyang mouth full of bitterness, staring at the healing pill in his hand, shaking his head and laughing.

The deputy personality of the Huo Patriarch is also too domineering, isn't this robbing a macho in broad daylight?


However, after taking the pill, he followed the pace of the large army.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Changfa, who had already flown out of Erli, flew over, panting, and seeing Yang Feng returning with Hu Yan Lieyang, followed by the guards who had already died, he couldn't help being surprised: "This... these are ......" "What is it called?

I rescued them back. Haven't seen the wonderful hand rejuvenation? "

"Is this a rejuvenation?

This is obviously going back to life. "

Li Chang slapped his lips in a daze, and couldn't help but praise: "Awesome, old..." Huh?

Yang Feng glared at him, and Li Changfa was agitated, and immediately changed his words: "Grandson-in-law, you really admire the old man with this method.

As long as our house has your town house in the future, it must be prosperous in the future, hehehe. "

"Don't wait for the future, it will flourish soon."

With a grin, Yang Feng introduced to the old man: "From now on, Huyan Lieyang will be our guardian bodyguard. Let us go and settle accounts with the auction house."

"Really, it's good to dare, we have another strong foreign aid!"

Li Changfa immediately greeted Hu Yan Lieyang, but before he could say a few words, Yang Feng asked, "That flying spirit treasure is broken, do we have other flying spirit treasures?"

"No, I'm the one."

"Hey, if I had known it a long time ago, I should have restored the ruined one just now, but I went too eagerly and forgot."

Shaking his head, Yang Feng seemed a little regretful, but he didn't care: "Let's go, let's take a look on the road, there is a rich man who is not pleasing to the eye and robbed him!"

call out! As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng took the lead to continue on the road, and the rest followed.

Just looking at his arrogant look, Hu Yan Lieyang sneaked close to Li Changfa and asked in a low voice: "Your grandson-in-law has such a bad personality, can you stand him?"

"Vice personality?"

Li Changfa was puzzled, Hu Yan Lieyang blinked his big confused eyes and said, "Yes, isn't your grandson-in-law schizophrenic, dual personality?

The previous master personality was quite kind, this deputy personality was too domineering. "

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Li Chang found white, and couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering. Knowing that Yang Feng was swaying him, he didn't expose him, and continued: "My grandson-in-law has a good temper, but he has nothing to do. The deputy has a strong temper, but he is also strong. Strong.

Combining the two, I think he is a good son-in-law, what do you think? "

This... His brows frowned slightly, Hu Yan Lieyang thought a little, thinking about the scene where Yang Feng had just easily defeated the Dulong couple, and immediately nodded with conviction: "Master Ge Qianqian, the vice-personality generation hero, it seems that you are a grandson-in-law. Earn it."

"That is, how can the old man do business at a loss?

This grandson-in-law, I chose carefully, hahaha. "

Li Changfa grinned triumphantly, but at this moment, a misty voice came: "Grandpa, are you all right?"

Brother Huyan, you saved us? "

Huo Yanfeng flew in front of the two with a look of surprise, Hu Yan Lieyang couldn't help being startled.

With a turn of Li Changfa's eyes, he already understood, and said with a chuckle: "Brother Huyan, the personality of this kid has changed back, and the memory is still when you stunned."

"Oh I got it.

Oops, this master is still likable, hahaha! "

Hu Yanlieyang patted Huo Yanfeng on the shoulder fiercely, and looked up to the sky and laughed.

Huo Yanfeng looked at them suspiciously, not knowing why, after Hu Yan Lieyang told him everything, he finally understood that the old ancestor used this reason to fool him.

Perhaps the ancestor didn't want his Huo Family Zuling's reputation to be too prosperous, so he didn't want to reveal too much to outsiders.

After all, many gods and demons are already asking for trouble. If there are more gods and demons who know the prestige of Huo's ancestor spirit, wouldn't it be more troublesome?

Huo Yanfeng could understand Yang Feng's intention to keep secrets, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

"Um... Patriarch, why don't you kill all those sacred mountain chasers?"

"Some of you, it doesn't matter whether you kill or not."

Yang Feng thought about it a little, and said leisurely: "What I want to see now is why the development of this era will gradually become like the future.

Obviously, in this era, there are so many people with lofty ideals and so many people with backbone. Why do they all become slaves in the future? "

Huo Yanfeng was puzzled. He didn't know what Yang Feng was talking about, but he understood what he said, that the Dulong Yinshe couple are actually just young people?

I am afraid that in this world, only the ancestors will regard those fierce gods and evil spirits as little ones.

At the same time, on the holy mountain, in front of a ten-meter-diameter round table, a group of powerful figures were sitting around them.

In front of them, there is a book.

"Everyone, this is the four-level system. The results of the pilot test report are better than we thought.

Wherever this program is run, 80 adults have learned to castrate themselves in just ten years.

Don’t think about things you shouldn’t think about, don’t mention things you shouldn’t mention. If someone is dissatisfied with life, people around him will teach him to be a person, instill positive energy in him, and force him to endure the status quo.

People are like scattered sand, no matter how hard it is to gather combat power.

In this way, our governance costs are greatly reduced.

For generations to come, the iron bucket is not a dream, hahaha! "

A young figure passed in front of a crowd of elders, with a strange gleam in his eyes: "I propose that the four-level system be fully promoted to the entire continent, called the Zhugang Project.

Raise everyone into a pig in the pen, dare not step beyond the fence, raise your hand in agreement! "

Huh huh! Almost unanimously, everyone raised their firm palms...

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