Alien God System

Chapter 2117: Return to Genting City

The seven giant gates stood motionless in the misty mind as usual.

Yang Feng walked to the fifth gate and gently stroked his hand.

Hum! With a soft moan, two gilded characters appeared on the door, anger! Yang Feng watched this scene expectantly, preparing to enter the world inside the door, and comprehending the avenue of anger, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at the door.

"What's wrong with this?

Is this over? "

After blinking his big confused eyes, Yang Feng didn't know what he meant: "There is only a title, no content, are you kidding me?"

Bang bang bang! He patted the solid door wall fiercely, and Yang Feng yelled: "Open the door and let me in. I'm here to learn sincerely, so I can save face.

Or do you want to charge tuition?

I'll give it to you! "

Hum! Another wave of soft moans flashed past, and four large characters appeared on the door again, and the time had not arrived.

Yang Feng felt dumbfounded.



I need to improve my strength to save my life. Isn't this the time?

Is it time to wait for me to be forced into desperation and be chopped into meat sauce like melons and vegetables?

Yang Feng didn't understand, but he couldn't help seeing the four big characters that were a thousand miles away from the door.

Tilting his head, Yang Feng just sat in front of the gate, thinking of countermeasures, and sat there for three days and three nights.

During the period, he banged his head, kicked his feet, bit his teeth, all of them tried, none of them worked.

In the end, he had no choice but to retreat, thinking about his strategy again.

The body shook slightly, and Yang Feng, who was sitting cross-legged on a large boulder, slowly opened his eyes. The gentleman who had been protecting the law around him hurriedly stepped forward and laughed: "Big brother, have you broken through again?"

"No, this time the exercise is a bit difficult to understand, I still need to think about it."

"Brother, if you have any questions, you might as well discuss with the younger brother, how about?"

Hearing what he said, Wen Liang immediately volunteered: "In any case, my younger brother is also the best student in Sanctuary College, the first in his family, the first in appearance, and the best in everything.

I can understand any problem in the world of exercises.

With our savvy, even if Dean Lu saw it, he was ashamed, hehehe. "

"You will die if you don't brag?

As if who is not the same! "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng curled his lips disdainfully: "When I was in the academy, I was also the top student in the academy. The old man Lu Chengfeng could not wait to bow down to me three times, and worship me as a teacher.

But am I proud?

Am I proud?

Did I show off?

Do I show up around casually?

Good brother, be a low-key person, otherwise you will appear to be very unqualified, don't you know? "

Uh! His heart stagnated, Wen Liangshi smiled and shook his head: "Brother, you still have the face to say that I am bragging, you are not younger than me."

"Am I bragging?

When is it bragging to tell the truth? "

"Oh, well, what you said is true, I believe it.

Then again, what kind of problems can confuse you, a high-achieving student who even Dean Lu has to ask for advice? "

"This..." After slapped his lips twice, Yang Feng said leisurely: "Brother, what does the time mean?"

"Is this hard to understand?

Just before the time. "

"I know, I'm asking you whether it was easy for you to find a profound exercise secret book, and when you opened it, it said that the time has not come, what should you do?"

"Is it hard to say?

Wait. "


Yang Feng was puzzled, and Wen Liang smiled slightly and said, "As long as the master teaches apprentices, if the time has not come, it basically means two things.

One is that your strength is not good enough to master such a profound exercise; the second is that you have no experience, this set of exercises tells you that you can't understand it, and it's useless to say it.

When you have that comprehension, you will naturally understand it. "

Is it because I haven't reached that threshold yet?

In other words, it is because my current mind control power has not yet reached the point of perfection, so it is not enough to comprehend the power of the fifth way.

Thinking about this, Yang Feng understood, and immediately entered the concentration again, stabilized the cultivation base of the first four realms, and cultivated more diligently the control of the mind.

As a result, half a month later, Yang Feng's injury has completely improved, his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, and his control over the power of his mind has become more skillful.

Even, he only needed a thought to summon all the resistance forces that had been broken up by the **** Shura.

Unfortunately, he still failed to knock on the threshold of the fifth door.

After spitting out a long breath, Yang Feng opened his eyes and saw Venerable Dry Seal and they had been waiting for a long time, kneeling respectfully in front of him: "This time we have lost a lot of brothers against the **** Shura, but it's okay. Raise them all."

Huh! Raising his hand, the soul particles of the entire plane immediately appeared in Yang Feng's hands: "Did you see it?

This is the material for the creation of spirits. When I have time, I can recreate them again. "

"The Great God is mighty!"

As soon as the eyes lighted up, Venerable Dry Seal and others bowed down, happily, confident in Yang Feng, and no longer afraid of heroic sacrifice.

But after barely squeezing out a smile, Yang Feng looked at these rare spirit particles in his hand, and couldn't help sighing.

The so-called clever woman can hardly cook without rice, he has the Dafa of creating soul, and he can create it again, but he must have enough materials to do it.

It has been more than ten days since the last war. It is estimated that many spirit particles have dissipated in the heavens and the earth. I don't know where they are floating. The materials he can collect now are really limited. I wonder if he can bring everyone back to life.

In addition, it is to resurrect them with the rebirth curse.

But the Death Mantra is the knack of Ksitigarbha, can it resurrect people from other gods?

These people have their own gluttony energy when they die, and they are probably not on the list of resurrection, tusk.

Shaking his head and sighing, Yang Feng didn't tell them the truth, because he was afraid that his army would lose his mind, he just saved the soul particles that he could collect.

I have to say that after entering the dominance level and controlling the power of mind, it is not too easy to collect these spirit particles. It is almost just a thought, and all the spirit particles of the entire plane are in your hands.

How hard was it to resurrect the Yangui King back then! After doing all this, Yang Feng didn't go to continue his enlightenment anymore. As soon as he moved, he jumped off the stone platform and waved his hand: "Go, go to Genting City with me and meet up with old friends!"

Huh! There was a flash, everyone was gone, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived in Genting City, in front of Jinyao's auction site.

Everyone was stunned looking at the changing scene in the blink of an eye.

Huo Dashen could actually take so many people and go wherever he wanted, without any trace of the laws of time and space. Such strength is worthy of a man who can compete with the director of the Shura Adjudication Office.

For a while, everyone was even more in awe of Yang Feng.

Yang Feng didn't look at them, but just stared at the familiar facade and smiled: "It's been a long time since I came back, and I don't know if that stinky boy misses me... Hey, why is this full of white silk, who died?"

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