Alien God System

Chapter 2121: Brother and dad

Yang Feng blinked his bewildered big eyes: "Everything is looking for you to do errands, none of them play with you?

Besides me, who else will come to you to do business? "

"Brother Tianming, there are very few people who can come to this place, except for you, he is the only one."

"He's coming to you too?

What's the matter? "


Rolling his eyes, Brahma raised his chest proudly: "Anyway, none of you are trustworthy, you will only lie to me.

He said that he would come to see me often, but I only came when something happened, cut! "

Uh! His heart was stagnant, and Yang Feng immediately put on a kind smile and said: "Bahasa Brahma, isn't Dad busy?

I really can't spare time! Otherwise, I am willing to accompany you every day in this boring world...Uh, bah, it's a beautiful world and live a good life together.

But not now, dad must save someone.

If you can't save it, your father will be panicked and feel bad, and then he won't be in the mood to play with you. "

"Who are you going to save?"

Turning his eyes around, Brahma murmured.

Yang Feng was overjoyed: "Huo Yanfeng, he is a mortal, do you know who it is? You can't make a mistake, right?

Would you like me to report his location address, family location, height and appearance, blood type constellation? "

"Relax, I won't make a mistake."

Rolling his eyes, Brahma couldn’t help but sneered: “This is my world. Although I can’t read your mind, I can perceive the direction of every word you say. This is the mind induction. .

So, the person you want to save, I definitely know that it can't be wrong. "

That's good! Yang Feng was relieved, but soon, Brahma shrugged helplessly: "It can't be saved, you can give up."


"He was killed by Tang Hao, the director of the Shura adjudication office. Tang Hao's power is the closest to Kabbah. You should know the true body of Kabbah by now. He is not an ordinary **** of Shura, but simply deletes information about a certain creature. , But completely delete the other party as if it were a virus, and don’t even keep the background, I don’t save it here."

"No way?"

Yang Feng couldn't help but shook his body, and his eyes were still unwilling: "Is there any other way to help me save this kid."

"There is no way. Kabbah's power is to root out his opponent. Tang Hao has his true biography, and he also has this attribute.

I'm just doing a backup for your world. I'm afraid that you will delete the files by mistake and you will be able to retrieve them if you regret it.

But as soon as Kabbah took action, he could even delete the backup. "

"What about?

I have promised Li Xiaolan to save Huo Yanfeng. If it can’t be saved...” Yang Feng gritted his teeth and clenched his fists unwillingly, thinking of Li Xiaolan’s eager eyes and the helpless and lost eyes, he couldn’t stop his heart. Like a knife twist.

Brahma glanced at him obliquely, and said noncommittal: "If you can't save it, you can't save it. It's just a promise to a mortal, what's the big deal?"

You can't keep your promise to me, Brahma. "

Well! His mind was stagnant, and Yang Feng was speechless by this little kid.

"what happened?

Why can't you keep it?

Ha ha ha! "

Suddenly, a chuckle sounded, Yang Feng and the other two were taken aback, turned their heads, and saw that under the setting sun, a familiar figure came along, with white clothes fluttering and fairy spirit.

"Big Brother Tianming?"

"Brother Tianming!"

Yang Feng was startled, and Brahma leaped forward with a smile: "I don't know what wind is blowing today, you two came to see me one by one.

Isn't it... You have something to do with me? "

"how can that be possible?

Is your brother Tianming the kind of shameless person who seeks Brahma for something and has nothing to do with himself?

Hahaha! "

Yang Tian laughed. Tianming held Brahma in his arms, but the sour tone of the words was clearly poking someone in the backbone.

Yang Feng smacked his lips, Chan smiled twice, nodded and said, "Yes, son, your brother Tianming is too right.

Dad, I know your brother's character too well, that's a bad idea.

He would never do such a utilitarian thing, just like Dad and me.

Let Dad, I accompany you brothers well today, and it is also considered to spread the love of being a father, hahaha! "

Uh! The corner of his mouth twitched, and Tian Ming's face instantly sank.

Mom is so embarrassed, this kid is so bold that he dares to openly take advantage of Lao Tzu! What about it?

Who told you to poke my spine first?

The two people looked at each other with the same needle-points as they looked at each other, with rough air in their nostrils.

Brahma glanced at them and said with a smile: "What's wrong with you?

It looks like you are killing your father and your enemies, do you need me to introduce it to you? "

"No, I don't need to know this shameless villain who forgets his ancestors, huh!"

Tossing his sleeves uneasily at dawn, Yang Feng raised his brows and exclaimed: "You speak clearly, who has forgotten the ancestors?"

"you are you.

When you were at Sanctuary College, who had been teaching you with all your hardships, so that you can achieve what you are now?

Am I your teacher? "

"Forget it, what's the matter?"

With a tight neck, Yang Feng admitted that he was a bachelor, but his momentum was not diminished, as if Tianming was his grandson, not his teacher. He said: "I have been treating you as my brother and brother. For so long, I still wonder if you He was also kept in the secret room of Old Man Lu in the college.

But even so, you can't just **** me as soon as you meet, right?

I don't want face?

Especially in front of my son! "

"Fart son, Brahma became your son, then what became of me?"

"Godson is also a son. As for what you have become, **** me?"

As soon as his eyes rolled, Yang Feng coughed dryly and said: "If you want, just call Brahma, I don't mind!"

I rub! Tianming was so angry that he wanted to hit someone: "Are you still forgotten?

There is no elder! You know that Brahma and I are considered to be brothers, and you trick him into recognizing you as a father. What am I?

What do you want me to call you? "

"Whatever you want, it depends on whether you have a deep relationship with Brahma.

Brother siblings, shouldn’t we be old and old as people?

If you really think of Brahma as your own brother, Brahma's father shouldn't be yours..." "Dad! "

Before Yang Feng finished speaking, Brahma nodded his head seriously, looking towards Tianming, with hopeful light in his eyes.

Brother Tianming, it's time to test our relationship. Is my dad your dad?

Say it! Wu Wuwu ...... dawn mouth could not stop shaking the two, and immediately broke out, jumped three feet high: "I have a knife it?

Bring my eighty-meter knife, I'm going to chop this kid! "

"Hey, Tianming, what are you doing?

I am Brahma dad, you are his brother, dare to chop me?

Do you dare to kill the father?

Rebellious! "

puff! Tianming almost didn't spit out a bit of old blood, and was so angry that he danced with anger: "I can't bear it for a moment today. You are too irritable now. See if I won't kill you, stop, don't run!"

All of a sudden, the three of you chased me to hide, and became a group...

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