Alien God System

Chapter 2123: cost

He had never seen Tianming's eyes so cold, Brahma couldn't help but was startled, gritted his teeth, and fell silent.

Yang Feng also felt that the atmosphere here became very solemn, and blinked his big confused eyes, suspiciously: "What's wrong, is there any problem with this?"

"Oh, no problem. There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get things done, you have to make some choices."

With a slight smile, Tian Ming solemnly said: "The key is... Huo Yanfeng's life has multiple places in your heart. Are you willing to make some sacrifices for him."

"What are you doing?"

The pupils stared, Yang Feng cautiously covered his back waist: "Aren't you trying to get a kidney from me?"

Shaking his head with a dumb smile, Tianming murmured: "You are still so funny and like to joke.

Don't worry, you won't lose too much.

Even, I think this is good for you! "


Yang Feng puzzled: "What are the benefits?"

"You will know from now on, the secret is not to be revealed!"

Tianming smiled evilly, with a strange meaning, Yang Feng squinted his eyes and took a deep look at him, then looked at Brahma on the side, only to see that the child's face had lost its previous innocence and changed Very serious.

"Hey, son, do you know what he means?"

"Dad..." Licking his dry lips, Brahma looked at Tianming's smiling face, then looked at Yang Feng's inquisitive eyes, and took a deep breath: "The life of a mortal is really irrelevant. .

You are now the ruler, you can decide your own destiny, freely, all causal reincarnation in this world has nothing to do with you, why should you jump into it again?

It's as if the fish that broke free of the fishing net is back in the net! "

After blinking his big innocent eyes, Yang Feng didn't understand for a moment: "If you speak a little bit more simply, what do you mean?"


However, before Brahma could speak again, Tianming smiled again and said: "The fish that enters the fishing net may be brought back to be raised, and they will die.

The fish that escaped from the fishing net may fall into the mouth of natural enemies and be eaten with nothing left.

Destiny is hard to say.

The safety and freedom you think you think is a dead end. "

His body trembled, Brahma stopped talking, but lowered his head Shen Shen.

Yang Feng's face sank, and he pushed Tianming hard: "What are you doing?

Do you want to routine me?

Why don't you let the child speak?

Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy. "

"You were taught by me, will I harm you?"

With a free smile, Tianming waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I'm all for your good, you won't suffer."

"Then Brahma..." "He is worried about you, afraid that you will regret today's decision. After all, you still have a little loss."

"What's the loss?"

Yang Feng's heart was tight, and he said hurriedly.

Tianming showed a kind smile: "After you created Huo Yanfeng with your own hands, he has inextricably linked causally with you, and all his debts are related to you. This way You have a burden.

I'm afraid that when you get promoted in the future, the road will not be so smooth and you will not be able to rise to the top. "


Is it just such a loss? "

"I guarantee it with my reputation, just that little loss!"

"That's a fart?

Am I the kind of official fan who only knows to climb up? "

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng looked at Brahma and said with a smile: "Son, your father, I am a moralist, isn't it because the official luck is almost in the future? What does it matter?

The point is that we promised to take her husband back. We can’t be unbelievable, right? "

Correct! Brahma kept his head low and didn't reply, but Tianming nodded his head, laughed, and praised: "Yang Feng, to be honest, you have a lot of stinky problems, but I appreciate this very much.

I have nothing to say to be friends with you! "

"Yes, buddies can't say anything, but loyalty must be said."

Yang Feng also slapped his thigh, and urged: "Then let's stop talking nonsense now, and quickly save people to me."

"Ok, get your hand."

Tianming stretched out his right hand with the palm facing the sky, motioned for a moment, and Yang Feng immediately raised his hand and placed it on his palm.

Then, Tianming looked down and said: "Now, you will pass the memories of yourself and Huo Yanfeng into the palm of my hand with the power of the soul."

Ok! Nodding slightly, Yang Feng closed his eyes lightly and did as Tianming ordered.

As the scene of the two acquaintances replayed in their minds like a movie, Tianming gradually condensed a transparent ball of light in his hands.

The corners of Tianming's mouth swept across the arc of evil spirits, and he suddenly used force.

Nourish! what! Yang Feng couldn't help screaming, his cheeks twitched because of the pain: "It hurts, what are you doing?"

"Take a part of your mind and soul power, and merge them into Huo Yanfeng's new soul.

What's wrong, don't you want to? "

"No, it just hurts too much, like a knife cut.

Knowing this, I should just think about it again. "

"I'll go, and I just said that this is your grandson. I have to save him anyway. Now I can't bear even a little pain. What kind of plastic grandson love is this?"

Rolling his eyes, Tianming couldn't help but smile and said, "But it doesn't matter, it has been successful, you don't have to suffer that anymore, ha ha ha."

Hum! An invisible wave was uploaded from the light ball, Tianming's eyes condensed, and the data in this light ball immediately entered the past, present and future fields in this world.

In other words, this soul has re-entered the road of reincarnation and destiny.

Yang Feng was full of excitement: "Is this Huo Yanfeng saved?"

"Yes, exactly the same as before.

In other words, it is a bit different, because his destiny has been inextricably linked to you, and you can no longer be separated.

Even, he is you and you are him. After all, all his thoughts and spirits come from you. "

Raising his hand and passing the ball of light to Yang Feng, Tianming nodded in satisfaction: "Hurry up and inject this soul into his body, and the kid will live."

"Thanks, brother Tianming!"

Yang Feng was overjoyed and was about to leave with the ball of light, but he suddenly saw that Brahma was still lost. He hung his head and immediately patted him on the shoulder and said: "Son, rest assured, Dad, whenever I have time Will come to see you.

Now it’s important to save people. Dad is leaving first. You should play with your elder brother first.

You brothers... Dad loves you to death, hehehe. "

Uh! His face twitched, and Tianming, who was smiling cheerfully, quickly sank his face: "Yang Feng, it seems that you really owe you a beating.

I'm leaving now, dare to take advantage of Laozi?

Where's my one hundred and twenty-meter broadsword?

See if I won't kill you! "

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