Alien God System

Chapter 2125: anger

Entering the mist in his mind again, Yang Feng's style came to the fifth gate and gently stroked his hand.

Hum! The two familiar characters were still reflected, angry.

However, what is different from the previous one is that the four characters that appear again this time are no longer the time yet, but... Kang Long has no regrets?

Yang Feng murmured, his eyes were all strange, but he was in a trance before him, and he immediately came to a calm lake, ripples.

A dark shadow sat in the center of the lake and meditated, motionless, as if time had stopped.

"Is this the scene of the fifth path?"

Walking forward slowly, Yang Feng looked at this lifeless scene and said suspiciously, "What does this have to do with anger?"

Rumble! Suddenly, there was a thunder and burst, black thunder and lightning surrounded the nine days, and the powerful force almost wanted to tear the sky apart. The pouring rain seemed to smash down a nine-day waterfall, and the ground made Yang Feng's body bend, and he almost didn't take the old man. Waist pressure broke.

The entire lake is also rough and rough, but the dark shadow sits still in the center like a mountain.

Yang Feng suffocated his entire face and blushed. He wanted to straighten up, only to find that the torrential rain had covered the waves, and the waves were violent, and he could not resist the slightest.

Not to mention straight waist, he even struggled to support and continue to stand.

He dare to say that he has withstood a lot of rainstorms in his life, but he has never been as strong as the current rainstorm, even his knees are about to break.

However, just when he was about to lie down on the ground, the breeze blew, the heavy rain stopped immediately, everything returned to normal again, and the lake was calm as dead silence again.

Yang Feng exhaled a long breath, stood up cautiously, looking at the sky with some fear, but saw a big hole in the nine heavens, and the remaining water drops weakly lowered from the hole.

"Could it be that the heavy rain just now was the water that broke down this day?"

"Yes, it will rain like this only when the sky breaks!"

At this time, the dark shadow said: "Heaven is healthy, gentlemen strive for self-improvement.

This is the eighty-eight sixty-four hexagrams in the "Book of Changes", the image of Qian hexagram.

And the sixth line of this hexagram, the upper nine, is regretful for Kanglong.

The first line, nine-five, is the flying dragon in the sky! "

Does Kang Long regret it?

With a stunned heart, Yang Feng rolled his eyes and shouted: "Couldn't this Fifth Avenue be angry? The one who wants to practice is the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong?"

"The last move of the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong is that Kanglong has regrets, but have you read the four words in front of the door of anger?"

"Well, Kang Long has no regrets!"

Nodding slightly, Yang Feng thought about it: "One is that Kang Long has regrets, and the other is Kang Long has no regrets. Is there any difference?"

"The difference is the retention of power!"

Taking a deep breath, the black shadow murmured: "The second to last line of Qian Gua, taking the number ninety-five, is the flying dragon in the sky, which has reached the ultimate strength.

The last line, the last nine, is regretful for Kang Long, which actually means the end of the force.

Everything in the world will decline when it flourishes. This is the definite number.

Therefore, when the power of the dragon reaches the strongest, it needs to regain its strength, be very vigorous, and score seven points, and collect three points to save his life, showing that the dragon has regrets and is not able to exert his full strength. "

"It turns out that Kang Long has regrets in order to keep his cards, and don't be in a state of extreme prosperity, then Kang Long has no regrets..." "Have you ever been angry?"

Without answering him, Sombra suddenly turned and asked.

Yang Feng was slightly stunned, nodded and said: "People have seven emotions and six desires, who hasn't been angry yet?"

"Then have you been really angry?"

"Really angry?"

"Yes, true anger will make people lose their minds, no longer have any bottom line and hole cards, and burst out anger without any worries. This is no regret for Kanglong!"

He pointed his finger to the sky suddenly, and the shadow shouted: "Look at the hole, that is Kang Long Wu regret."

Yang Feng followed his direction and looked over, only to see that the hole in the sky had dried up, and there was no more water droplets.

"Heavy rain falls from the sky, no matter how violent the rain is, the water in the sky will not stay dry, and the clouds will not completely dissipate. This is Kanglong regret.

But the rain here poured out oneself in one breath, and even the sky broke through. Have you felt the power of this torrential rain? "

Then, the black shadow shouted again, and Yang Feng nodded fixedly: "This is Kang Long Wugui, it is indeed magnificent.

Do you want to tell me that bursting out all the power is the way to anger? "

"No, I want you to see that black hole, what is the result of Kang Longwu regret."

He squinted his eyes, Yang Feng stared there closely, and then murmured after a few moments: "Deadly, dry, without life, this day will never rain again."

The raised arm was slowly lowered, and the black shadow exhaled a long suffocating breath: "Kanglong has regrets, and he will never stop; Kanglong has no regrets, and he will destroy the world.

Although the power of anger is strong, it only gives you one chance.

When you are willing to do everything for this time, you will naturally be able to exert the power of anger.

But at the same time, you have to suffer the consequences of anger and lose everything. "

After speaking, the shadow disappeared, leaving only Yang Feng standing alone in this deadly world, recalling his words.

He understood why the four words that appeared on the door earlier were too late.

Because he still can't give up everything and finish his work, and now, he needs such power...Wow! After coming out of that door, Yang Feng frowned and looked at the four previous doors. He was already shaking, as if he wanted to burst out at any time.

The avenue of anger is very simple, it is to gather all the power in one place and burst out instantly. This kind of destructive power can defeat all opponents.

But at the same time, it will defeat itself.

Letting oneself lose all strength and be in a state of dryness and death can be described as a play that hurts both sides.

Oh, what should I do?

Why is the essence of this fifth way a suicidal style of play?

I don't want to die yet! Besides, the fifth path will do its best, what about the sixth and seventh paths?

Don't you need to comprehend it?

I really don't understand how the Seven Avenues of the other gods were set up... Slowly opened his eyes, Yang Feng recovered from the consciousness in his mind, although he had understood the essence of the avenue of anger, there was no joy at all.

But this is also normal. Even if the martial arts are broken, they can only be used once in their life, they are still the same style of play, and no one wants to practice it.

Rather than practicing this, it is better to practice Sunflower Collection, at least it will do little damage to yourself! "Huo Dashen!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Venerable Dry Seal happily pushed the door and entered: "Found it, we found it!"


As soon as his eyes lighted up, Yang Feng hurriedly said: "Have you found the Lord Jin Ling?"

"No, but we found him."

With that said, Venerable Dry Seal revealed a familiar figure on one side of his body, and it was undoubtedly the Sea Cube that had gone away.

But when Yang Feng saw this old man, his joyful face suddenly sank, and he said, "Why is it him?"

Alas, I didn't find the ones that should be found, and the ones that shouldn't be found, it's such a trash. "

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