Alien God System

Chapter 2128: Super God Battle

Rustle! In the sky, the bright green light was like a chain of nebula, passing through in front of the Asura gods, taking away a lot of lives.

But in the blink of an eye, thousands of Shura gods were killed, including a dozen captain-level figures.

Yang Feng, like a reaper who jumped out of hell, slaughtered the Asura captains who were originally in the gods.

They are all Dao-level masters with tyrannical strength, but at this moment, in front of Yang Feng, the true inheritor of other gods, they are like little chickens, and they have no power to fight back.

However, in a moment, the crew of the Asura gods has been seriously injured.

Moreover, this is the situation of their battle against Yang Feng alone, not counting the more than one hundred men brought by Yang Feng, if you count them... well... Actually, you don’t have to count them anymore. Since Yang Feng shot, they too There is no room for play.

All the enemies were killed by Yang Feng. They didn't even have a chance to shoot, so they could only cheer and cheer on the sidelines.

Seeing this scene, Venerable Dry Seal and the others were elated, but they were stunned once again, who had been preparing to sneak into the rescue.

At this time, he finally made sure that Yang Feng had already realized the power of other gods and became his true descendants. What he had in his hands was nothing but a little fur.

He couldn't help but feel a little bit sour in his heart. Originally, he thought that he should be the one who inherited the power of other gods, but he never expected that Yang Feng would go ahead and become the inheritor of other gods.


why it's not me?

How am I worse than him?

Hai Lifang was crying in his heart... Touch! Suddenly, with a loud noise, the peak of the holy mountain burst, and a familiar figure rushed straight into the sky, rushing in front of Yang Feng, and shouted: "Don't be a god, I've been waiting for you for a long time, take my life!"

"Tang Hao, this is what I want to pay back to you, you are dead today, hahaha!"

Yang Feng also laughed loudly, and rushed towards Tang Hao suddenly, and then the two slammed into each other like two meteors.

boom! The horrible fluctuations spread suddenly, the collision between the thoughts, the burst of power, hit the bottom of everyone's hearts, the Asura gods and the fallen gods before they realized what was going on, they all shook their bodies. His eyes were blank and he completely lost consciousness.

At this time, their spirits were still there, their bodies were harmless, but they had lost their lives.

Because their consciousness has been completely wiped out in the fluctuation of this moment.

When the consciousness dissipated, the soul no longer condensed, and began to slowly transform into divine and soul particles, floating away.

In the blink of an eye, nearly 10,000 Shura's souls flew away, including more than fifty captain-level existences.

There were also more than a hundred fallen gods here, and only a mere 30 people.

No way, just the slight aftermath of the collision between the two can cause so many level 190 to 200, among them, many great masters of the gods are instantly killed?

The pupils of the eyes couldn't help but suddenly suddenly, Hai Lifang was shocked by the real strength of the two at this time.

Is this the terrifying combat power of a quasi-sixth veteran master beyond the limits of the gods?

The so-called gods can no longer be compared with these two freaks.

Zi Zi Zi! Gritting his teeth tightly, above the nine heavens, Tang Hao's cold Shura knife was pressed tightly against Yang Feng's arm, trying to divide Yang Feng's heaven-defying existence into two.

Yang Feng smiled evilly, his whole body covered with a layer of green light, like a layer of armor, resisting the attack of Tang Hao's Shura knife.

The two of them now have the same skill level, and with one move, they are inseparable.

Tang Hao glared at him without annoyance, then looked at the losses of the Shura brothers, and immediately shouted: "Everyone will evacuate here for me, hurry!"

"It's the same with you, dodging for a while, don't get in the way!"

Yang Feng also yelled, and all the gods of Asura and the fallen gods hurriedly evacuated. Sayazi flees, for fear of being caught in the aftermath of the battle between these two monsters, just like the brothers who died.

Only Hai Lifang was hiding in the dark, waiting for action.

Sa! At this moment, the two moved again, with a sudden force, the two sides separated for a short time, but soon turned into two rays of light, one white and one green, like two giant dragons, and launched a fierce battle in the air.

Bang bang bang... There was a loud noise, one after another, the two rays of light were extremely fast, and they had fought no less than a billion times in an instant, and the entire nine days were also instantly shattered.

There was a faint light in Hai Lifang's eyes, taking advantage of the two big men's fierce battle, and the other masters were frightened to retreat, hurriedly sneaked into the holy mountain to save people.

At the same time, at the bottom of the sacred mountain, inside a dim prison, feeling the swaying mountain and the earth and rocks sliding down, Jin Ling, who was sealed up for repair, raised her head suspiciously: "What's wrong, what happened outside?

Is there someone fighting outside?

Isn't it the dead ghost calling? "

"What do you think, there are more than 20,000 Asura gods stationed here, more than 80 captain-level masters, and the first master of the Asura adjudication office, Director Tang Hao, who dares to come here to be presumptuous?"

Hearing what she said, the **** Shura outside the door couldn't help but sneered: "Don't expect anyone to save you. Even if it comes, you have to die here, hum."

She lowered her head sinkingly, a loneliness flashed in Jin Ling's eyes, and she sighed helplessly: "Yeah, who can come here to save us?

Even if the dead ghost comes... Well, forget it, I hope he won't come and pay another life for nothing. "

"Brother, please tell Director Tang, I have merit, let me go out."

At this moment, Jiang Chaowei in the opposite cell suddenly lay down in front of the cell door anxiously: "If I hadn't led you to find these two demon gods and the main god, why would you use so much flesh?

Director Tang promised me that he would take me back to the realm of God. You can't speak without counting! "

bump! However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise, and his body was kicked to the side.

"Fuck your mother, you traitor, boneless, how can Director Tang of the Shura Adjudication Office look at someone like you?"

Glancing at him fiercely, Di Aburo curled his mouth with contempt, then looked at the guard, suddenly his knees softened, and knelt down: "Big brother, this is a villain who tends to be inflamed, you can I don't care, but I am meritorious to you.

The physical bodies you use now are all provided by me.

The lord's divine temperament is awkward, and would rather die than follow, if it wasn't for me, could you stay in the earth for so long?

Go and inform Director Tang and let him let me go.

I promise, I won’t say anything about the things here even if I return to the God Realm, how about? "

"Fuck you, Di Abro, you dare to kick me?

What a courage, Lao Tzu is a **** of heaven, you are a demon **** of hell, and you have turned you back. "

However, the guard hadn't responded yet, and Jiang Chaowei had already rushed towards Di Abro, fighting with him.

Di Ablo didn't show weakness either. He kicked twice, hitting his weakness: "Go to your mother's **** of heaven, now everyone has been sealed, there is a fart difference between the **** of devil and **** of heaven.

Besides, if it weren't for you as a rape, could we have this prison?

I've abolished you! "

Puff puff! In an instant, the two gods fought like mortal ruffians in this less than ten square cell.

The guard looked like a monkey, watched them show their ugliness and ignored them, eyes full of contempt, while Jin Ling sighed helplessly, turned her head aside, and fell into deep lovesickness.

I don't know how the dead ghost is now... "It's not good, it's calling, that other **** is calling!"

Suddenly, a shout came from outside...

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