Alien God System

Chapter 2130: conspiracy

Vincent! With a tight fist, Hai Lifang already understood everything. When he looked at Tang Jian, his expression became more solemn: "Are you the undercover agent sent by Vincent to Shura Road?"

Smiling, Tang Jian didn't reply, Jin Ling and Di Abro looked at each other, and they were both shocked.

How can they not think that the upper-level intrigue can be so frantic that even the captain of the second division of the Shura adjudication office can become an undercover?

You know, the Tang family's position in the Asura Dao is full of loyalty and loyalty to the Asura Dao master Kaba, so this one hundred and eight team leader will be monopolized by the Tang family as a whole.

But never expected that there are traitors in this Zhonglie.


Hai Lifang's eyes were bewildered: "Even if the old man is the vice-chairman of the Association of Hometowns, he never thought that a betrayer from your Tang family could be instigated. Your loyalty to the Asura Way should be unswerving until death. Will it?"

He shook his head indifferently and smiled, Tang Jian's eyes flashed with undetectable hatred: "So, you are just the vice president, not the president.

President Vincent knew me and saw my needs.

It is probably the case that the so-called scholars die for their confidants. "

"Understood, although I have opinions on Vincent, I have to admit that his city and ability are few in the world.

It’s just that I don’t understand...” As he said, Hai Lifang pointed to the green light in Tang Jian’s hand: “As a local protoss, how did you get the power of the other gods?

Don't say that you are the **** of Shura, even ordinary local gods cannot refine this kind of power that is like a virus to you, unless..." The body shook, Hai Lifang seemed to understand something: "This Strength is given to you by Vincent?

In other words, Vincent had already realized the power of other gods and had this kind of power.

And as soon as this power enters your body, you become his slave, and life and death are under his control. "

"A slave, haha!"

Shaking his head indifferently, Tang Jian smiled, smiling very freely: "Don't say it so badly, Vice President.

Dare to ask who is not a slave in this world?

Do you think that the six gods are not the slaves of the gods?

The entire six realms system operates with the mind of Lord Tiandao.

The world is in the six realms, even if it is a god, whether it is a demon god, a **** of death, a main god, a **** of Shura, or even a **** of heaven, which one should not follow the laws set by the Lord of Heaven? "

"This whole rule of the sky, the Lord of Heaven can change it as he wants, we only have to obey it. What's the difference between this and a slave?

If there is a difference, the other gods are more open and honest, and the gods are more concealed, nothing more.

We were born in heaven and earth, we were destined to be slaves.

The only thing we can change is to choose which master to serve, right? "

Tang Jian looked deeply at the solemn faces of Hai Lifang and others, revealing an evil smile: "Vice President Hai, I am a person who has seen through this world.

What Shuluo Dao, what Tang family's loyalty, but they are all emperor and courtier.

If Tao sits in the high hall today, anyone who is attached to him can control the universe, and Kaba is the master of Shura Tao.

But one day, other gods will sit in a high position and take charge of the God Realm. Perhaps the seat of Asura Dao Master will be mine?

Hahaha! "

"Dream, you are a local protoss, still want to sit on the seat of Taoist master?

Our ancient protoss must be in charge of the country that our ancient protoss lays down.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

In the future, no matter who inherits the power of other gods and takes charge of the universe, the position of the Six Elders will definitely be in the charge of our ancient gods, and the local gods don't want to touch it.

Other gods are the heroes of the ancient gods, the totems of the ancient gods, not yours. "

The ultra-racist temperament of Hai Lifang was once again revealed. Seeing Tang Jian, a traitor, a dog minion, is actually whimsical. He wants to be under one person, over ten thousand people, and step on Yunyun in the new world created by other gods. On the head of the ancient Protoss, a mouthful of salt soda almost didn't spray over it.

Tang Jian shook his head with a smile, his eyes full of contempt: "Vice President Hai, or you are just a deputy, your mind is too narrow, not as broad as President Vincent!"

"Even Vincent will never betray the interests of our ancient Protoss!"

"The interests of the ancient gods?

Hahaha...There are only winners and losers in this world, and there is no benefit of any race.

Racial interests are only used to deceive you angry youths, willing to throw their heads and blood, and lay the ground for the real master.

When the ruler sits on this **** river and mountains, he doesn't care about your ethnic interests. Who can help him stabilize the river and mountains, he will promote someone in an exceptional manner.

On the contrary, if anyone hinders the stability of his country, he will not hesitate to abandon it, regardless of whether you are of the same race or not. "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Tang Jian stared at Ocean Cube sarcastically, "Vice President of the Ocean, you should know this best."

With a jump of his eyelids, Hai Lifang frowned slightly, thinking carefully, and soon his pupils condensed, as if he understood something: "Is this Vincent's set?"

Use my set? "

"if not?

Do you think that the **** Shura who came to search for your whereabouts found you?

After he found you, Tang Hao immediately locked your position.

Tang Hao thought that this was his layout, but what he didn't know was that everything was under the control of President Vincent. "


Then... I stole the source code of other gods and went down to the world, but Vincent had expected it? "

"That's President Vincent deliberately forcing you, ha ha ha!"

Looking down at him mockingly, Tang Jian said leisurely: "You and President Vincent have been colleagues for many years. He knows best what your temperament, under what circumstances, and what you will do. But that's it.

Therefore, he deliberately guides you, forces you to bring the source code of other gods to the lower realm, and then deliberately or unintentionally releases the wind to Tang Hao, and leads Tang Hao to arrest you.

Tang Hao thought that if he held you, he was holding the handle of the fellow villagers' association, and he could kill the fellow villagers all at once.

But he never thought that it was himself who would be wiped out! "

The pupils flicked, Haifang was stunned, and ignored the violent shaking of the mountain and the continuous dust falling down.

Tang Jian looked up at the top of his head, feeling the fierce battle in the nine heavens, and muttered, "You know?

The protagonists of this battle should be you and Tang Hao.

President Vincent has high hopes for you, hoping that you can comprehend the powerful power in the codes of these other gods and help him solve the most promising master in the history of Shura Dao.

After all, you are the top software engineer.

But it's a pity, you are not as savvy as the little-known old ghost of the Huo family. "

"Look, how many days did the old ghost of the Huo family have been in contact with you, and as long as the source code of the other gods was obtained, this achievement has already been achieved.

Vice President Hai, don't you feel ashamed, a top student of a prestigious information engineering major?

Hahaha! "

Tang Jian was spitting, his words were full of sarcasm...

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