Alien God System

Chapter 2135: Sympathy

Silence, Yang Feng suddenly muttered.

Yes, the **** Shura's vocation is to destroy other gods.

No matter when, even if they share adversities and have a common enemy, they are still incompatible.

Jin Ling looked worried and cursed: "Tang Hao, even if you are the **** of Shura, it is your duty to annihilate the other gods, but now the other gods have just saved you.

If you kill him now, isn't it ungrateful and vindicated?

Could it be that the boss of the dignified Asura **** is such a shameless person?

Even if you want to kill other gods, shouldn't you give him his life-saving grace first? "

Without replying, Tang Hao still stared at Yang Feng, the Shura knife in his hand didn't let go.

Hai Lifang's eyes narrowed, a green dagger was condensed in his hand, ready to attack Tang Hao's back at any time, but suddenly... "Brother Hai, don't do it, you can't hurt him!"

With a loud shout, Hai Lifang stopped the action of Hai Lifang. Hai Lifang looked at Yang Feng puzzledly, but saw him smile freely: "If Director Tang Hao dies, who will deal with that second and fifth boy?

can you? "

Well! His mind was stagnant, and Hai Lifang finally understood what Yang Feng meant. It turned out that at such a critical juncture, this kid was thinking of the overall situation.

Is it possible... Is this the difference between me and him?

So he understood the way of other gods, but I didn't, alas! Sighing lightly, Hai Li took a step back and put away the sneak attack in his hand.

Tang Hao didn't make any movement. From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at Hai Lifang, but stared at Yang Feng, "Is this your purpose to save me?"

"Yes, I resorted to the fifth way of the other gods. After the anger, I lost all power.

If you die again at this time, those two or five boys will no longer have any concerns, then who will protect them? "

With that, Yang Feng turned to look at Jin Ling, who was full of worry.

Following his eyes, Tang Hao's eyes flickered, seeming a little surprised: "The descendants of other gods, will they give up their lives to protect a local protoss?"

"What's this?

That is my wife! "

Shaking his head with a smile, Yang Feng murmured: "Do you really think that other gods are going to destroy the world and all the local gods?

If you really think so, then you can do it now.

But please be sure to protect Jin Ling and the others. As the **** of Shura, isn't this also your duty? "

The hand holding the sword was trembling, and Tang Hao was making a fierce choice in his mind. Finally, he closed his eyes reluctantly, his palm was loose, and he lay weakly on the snowy ground beside him, side by side with Yang Feng.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng let out a long suffocation and smiled: "Why, don't you kill?

Are you unwilling to perform the duties of God Shura? "

"It's not unwilling to perform, but unable to perform!"

With a look of loneliness in his eyes, Tang Hao looked at the pale sky and muttered: "If I were still a **** of Shura, I would definitely kill you without hesitation.

Unfortunately, I am now disqualified. "


Yang Feng was taken aback, puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Don't you see that the trick I used to deal with Tang Jian just now was the Forbidden Art of Heaven, not the power of Asura?

Just because I am now, I can no longer use any of the power of Shura Dao. "

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao murmured: "The fifth sword I used when fighting with you was designed to overcome your great anger.

Once I acted out, the sword succeeded, and the Tao was destroyed, my Asura Dao Heart was completely destroyed.

The current me is just an ordinary **** who can barely use the six gods, and I no longer have the strength of a master class.

So you want to rely on me to deal with Tang Jian, I'm afraid the calculation is wrong! "

How could this be?

With a shock in his heart, Yang Feng looked at him incredulously: "Your fifth sword is from Kabbah?

If you use it, you will lose all the power of Shura Dao? "

Ok! Tang Hao slightly nodded, and Yang Feng said again: "My fifth way was solved in the other gods' technique. Once I use it, I will lose all my power. Now I am no different from a mortal."

"Really, then you are worse than me, and I don't need to kill you anymore, ha ha ha!"

With a wry smile and shaking his head, Tang Hao sighed softly, "It's just that we both struggled and lost both, but let others pick up the bargain, alas."

"No, I mean you still have sixth and seventh swords?"

"Yes, but I can't practice now, my Dao heart is destroyed."

"Since your fifth sword and my fifth path will destroy our foundation and cause us to lose everything, why are there sixth and seventh swords and sixth and seventh paths behind?

Did those two old guys get sick when they created the exercises?

Arranged in this order? "

Yang Feng blinked his bewildered big eyes and stared at Tang Hao. Tang Hao also squinted his eyes for a while and said: "My first sword has reached the ultimate level of the gods, and you must be the first. The same is true of Tao, which can swallow the powerhouses of the God Realm.

My second sword touched the threshold of the state of mind, and it must be the same with your second sword.

In this way, the two sets of exercises set by the two of them are not like ordinary moves, but more like a kind of guidance. "


"Yes, a way to guide us to understand higher levels of power."

Thinking about this, Tang Hao sat up and thought carefully: "If you want to cultivate my sixth sword and your sixth path, you must go through the fifth sword and fifth path, then we When both lose their strength, maybe it is a process of breaking and then standing up!"

Break and then stand?

When his eyes lighted up, Yang Feng hurriedly said: "How to stand?"

"I don't know that such a qualitative mutation must require an opportunity.

If you don't have the opportunity, you won't be able to realize it.

But as soon as the opportunity arrives, it will turn into a butterfly and reach a higher level.

Maybe we can jump from the quasi-six-olds to the ranks of the six-olds. "

Wow, side by side with the six elders, then I won’t have to be afraid of Kabbah’s extinction in the future, hehe

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng immediately showed a look of yearning.

Tang Hao glanced at him obliquely and coughed dryly: "Of course, if you can't realize it, you can only be a **** forever.

Fortunately for me, even if it is no longer the top Asura **** of the past, it is still an ordinary god, and it is not a problem to save my life.

But it's hard to say, a mortal, ill-fated! "

Well! His heart was stagnant, and Yang Feng couldn't help but worry: "Then I have to speed up the enlightenment, at least to restore my divine power as soon as possible, otherwise, let alone Tang Jian, I will die if found by your ordinary Asura gods."

Thinking of this, Yang Feng hurriedly crossed his knees on the snow, entered his mind to comprehend, but closed his eyes, and saw the darkness in front of him, and there was nothing left.

Sorry, even the seven white doors are gone, how can I comprehend it?

Could it be... Really going to become waste?

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