Alien God System

Chapter 2173: Reverse the case

"Go, follow me to the verdict.

I want to see who decided this case, huh! "

Then, Yang Feng grabbed Old Jiu's body and walked out. When the main **** who was coming to change classes saw him, he hurriedly said: "Student Yang Feng, you can't take him away, it's not in compliance with the rules!"

"Shit rules, talk to my mentor about the rules, I'm going to reverse the case!"

Without turning his head back, Yang Feng swayed out of here, Zhong Lihun and the others hurriedly followed, leaving only the shift leader standing stiffly on the spot. After staggering for a long time, he finally sighed helplessly.

Alas, the interns led by the president of Chang are really unprovoking, tusk! A quarter of an hour later, while walking on the road of the human world, Yang Feng asked Zhong Lihun and the others to lead the way, and asked Lao Jiu very seriously: "What have you done during the time I am not here, answer honestly!" Don’t let me go to Xingshi with a big fanfare to inquire about the crime, when people put your crime evidence at me, it is correct, how embarrassed am I?"

"Oh, Brother Feng, you don’t know that since you went down and showed your mighty power last time, our system in the lower realm has long since become the Martian elder system. All high-level elders are elected by virtuous elders. I I haven't been emperor for a long time.

Even if I run, I won’t be elected.

Later, I started business. You know, I am still very talented in business. "

"Yeah, how did you become a tyrant?

Could it be that your previous affiliation was registered? "

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and squinted at him.

The corner of Old Jiu's mouth flattened: "Brother Feng, I can eat and drink at best, but it's not that bad, I can become a tyrant.

Otherwise, after the change of the lower realm system, I would have been liquidated soon?

Those people still don't eat me? "

"Yes, if you are really a tyrant, once the regime collapses, you will surely be swallowed up by the people."

Nodded deeply, Yang Feng looked at him again: "Then how did you die?"

Uh! His mind was stagnant, and Old Jiu's face was also confused: "This...I don't know!"

"How did you die yourself, don't you know?"

"Yeah, I was originally glorious and wealthy, with the delicacies of the mountains and the sea. Who knows inexplicably, I feel that my body is getting weaker and weaker. I belch after ten days. The ghost knows how I died?"

"That's weird. I don't even know the cause of my death. There must be a problem."

His eyes narrowed slightly, Yang Feng thought carefully, and Zhong Lihun on the side glanced at him and smiled: "Brother Feng, don't bother with that. When it comes to the verdict, how he died is recorded. , You can find out after checking."

"That's right, what am I doing with that **** now?

Just check it directly when you go there.

By the way, old nine, how many days have you been here? "

"Oh, less than three days!"

"What, only three days?"

As soon as he said this, Zhong Lihun was shocked immediately, and Yang Feng gave him a strange look: "What's the matter?

What happened in three days? "

"Quick, too fast!"

After smacking his lips twice, Zhong Lihun's face also quickly and solemnly: "Brother Feng, you have also seen the scene of our verification just now. The workload is huge.

There are so many dead souls on all planes, they are all waiting for reincarnation, how can it be so easy to get the judgment so quickly and go straight to reincarnation.

Some people have been waiting for hundreds of years, and they are still waiting to be called.

Like our Hungry Ghost Road, isn’t there a ghost living area?

All are waiting in line for reincarnation! Why did he get the result in three days? "

"You mean..." "This case was judged too quickly, obviously it was urgent."

With gleaming light in his eyes, Zhong Lihun, as the second generation of Liu Daoguan, is clear about the Dao Men in it, and firmly said: "Brother Feng, I am now ninety-nine percent sure. Your brother's case is definitely not normal. Someone must be contributing to the process."

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood.

"Sure enough, someone wanted to get this case as fast as possible.

It's just Lao Jiu, have you offended any **** in the God Realm as a mortal?

If people treat you like this, they want you to die in hell? "

"No, I am a mortal, even if I have been an emperor before, I can never reach the level of a god, how can I offend people in the gods?"

Huang Laojiu was also confused. Yang Feng's brows were condensed into a knot, but Zhao Gongming suddenly said indifferently: "Brother Feng, we are here."

The body stagnated, Yang Feng looked up, and saw that at this time, they had already come to a magnificent palace like the palace of an emperor on earth, with a sign standing on it, the Judgment Office of the Department of Human Destiny.

"It's black or white, go and check the case, you know everything, go!"

As he said, Yang Feng strode forward, but before he took a step, he was suddenly pulled, turning his head to look, and seeing the old nine standing in place like a wooden stake, his eyes were full of entanglement and hesitation.

"What's wrong, old nine?

Why don't you leave?

Don't you want to know how you were wronged?

Even more, it has something to do with your death. "


Licking some dry lips, Huang Laojiu lowered his head sinkingly: "Let's forget it, I... don't want to hurt you."


Yang Feng's brow raised a sharp arc, and Huang Laojiu sighed: "If my case is really provoked by me offending some great god, then I will take the blame.

There is no need to bring you in for me.

I know that you are still just an intern now, which is equivalent to our mortal jury, not an official.

Offending the high officials here for no reason will be bad for your future career.

If you can't turn right, doesn't it mean that I hurt you?

Brother Feng, it is not easy for you to have a chance to become a god. Don't do it for the little things like brothers..." Pop! With a crisp sound, Yang Feng directly slapped Huang Laojiu, his expression gloomy as never before.

Huang Laojiu stiffened and froze.

Yang Feng curled his lips in disdain: "When did Brother Feng be so silly in your heart?

Can't even cover my brother?

Are you underestimating your brother Feng me? "

"No, no... I didn't mean that..." "No, just follow me, if you are really wronged, I will definitely give you justice.

No matter who is obstructing, it is a big deal to dismantle this verdict, and even the entire human world, so what?

Humph! "

A rough breath came out of his nostrils, Yang Feng didn't look at him again, turned and walked in violently.

Zhong Lihun and the others looked at each other, smiled, patted the fat man's shoulder lightly, followed by walking in, leaving only Huang Laojiu standing in front of the magnificent gate, his lips trembling slightly After two blows, I couldn't help lowering my head and choked.

Sure enough, Brother Feng is still the former Brother Feng, woooo...At the same time, in a magnificent palace hall, three or five main gods are laughing and rubbing mahjong and bragging! Suddenly...buzzing! The magic mirror on the table gave out a faint white light, and a master **** took it and smiled: "What's the matter, what's wrong with me in such a hurry? This is numb!"

"Oh, Hu judge, the big thing is not good, you come back quickly, someone will come to investigate your case, and your case will be reversed!"


Brows shook, Hu Pan immediately furiously said: "Who, who is so bold, dare to trouble me?"

"An intern!"

"An intern?

Why is he? "

"His mentor is Chairman Chang Weichang!"

Uh! When he stagnated, Hu Pan was immediately stunned...

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