Alien God System

Chapter 2186: See you again

A quarter of an hour later, Yang Feng blew a cheerful whistle and returned to the large room where the verification practice took place.

As before, the number of people here has never been reduced. One wave of ghosts has just been reviewed and left, and another wave of ghosts reappears here, waiting for reincarnation, endless.

The staff are also very busy, only waiting for another shift to alternate before returning to rest.

"Yang Feng, is it you?"

Suddenly, a hostile cold drink suddenly sounded.

Yang Feng was taken aback, turned his head and looked, only to see another familiar face appeared in front of his eyes: "Murong Yinfeng, why are you here?"

"Nonsense, I've been waiting for reincarnation here for decades."

At this moment, standing in front of Yang Feng was an old opponent who had been in the lower realm, General Murong Yinfeng.

It's just that when this old man meets Yang Feng, his former rival, in addition to his strong will to fight, he has a smirking smile on his face: "You are here too. Does this prove that you are also dead?"

Uh! After hesitating a little, Yang Feng nodded disapprovingly: "Forget it, I died once, hahaha!"

"What do you mean?

To die is to die. One death is enough. Who can die twice? "

Rolling his eyes, Murong Yinfeng looked at Yang Feng up and down: "Hey, a character like you, even if this general has such an organ, is dead in your hands, who else in the world can kill you?

How did you die?

Who killed it? "

"I...haha, strong midfielders have strong midfielders, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

I was once hacked to death by a master holding a white sword..." "What does it mean to be hacked to death?

Don’t you belch now?

Say as if you are not dead! "

Cursing his lips contemptuously, Murong Yinfeng thought about it a little later and said: "But you are right, there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world, who can really be invincible?

In a war situation, there is always one day to be killed.

Just like me, I didn't expect to be killed by such a small country landlord like you! "

"Right, right, right, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not get the knife, hehehe."

Yang Feng grinned and nodded in response.

Murong Yinfeng saw that Yang Feng was just like him now. Although he felt comfortable, he soon felt pity for the same disease.

The so-called "knowing heroes and emphasizing heroes", his powerful military power was defeated by Yang Feng, so he still respects Yang Feng, his opponent.

So after a brief schadenfreude, Murong Yinfeng's heart also calmed down: "Hey, what will you say in your next life?

How was the verdict? "

"That's not bad, the judge said that I benefited the people in my previous life, and that I will be a rich man in my next life, with fertile fields, three wives and four concubines, no worries in my life, hehe hehe."

Yang Feng fooled him, Murong Yinfeng listened, and sneered at his head: "What's not promising, anyhow, we have fought with real swords and guns in this life, fighting for the world, and you only want to be a rich man in the next life?

Haven't thought of riding on the battlefield again and smashing the next day? "

"What use do I think?

People think that I was too hostile to fight and kill in my previous life. In my next life, I will live in peace and stability and live a peaceful life. It's good, how about you? "

"I can be the emperor in my next life, and I will be the kind of founding emperor, hahaha!"

Yang Tian laughed loudly, and Murong Yinfeng suddenly realized that he was standing in front of Yang Feng now, his figure was much stalwart.

Yang Feng was taken aback: "Are you the emperor?

With so much blood on your hands in this life, it is good not to go to hell, right? You can still be an emperor? "

"Riding on the battlefield, how can there be no reason not to blood?"

With a sneer, Murong Yinfeng proudly said: "The judge said that I had the emperor's life in this life, but half of the time, it was changed by force majeure, so I would pay me an emperor's life in the next life.

Besides, I was born with a star, and the reincarnation of a white tiger in my previous life was the material for leading soldiers in battle.

This is destined for me to remain in charge of the mountains and rivers in my next life, hahaha! "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng smiled and said, "Congratulations!"

"You're welcome."

With a slight smile, Murong Yinfeng continued: "Although I have lost to you in this life, I will be better than you in the next life.

After all, I am the emperor and you are just a landlord.

If we accidentally fall into the same plane and region when we are reincarnated, you should be careful.

You may not be a rich man.

I will definitely copy your home and take back everything you owe me in this life, Jie Jie Jie. "

Don't worry, you don't have this chance! Shaking his head without saying a word, Yang Feng looked at him mischievously.

Murong Yinfeng also stared at Yang Feng, "Laugh, can you still laugh?"

When you are reborn in the mortal world..." "Hey, the one behind, it's up to you, is it deaf?

I told you three times! "

Suddenly, there was a sharp shout, Murong Yinfeng's body shook, and he turned to look, and saw that there was no one in front of his team. The auditor was staring at him with a gloomy expression, and cursed: "Hurry up, I didn't So much time is spent with you.

Slowly, believe it or not I threw you to hell? "

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear it just now, sorry!"

With a tremor, Murong Yinfeng immediately changed into a flattering smile and ran over, respectfully presenting his soul card: "My lord, this is my soul card for judgment. You will be the emperor in your next life. Don't do it when you release it later. It's a mess, thank you."

"Got it, annoying!"

The auditor didn't even look at him, but said impatiently.

Murong Yinfeng wiped the cold sweat on his head, only smiling.

Yang Feng leaned in front of him leisurely and said with a smile: "Yo, brother Murong, are you going to be emperor or eunuch?

Is it too humble? "

"To shut up!"

Looking back at him, Murong Yinfeng cursed: "Even if I am going to be the emperor, he is still a mortal, but here is a god.

The emperor is the son of the gods.

Of course the son must respect Laozi.

An ordinary rich man like you who wants to be respectful to the gods is not qualified yet, huh. "

Is it! Raising his brows, Yang Feng laughed and patted the table lightly and said, "Hey, give me this person's soul card."

"Who are you, just follow me...ah!"

The auditor squinted his eyes impatiently, but he staggered and almost didn't fall in fright. He hurriedly stood up and stammered: "Judge Yang...Judge Yang, why are you back again?"

Judge Yang?

When Murong Yinfeng heard it, he opened his big eyes instantly and looked at Yang Feng in disbelief.

With a gentle smile, Yang Feng took Murong Yinfeng's soul card from the reviewer handily and said: "I want to do more review work. You can go back to rest, and I will do it for you in your class. ."

"This..." "This is an order!"

"Uh yes!"

Determined to nod, the reviewer immediately left the place very aware of the current affairs.

Yang Feng was sitting on the seat with a golden sword, two legs on the long table, evilly looked at Murong Yinfeng, who was already dumbfounded in front of him, and said: "Man, it seems that your wish is about to fall.

When you become the emperor in your next life, you may not meet me, a rich man.

In a short time, I have no plans to go downhill. "

" are now..." The corners of his mouth couldn't stop twitching twice, and Murong Yinfeng suddenly felt cold and almost crying.

Raising his brows diagonally, Yang Feng said leisurely: "Who just said that the emperor is the son of the god..." "Dad!"

However, before he could finish his words, Murong Yinfeng made a direct plop, knelt down, hugged Yang Feng's thigh, and cried bitterly: "Daddy, forgive me, I just made a joke. You must not use it. I am right.

I'm just an ordinary mortal, I can't afford it, oooooo! "

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