Alien God System

Chapter 2199: Tang Jing

"Master Kabbah, are you kidding me?

How can I, Master Kaba, you can take the internship yourself? "

Yang Feng still couldn't believe it, and Kaba smiled blankly: "What's the matter? When you were in the **** road, didn't the old Ksitigarbha king lead you.

Why, he can take it, but I can’t take it?

Hahaha! "

With a hearty laugh, Kabbah put his arms around Yang Feng's shoulders very affectionately: "Yang Feng, the past is over.

From now on, we are a pure teacher-student relationship, and the old man will treat you like a son. "

"Master Kabbah, I..." Hearing him say this, Yang Feng's eyes were full of moving tears: "I'm so ashamed. Fortunately, I've been scolding you in secret before, the green turtle. , After you die, you will go down to eighteen levels of hell. You never thought that you had such a broad mind, and you were willing to disregard the predecessors and teach the students yourself.

The students will be grateful, and death is not a pity. "

Then you should hurry up and die, you actually scolded the old man so much swearing behind his back! His face twitched slightly, and Kabbah pressed his anger in his heart, barely showing a smile, and said lightly: "It's over, everything is over, why didn't the old man want to bring you guys down?

But after observing for such a long time, I found that you are a talented person, and your character is good, so I have a love for talent. "


As he said, a shining Shura knife suddenly appeared in Kaba’s hand. Yang Feng's heart tightened. He thought the old thing was going to cut him, but he saw Kaba handing the hilt to him and said, "This is the old man. The close-fitting Shura knife, which has never left the old man in a lifetime, is now given to you.

I hope you will make good use of it to punish and punish evil, go up to the faint king, and down to the slanderer, to live up to the righteousness of the Shura Avenue! "

"Master Kaba, this..." Excited, Yang Feng piously took the Shura sword with both hands, and he was about to cry: "Teacher, how can you repay the students in the future."

There was an unnatural arc across the corner of his mouth. Kabbah didn't seem to be willing to accept Yang Feng's words, but in the end he grinned and nodded and said: "It's good if you have this heart, but Yang Feng, as a teacher as Shura Dao Master, teaching students is very harsh.

You must be fully psychologically prepared to receive the ultimate training of your teacher. "

Here comes, I know there is no good fart in the belly of this old ghost! With a false smile on his face, Yang Feng nodded slightly: "Don't worry, mentor, I won't let you down!"

"Okay, come here, call Tang Jing!"

Yes! With a loud shout, someone immediately went to pass the message. After a while, a loud and powerful sound was heard in every corner of the hall: "Master Kabbah, you call me?"

Huh, woman?

Yang Feng was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, only to see a graceful girl walking in bravely.

The white armor covered her body, like a female general, but she couldn't hide her graceful body at all.

Especially with the appearance of a mixture of Chinese and Western races, there is an ordinary girl who is not heroic in the eyebrows.

Yang Feng was dumbfounded unconsciously, and then he smiled at Kaba embarrassedly: "Teacher, have you heard of some bad rumors from me?"

"Bad rumors?

what? "

Kaba looked confused, and Yang Feng smiled brightly: "It's just that there are rumors about me being romantic, lascivious... Oh, those are all rumors, don't believe me.

We just established a teacher-student relationship today, so you will send me a woman. Tsk tsk, it’s so polite! "


Kaba was stunned, and Tang Jing stared at her eyes, looking at Yang Feng inexplicably, with fire in her eyes.

However, Yang Feng seemed to have not seen anything, and still twitchedly explained: "In fact, although I have married a lot of wives, I will have to accept two concubines in a while.

But that is the result of our true love, which is about feelings.

But today you suddenly gave me such a dashing and heroic beauty, who do you think of me? "

"Since you don't want it, it's just..." Kaba rolled his eyes and was about to explain, but listened to Yang Feng's teeth clenching abruptly: "Don't take it as an example, just accept it this time, hehehe."

I wipe it, you want to point your face, OK?

Who said to send you?

Kaba's pupils glared, staring at Yang Feng's shameless face that was about to bloom, wishing to kill the kid now.

choke! At this time, a dazzling Shura knife was suddenly withdrawn, and it instantly pressed against Yang Feng's throat.

Yang Feng stagnated, and squinted, seeing Tang Jing's eager eyes, staring at him murderously: "Where is the smelly boy, keep your mouth clean, or the old lady will kill you now. !"

"Eh eh eh, you will be mine soon. Treat your husband like this and want to murder your husband?"

"Shut up, who is yours?"

"Master Kaba wants to give you to me and let me gallop. Are you going to defy Master Kaba's intention?"

Raising his eyebrows inadvertently, Yang Feng gave a wicked smile.

Tang Jing raised her brows and looked at Kabbah incredulously: "Master Kabbah, you..." "Don't listen to his nonsense, when did I say I sent you to him?"

Glancing at Yang Feng, Kabbah scolded.

Tang Jing glared at Yang Feng again full of irritation, the blade in her hand couldn't help getting colder.

Yang Feng blinked his big innocent eyes, and after thinking about it a little, he laughed immediately: "It turns out that I misunderstood. Hey, teacher, you didn't plan to send me a woman. You said it earlier.

A decent gentleman like me would never do such a dirty thing as accepting a woman.

I want to come through my tough statement just now, everyone can see it, hehehe. "

Speechless! Both Kabbah and Tang Jing stared at him speechlessly, especially Tang Jing, how disgusting Yang Feng was.

She swears that since she was born, she has never seen such an annoying man.

In the end, Kaba waved his hand gently, no longer entangled with Yang Feng's unreasonable troubles, and said lightly: "Alright, Tang Jing, put the knife away first.

The old man calls you here, it's business. "

"Yes, Lord Kabbah!"

Determined to nod, Tang Jing flicked his arm and retracted the Shura knife, then glared at Yang Feng fiercely, "I wonder if Master Kabbah summoned his men, what's the matter?

Who is this man?

Why call an adult a teacher? "

"Oh, let me introduce you to him. He is Yang Feng. Among the internships this year, the old man personally took the intern!"


She shook her body, Tang Jing looked at Yang Feng who was still smiling hippie incredulously, with jealous eyes in her eyes: "Why?

Why should this slick boy deserve to be taught by Master Kaba himself? "

"Whether he is worthy, it's not your turn to care!"

"But Master Kaba, since the establishment of Asura Dao, except for the first director Tang Hao, no one in the entire Asura Dao can get Master Kaba's personal guidance. Even Master Aotian does not have the qualifications. Why can this thief-eyed kid be an adult? So favored?

I am not convinced! "

Tang Jing roared, eyes full of stubbornness and resentment, Kabbah took a deep look at her, without explaining too much, just remained silent.

Yang Feng looked strangely aside, who is this girl who dares to bludgeon Kabbah so blatantly?

And Kaba didn't fan her out, this is not Kaba style...

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