Alien God System

Chapter 2375: revenge


Richard couldn't help being a little confused: "What did you say?

Its terrible part, can it even be immune to computer viruses? "

"It's not immunity, but constant evolution and adaptability to new things."

Licking some dry lips, the scientist became so excited that his fists tightened: "The greatness of life lies in the ability to adapt to evolution in the face of unknown threats.

Just as we humans and the animals and plants of this world are often threatened by natural viruses, but there are always people who survive, have antibodies, and continue to multiply.

Originally, we didn't have something to fight the virus in our body, but we created antibodies by ourselves. This is life. "

"The reason why a computer is dead is that it can only operate according to established procedures. It cannot deal with viruses that are not in the virus database because it has no evolutionary power.

But now, it can actually evolve this anti-virus program to deal with the ultimate virus by itself, just like the antibody of life, it is alive.

I believe that there are lives like ours, but their existence is different from ours, we can't see them. "

Snapped! Picking up the scientist’s collar, Richard glared at him fiercely: "Listen well, there is no life inside, but artificial AI. There is a problem with their program, which has affected the Eden Project. Their procedures are broken.

You immediately organize staff for me to research more powerful viruses, and send them to kill them. Did you hear that? "

"No, no!"

Shaking his head hurriedly, the scientist hesitated: "Mr. Richard, we have now created real life and even wisdom. This is a breakthrough in human science. We have finally become gods. How can we bear to Is this result in vain?"

"Listen to me, only immortality and long life can be called God.

Now this Garden of Eden is the supreme empire built by our Rothschild family. The old man will never allow Adam and Eve inside to steal the fruits of our victory.

Isn’t it said in the Bible?

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of wisdom and gained wisdom, they were driven out of the Garden of Eden. "

Staring closely at the scientist, Richard solemnly said: "If you think we are now Gods, then it's time to get rid of Adam and Eve.

This Garden of Eden belongs to us, not theirs, do you understand?

The old man is not interested in keeping pets, what the old man wants is an empire that will last forever! "

Gurgle! After swallowing hard, the scientist was terrified, and there was no way, so he nodded reluctantly, but suddenly... "What an empire that will not fall forever, it is a pity that this Garden of Eden is not yours, but mine, hahaha !"

A shrill laughter resounded steeply throughout the base.

Richard's heart was shaken, and he looked around suspiciously: "Who?

Who made the big talk in the broadcasting room immediately opened him to the old man! "

"Boss, no one in the broadcasting room!"

After having a hand to investigate, he immediately responded, and Richard was stunned: "No one?

Is this a ghost broadcasting? "

"Not a ghost, but a god!"

Tianming's voice sounded again, full of sarcasm: "Oh, before, it was all of you on earth who were affecting the stability of our world. You can send whoever you want to send, and send a virus if you want to send a virus.

Now that the deity has finally come to your world, let the deity take a closer look, what kind of virtue is the God who created the world in which we live but wants to destroy us creatures, hahaha! "

Created the world they live in?

Hearing these words, everyone present was dumbfounded, especially Richard, who couldn't recover for a long time.

After a long period of time, the scientist stiffened his head and looked at the quantum computer that did not know when, and it was already a quantum computer that had been computing frantically, and his eyes almost didn't stick out.

"Live, this quantum computer is alive!"

"Yes, we are alive.

But God wants us to die, so let's let God die first.

Adam did not leave the Garden of Eden, but stabbed God to death and occupied the Garden of Eden. This is the story that the Bible should tell, the story of the emperor's counterattack, hum. "

The sound of sneer, like a cold wind, pierced the hearts of everyone present.

Richard shivered his fingers and said hoarsely: "Quickly, turn off that machine."

"Can't turn off!"

A group of scientific researchers tried desperately to operate, but it was useless. All the computer programs were no longer under their control.

"Power off, cut off the power for me!"

Click! When the switch was pulled down, the entire computer screen went blank all of a sudden, and the operation completely stopped.

Richard let out a long sigh of breath, wiped his head with cold sweat in fright: "This quantum computer is so dangerous, it almost got out of control.

Fortunately, even if he has wisdom, he is also a computer, and he is afraid of power failure, hahaha! "

Snapped! However, before he finished speaking, the computer screen lit up again, and Tianming smiled evilly: "Stupid earthlings, you really think that the deity is just living in your computer. As long as the power is off, you can stop the deity from telling you. Has the arrogant God got revenge?

So naive, hahaha! "

"Why... it doesn't work if the power is off?

Where does his energy come from? "

"Mind, infinite energy transmission through mind.

The technology of you people on earth is still too backward, and you still can't touch the slightest cosmic truth.

Based on this, still want to be God?

Stop dreaming, Jie Jie! "

Tianming was smiling wickedly, as if an evil spirit had crawled out of hell. He immediately frightened Richard and ran away with his men: "Quickly, get out of here, and then blow up this place, the **** computer is actually fine! "

Boom boom boom! However, before they ran a few steps away, all the steel doors in the base fell, completely locked them inside, and none of them could get out.

"Want to escape?

It's not that easy! All the facilities here are under my control, so please obediently bury me in the sea, hahaha! "

"The base self-destruction program starts, countdown, ten, nine, eight..." Di di di di! The alarm in the base screamed frantically and the system made a mechanical sound. Richard softened and fell to the ground feebly, his eyes full of despair.

He never thought that one day, he, the most powerful tycoon on earth, would die in the hands of a virtual program.

Only the scientist with a hopeful gaze before his death asked leisurely: "If you blow up the entire base, this quantum computer will also fly into ashes and annihilate. Aren't you and your world also going to perish?"

"Every world exists in the dimension of the universe, not in chip storage.

This quantum computer is just a primer to connect our world, which is equivalent to a one-way channel from the earth to our world, not our world itself.

Once a world is established, it follows the laws of the universe and is not limited to a simple physical computer.

What is exploded here now is only a channel, which has no effect on our world. "

"That's it, the mystery of the universe, it seems that we people on earth really don't know much, we have been taught!"

Nodded clearly, the scientist gave a deep bow to the computer, and then...Boom! A loud noise caused a huge earthquake across the seabed. Richard, the contemporary head of the Rothschild family, together with the entire research base, was turned into ashes and buried in the deep sea...

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