Alien God System

Chapter 828: Time to rise

According to the report, the prefectures, counties and counties are in short supply of food, prices are rising, and public grievances are boiling. "

According to the report, there are mobs in various provinces in the southeast, and the situation is urgent! "


All the disasters, as if they had all erupted at a time, came from all directions.

The emperor listened to the dangers of all parties, and his two old hands couldn't help trembling involuntarily, cold sweat on his forehead, endless.

This empire... finally can't stand it.

Natural disasters broke out together!

At the same time, in Murong Mansion, Murong Yinfeng smiled wickedly while looking at the victory in his hand.

It's finally time for the heroes to compete in the Central Plains, hahaha... old guy, old guy, after such a long time, after all, it is impossible to withstand God's will. With such intensive natural disasters, the people's grievances are not all on you as the emperor. Your orthodox reputation will eventually be exhausted. My Northwest Murong family can do something. "

With a flash of light in his eyes, Murong Yinfeng looked at Zhuge Thirteen: Mr. Zhuge, who do you think will be our biggest enemy when the heroes compete? "

Huaian Yang Family! "

he? "

With a raised eyebrow, Murong Yinfeng smiled noncommitantly: a merchant, although he has a large amount of money in his hand, he hired a few peerless masters, and Wang Boren's 81st mansion was behind him. When the world is in chaos, you can become a prince on one side, but it is still difficult to conquer the four sides without a good soldier. Our opponents are, after all, Dongfang, Nangong, and the last barrier of Huangfu's family, relying on the Kylin Army led by the Mountain King. "

With a slight smile, Zhuge Shisan gently shook the feather fan and tilted his head away, silently.

Murong Yinfeng was taken aback for a moment: What, does the gentleman think this king is wrong? "

Lord, who do you think is the most dangerous enemy? "

The strength is stronger than me. "

Wrong, the strength is stronger than you, you know very well in your heart. If he is only a little better than you, you don't have to go to a head-to-head, and you have a chance to win; if he is much stronger than you, you won't be an enemy at all, as long as you bow your head and wait for the opportunity to move. "

What the gentleman meant..."

His eyes narrowed slightly, Murong Yinfeng thought carefully.

With a grin, Zhuge Shisan decided: The person you are unpredictable is the most dangerous. Because you don't know his strength at all, you can't make accurate arrangements to deal with this person. If you are negligent, you may be caught off guard. If you are fully defensive, you will be exhausted physically and mentally. So now, the prince should be the Yang family most. "

All sorts of unthinkable abnormal performances by Yang Feng in the past can always bring miracles. This is a terrible threat to anyone. After all, you can never think of what earth-shattering things he will do to deploy you perfectly. Playing decently without finishing. "


His heart was stagnant, Murong Yinfeng nodded his head Shen after pondering for a long time.

On the other hand, after the Dongfang and Nangong two families got the news, they also clenched their fists, eager to try, ready to carve up the world.

The reputation of Huangfu's family is about to collapse, and it is time to do it.

Yang Feng was holding a meeting of the board of directors at the headquarters of the World Conference. Suddenly someone broke in and handed him a small note.

Yang Feng glanced at it, with an evil smile on his mouth, and said loudly: The time for my world to rise has finally arrived. Come, prepare to broadcast live, I want to speak to all the people of Fenglei. The real purpose of this emperor's grace is only about to be revealed now, hum. "

Yes, Brother Feng! "

Decided to nod, someone immediately went down to make arrangements.

At this time, the whole court was already in a quarrel, worrying about these crises from all over.

Your Majesty! "

Suddenly, a scream sounded, and the courtiers retreated to the sides. The emperor came to the top of the court hall frowning, sitting on the dragon chair, and suddenly felt that today's dragon chair was a little swaying. I don't know if it was his own illusion or It was in disrepair for a long time.

After spitting out a long breath, the emperor looked helplessly at the courtiers below and said: Presumably, everyone knows about this disaster. Talk about how to solve it! "

Your majesty! "

At this time, the Minister of Household Affairs took the lead and clasped his fist: Now that the disaster is pervasive, the minister believes that it is necessary to release grain for disaster relief as soon as possible. Otherwise, the victims are everywhere, and they will be rebellious. We have 20 grain depots all year round in Fenglei. As emergency relief food preparation, we should immediately transfer grain from the grain depots to various places to comfort the people. It is urgent. "

Okay, Housekeeper, this matter is left to you, so quickly..."

His Majesty! "

However, before he finished speaking, another large group of people stood up tremblingly, with a difficult face.

The emperor was stunned: What's the matter, press Chaji, what do you want to say? "

Your majesty! "

He slapped his lips twice, and then he sighed helplessly: Just got the information, the grain depot of the 20 houses, and 17 houses caught fire last night. All the food was burned. "


The body couldn't stop shaking, the emperor trembled with anger and cursed: How could it catch fire? And among the 20 houses, the 17th house grain depot caught fire at the same time? Who put it? "

I don’t know! "

As soon as the voice fell, all the courtiers bowed in prayer as if they had been discussed.

Seeing this group of ministers who held the royal salary all day long, but formed a party for private purposes, the emperor felt so powerless in his heart.

In fact, everyone here, including the emperor and ministers, knows what happened to the fire in the grain depot.

It was not others who set fire, but the official who kept the grain.

In order to promote their political achievements, these officials often conceal and lie about the grain harvest, and the grain depot is full. Generations of grain guards officers, relying on this achievement, climbed to high positions. But the food deficit is getting bigger and bigger.

The emperor and the ministers used to open one eye, close one eye, and did not pursue them. After all, everyone had benefited and took the following money. Even among the current leaders of North Korea, there is the original food guard officer.

If you find out, you will be implicated.

The interest relationship here is so intertwined that it is too much involved, so that no one is willing to supervise this matter, even the emperor is not willing to involve too many senior officials.

But now, when the empire was in danger and needed to store food for rescue, when all the food in the Seventeenth Mansion was on fire, the emperor’s heart was refreshing.

The courtier mistaken me, the courtier mistaken me, alas!

The emperor was wailing in his heart, and a deep sense of powerlessness arose.

At this time, a minister thought for a while and murmured: Your Majesty, everyone in this entire empire is short of food, but only one person is able to take out this large amount of food to save the empire from distress. "

Oh? Who? "The emperor's eyes lit up, and he seemed to see hope again.

The minister must have his eyes on, and shouted: Ding Anbo, Yang Feng, Yang Jueye. "

he? "

Not bad! "

After taking a deep breath, the officer shouted: As early as a few months ago, Lord Yang, relying on the business network of the Yang family consortium throughout the empire, collected food in large quantities, even at high prices, and swept away all the food in the world. air. In addition to the floods in the south of the Yangtze River, the empire’s food crisis this time has reduced food production on a large scale. The Yang Family Consortium’s harvest regardless of cost is also one of the main reasons. "

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