Alien God System

Chapter 916: Worst timing

Ta Ta Ta!

An hour later, a horse-drawn carriage galloped in the wilderness ten miles away from the Imperial City. After a short while, it came to a pavilion and stopped leisurely.

A man in black jumped off the carriage, raised the curtain, and bowed and said: Lord Nangong, we are here, please! "

What do you guys want to take me out of the prison? "

Nangong took a deep look at the man in black, with doubts on his face, and slowly got out of the car, but as soon as he landed, a chuckle sounded: Brother Nangong, how are you doing? "

Dongfang, it was you? "

Nangong was shocked and screamed.

At this moment, it was not someone else who appeared in front of him, but the young master of the Dongfang family, Dongfang Yu.

Did you send someone to rescue me from the jail of Dali Temple? "

I really want to save Brother Nangong, but I don't have that ability. "

With a mysterious smile, Dongfang Yu looked up in the direction behind him.

Nangong Yidao was suspicious, turned his head to look, but only at this moment, Murong Yinfeng smiled and walked over leisurely: Nangong Xian Nephew, it's been a long time, how did you stay in prison that day? "

King of Jinxi, it was you? "

Suddenly, Nangong understood everything at once: You saved me from prison that day? "

Yes, this king has been with his father for decades. We are old friends. How can this king watch his heirs, be framed by others, and suffer in prison in Dali Temple? "

Pull it down, the prince and my father have been dating for decades, but friends may not be. "

Rolling his eyes, Nangong curled his lips non-committal: Lord, I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore, don't use this set to bluff me. You must have your purpose in saving me. Come on, what's the matter? As long as it doesn't harm the interests of my Nangong family, I will definitely do it for you, and I won't take your life-saving grace in vain. "

Good, refreshing, as expected to be behind the goal, hahaha! "

Looking up to the sky with a big laugh, Murong Yinfeng's eyes shone with shining light, and he solemnly said: Actually, this matter is not only my Murong family's matter, but it is also closely related to your Dongfang and Nangong families. "

what's up? "Dongfang Yu and Nangong Yidao both said in unison.

Murong groaned for a little bit, his eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted: It's time to raise troops. "

What, raise troops? You let us rebel with you? "

The body shook, and the two princes were shocked. Dongfang Yu thought for a while and murmured: This... is not the time yet. "

Yes, today the emperor hasn't done anything wrong, and the world has not collapsed. I am afraid that it would be unpopular to raise troops rashly, otherwise my father would not watch me being locked up in a jail, and would be indifferent. "

Nangong Yidao frowned and shook his head.

Murong Yinfeng sighed with a bitter smile, and sighed: How can this king know that the current situation is not the best situation, but time is not against me. If we wait any longer, we can only be slaughtered. Maybe you still don't know, the news that just came from the court, Yang Feng has been officially appointed as the General Marshal of the World Soldiers and Horses. "

What, how is it possible? "

The pupils of the four eyes couldn't stop shrinking together, Dongfang Yu and Nangong couldn't believe their ears, and shouted: I Fenglei has always been the five generals sharing the military power and restraining each other, so that there is today's balance between the ruling and the opposition. But now that the royal family wants to hand over all military power to an outsider, don't they want their own country? "

No, maybe this is the last fight made by the old emperor. "

Shaking his head, Murong Yinfeng sneered and said: Today the old emperor has abdicated and passed the throne to the nine princes who only became the prince in January. You also know the relationship between the old nine and Yang Feng. As soon as he took the position, he handed over the entire military and political power of the ruling and opposition parties to Yang Feng. Without absolute trust, no emperor would do such a thing. But because of this, the old man concluded that the first thing Yang Feng did as the Marshal of the Soldiers and Horses was to justly cut our military power. "


Silent, the two young men stopped talking.

After a long time, Dongfang Jade couldn't help sighing: Wonderful goods can live in, this Yang Feng is really a good method. At the very beginning, Huangfuren, the down-and-out prince, was selected to pave the way for the prince while infiltrating the court and the opposition. Now that the prince ascends to the big treasure, he becomes the first hero who assists the new emperor to ascend to the throne, and he has an overview of the power. Now in my opinion, this emperor is a puppet, and the real master is that Yang Feng. "

Yes, he is much better than ours. We have been thinking about ousting the emperor and replacing him. But I never thought about supporting a puppet emperor in a roundabout way. After all, before the world collapsed, the people still recognized Huangfu's family. "

Nangong Yidao couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Murong Yinfeng took a deep look at them and decided: Two wise nephews, now is not the time to admire each other's methods, but now they are one step ahead of us. Next, he will cut off the military power in our hands one by one. If he doesn't resist, he can only be mermaid. "

But if we revolt now, the hats of rebellious officials and thieves cannot be taken off. "

It is because we are afraid that the people will lose their minds, and we have been waiting until now, wanting to wait for the best opportunity, but we just waited for the worst. "

Gritting his teeth hard, Murong Yinfeng said viciously: Now Yang Feng's prestige among the people is higher than that of the current royal family. In the name of the Marshal of the World's Soldiers and Horses, he cut our military power as it should be. If we rebel, we will lose the hearts of the people. But we can't do it, or it's a dead end. So, only fight it. "

Two wise nephews, now that Yang Feng has only one Qilin army of the backer king is the trump card army, and the eighty-one mansion soldiers of his father-in-law are left, but only a second-rate army. . As long as we unite and send troops together, we are guaranteed to be able to beat him in a hurry, and it will be difficult to deal with. As long as we win this world, how about the three of us equally divided? "

Looking at each other, Dongfang Yu and Nangong nodded together: Okay, just as Uncle Murong said, we sent troops together and turned him against him. But what does the Southern Suzaku Army mean by Dugu Family? Do we want to know, don't make any changes in the middle. "

Don't worry, this king has already sent someone to contact us, and it is estimated that they will be one mind with us. After all, no one of our four big families wants to let go of the military power in their hands for hundreds of years, hum. "

Murong Yinfeng smiled coldly, his face firm.

Dongfang Yu and the others also had a deep impression on their faces, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm. They seemed to think that this revolution would succeed.

On the other hand, Yang Feng raised his hand and handed a letter to Ji Yun and said: Go, through the transmission channel of the Holy Fire, immediately send this letter to the Nanzhao Dugu Army, and personally hand it to the father of Dugu Zhantian. Let them go according to plan. "

Yes, brother-in-law! "

With a grin, Ji Yun immediately left happily...

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