Alien God System

Chapter 937: All playthings

what? "

His body shook, Long Xiaotian couldn't believe what he heard, and he was shocked. This demon actually wants to help himself become the leader of the martial arts, why?

Long Xiaotian is an exquisite egoist. He never believes that someone will help him to the top for no reason. He suddenly said: Do you want me to be your puppet? Dream it! I am long Xiaotian, never under anyone. "

puppet? "

With a playful murmur, Qiu Xiaotian stared at the complicated figure below, sneered: Since you sold your soul, you have been a puppet. What kind of man is still acting as a man? ", how would you know..."

Because... We are all the same people, and we all believe in the teachings of the Lord God. "

With a grin, Qiu Xiaotian chuckled indifferently: Our Nether Hall has enshrined the Lord God for thousands of years, and everyone is a faithful believer of Lord God. Since you made a deal with the Lord God and gained this power, you have already been regarded as a person in our Nether Palace. Moreover, after the martial arts league is destroyed, this seat also needs a new martial arts agent to take charge of the martial arts righteous way, you are very suitable. "

what? Martial arts agent? What does it mean? And listen to what you mean, the Wulin League seems to be your martial arts agent?

Long Xiaotian was stunned for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Those martial arts fellows were all shocked and inexplicable, and they all got up quickly.

What does he mean? Could it be said that the Wulin League used to be the agent of the Nether Palace? "

how is this possible? As the leader of the decent Wulin League, how could the Wulin League be the agent of this evil spirit? "

Yes, if the Wulin League is the agent of the Nether Hall, why does the Nether Hall want to destroy the Wulin League? "


Everyone present was lost in confusion, not knowing who they should believe, too much confusion made people fall into chaos.

Yang Feng hid in the crowd and remained silent, waiting for Qiu Xiaotian to vomit everything out.

Qiu Xiaotian also seemed to feel that he had a chance to win, so he didn't reserve the truth: A group of idiots, in fact, during the 1892 years of my Nether Hall, the Wulin League has been controlled by our Nether Hall. And this seat is the first generation leader of the Wulin League. In other words, this martial arts league, which symbolizes justice, was established by this seat yourself. You are just a bunch of playthings, hahaha! "

how is this possible?

The body trembled, and the eyes of everyone present almost didn't stick out.

The representative of justice, the holy land of martial arts, was actually established by demons?

Suddenly, people's beliefs collapsed, and some were incredibly angry and said: fart, the thousand-year reputation of the Wulin League, can you slander your crooked ways? "

You are all going to die, is it necessary for this seat to slander a plaything in your hands in front of you? Jie Jie Jie..."

He shook his head with a wicked smile, Qiu Xiaotian continued: Long Xiaotian, this world, to put it bluntly, is just a breeding farm for Lord God. Lord God, he needs a soul, especially a pure soul, a heroic and powerful soul. But a pure soul must be born in the mud. The hero's soul must also withstand the test of evil. Only those who can advance bravely without temptation can be called a hero. "

Therefore, the world needs righteous leaders to advocate people to uphold justice, move forward courageously, and do good. All evil and interest entangled, but the selection of these souls. Only those who pass the test are qualified and worthy to be picked. For more than a thousand years, the entire world has been running in the script of this seat, only to provide the best tribute to the Lord God. "

Speaking of this, Qiu Xiaotian didn't say anything, but quietly looked at the dumbfounded expressions of the men below.

Long Xiaotian's worldview has also completely collapsed. It turns out that he has been vying for fame and fortune throughout his life, and desperately climbing up, but he has withstood the test in other people's scripts?

As long as your soul matures, others will pick it up?

What did you become? Is it a plaything in the hands of others?

Long Xiaotian is a proud person, but at this moment, he can no longer be proud.

Listening to these remarks, Yang Feng muttered in a low voice: Hey, brother, is there such a big difference in the soul? "

Nonsense, there are three or six or nine grades of people, so souls naturally have good and bad. Why do some people become emperors as soon as they are born, and some people struggle for half their lives and become beggars, everything is within a certain number. "

The saint ancestor chuckled and explained: Generally speaking, the highest soul is the heart of a pure child, a pure soul. Next is the kind of brave and persevering soul, which is a great supplement. Therefore, what the evil **** likes most is to get the soul of a high monk, or a noble and elegant man. These pure souls can purify the evil spirits in his body and help him turn right. The souls of heroes and heroes can enhance their power. "

The souls of the remaining traffickers are equivalent to white-faced steamed buns and rice to the evil gods. They can be full after eating them, but they are basically of no effect if they are tonic. Therefore, Cthulhu loves pure souls the most. If these souls eat enough, they can increase the chance of turning righteous and become righteous. But I didn't expect the Netherworld Hall to control the two ways of righteous and evil in this world, in order to cultivate a valuable soul for the evil god, just like growing ginseng. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood, and then asked: Brother, according to you, does the soul need to be cultivated? "

Yes, everyone comes into this world, it is a trial. Only those who have been tempered can become those who have attained the Tao, and only when they are heroes and invincible can they have their own value in this life. Buddhism said that before you were born, you must first enter the world. That's why. Otherwise, Cthulhu can seduce a child with a lollipop, and the child's soul is absolutely pure, but it is just like boiled water and is useless. Purity that has not been tempered has no value. "

Yang Feng nodded faintly, and finally understood the intention of the two sides of playing in the Nether Palace, not only to satisfy his own evil taste, but mainly to farm for the master behind him.

It’s just that the land here has been contracted by their holy fire. Farming in Lao Tzu’s land, has Lao Tzu been regarded as the supreme **** here? Is his only faith good?

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng gradually felt the irreconcilable conflict of interest between the righteous **** and the evil god.

Qiu Xiaotian didn't find Yang Feng in this group of people. Now he still only stared at Long Xiaotian and said: Long Xiaotian, it is rare that we have the same name. This is probably fate. This seat now appoints you as the deputy master of my Nether Hall and the leader of the Justice League. Together, we will offer a carefully cultivated soul to the Lord God. "

Deputy Hall Master? "

Raising his brows, Long Xiaotian sneered after a brief period of stunnedness: The old man has never beaten anyone in his life, so why is he subdued now? If you want an old man to be your assistant, it depends on your ability. "


With that said, Long Xiaotian was already in a flash and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of Qiu Xiaotian, carrying all his skills, and glowing with colorful glow, like a cannonball, slammed into Qiu Xiaotian.

Four elephant evil killing array, final form, five dynasties yuan! "

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