Alien God System

Chapter 944: King's Wind

The dog thieves of the Dragon King's Sect colluded with the Demon Gate Nether Hall and crueled the martial arts fellows. You never want to run. "

We are not in collusion with Nether Palace, your little blood spurts. "

Your master Long Xiaotian has already become the deputy master of the Nether Hall, do you still want to quibble? Humph! "


Suddenly, a shout came from a long distance.

Yang Feng moved his ears and looked at where the sound was coming from. He turned his eyes left and right and said: What happened over there, take me to see. "

Yes, the leader! "

At this time, all the martial arts masters present respected Yang Feng, and immediately gave up a path, accompanied Yang Feng, and walked forward.

With the support of the Poison King, Yang Feng stepped to the noisy place surrounded by a circle. I saw that at this moment, everyone at the Dragon King Gate was being besieged by a group of martial arts righteous ways, and their elders had already hung color on their bodies, gritted their teeth in disgust.

Long Qianqian was so scared that her whole body trembled, and tears were about to come out.

Yang Feng squinted his eyes slightly, and shouted: What's the matter, why are you besieging the colleagues of the Dragon King? "

Leader! "

When everyone saw Yang Feng coming, they all bowed and bowed, and said: Enlighten to the leader, this Dragon King's Gate has taken refuge in the Nether Hall, which is obvious to all. We were almost killed by them just now. How can we be worthy of the brother who just died tragically under the hands of the Nether Palace if they were to be broken into pieces today? "

Yes, kill them, kill them, kill them..."

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding community was enthusiastic, shouting to kill the sky.

A white-haired elder from the Dragon King's Gate looked around and said furiously: fart, many people in our Dragon King's Gate just died under the hands of the Demon Head of the Nether Hall and were almost wiped out by them. You say that we are in collusion with Nether Hall, where do you start? Is there such a method of collusion in the world? "

That was when the Netherworld Palace used you to abandon you, but you colluded with the Demon Sect and crueled the martial arts righteous way. It is hard and fast to deny you. "

Yes, never want to deny it! "

As soon as the voice fell, everyone around him drank together again, his eyes flushed, and his canthus was cracked.

After all, a lot of people's brothers, or the elders of the teachers and other relatives, died in the hands of the Nether Hall. This unforgettable hatred, they had no ability to report to the Nether Hall, so they had to use the Dragon King Sect to operate.

In short, this qi must find a place to vent.

No matter how strong the Dragon King Sect is, in the face of the entire martial arts crusade, it is nothing but a flat boat on the sea.

It is estimated that at this moment, these elders of the Dragon King Sect never dreamed that one day, the high Dragon King Sect would fall into the situation where everyone is still beating and the rats crossing the street can not help but be filled with grief and anger.

Long Qianqian, the little princess, was usually held in the palm of her hand to flatter her, but now she was scolded by a little witch, and she couldn't help crying.

The grievances in my heart are uncomfortable.

Yang Feng thought about it a little, and said suddenly: Everyone, I know the anger in everyone's hearts now, but please listen to a fair statement from Yang? "

My lord, I’ll be listening! "

Qi Qi bowed and bowed, everyone respected Tao.

Now Yang Feng's prestige in the martial arts is unprecedented, and his words are like imperial edicts, even more sacred than imperial edicts.

After all, people listened to the emperor's words, but they were convinced. But Yang Feng's words are convincing.

At this moment, in everyone's hearts, Yang Feng seemed to exist as a saint. What he said in his mouth was a golden rule and a famous saying.

Only a few old foxes saw the way in them, and they all watched each other.

This time the Dragon King Gate is miserable and will definitely be driven to death. "

Why see? "

Among the five best in this world, the north and the south have never been able to deal with it. In the past, the northern martial arts represented by the Dragon King Gate had stepped on the southern martial arts venues and dug many corners of the southern martial arts. Now Nan Jue has become the leader of the world's martial arts, and he has also grasped the handle of the Dragon King's door. "


Their words were heard by some young people around, which also caused some ripples and thoughts. Everyone in the Dragon King Gate thought the same way. They felt that they and others would definitely die today, but at this moment, Yang Feng said lightly. : The master of the Dragon King Sect, Long Xiaotian rebelled against the entire martial arts and joined the Nether Hall. What does it have to do with the Dragon King Sect? The Dragon King Gate is also a member of my northern martial arts, so don't embarrass them. "

what? "

The body shook, and everyone present couldn't believe it. Even the elders of the Dragon King Sect were stupid. This Nan Jue didn't avenge his personal revenge, and killed him in the name of Quan Wulin, while still begging for them?

If you think about translocation, if Long Xiaotian is in power, he will definitely try his best to destroy the Holy Fire, but this Master Yang is actually...

All the people were shocked. After a little while, those martial arts talents were uncomfortable: the lord, the Dragon King's Gate belongs to him, Long Xiaotian, and Long Xiaotian's joining the Nether Hall is the same as the Dragon King's Gate joining the Nether Hall. "

Long Xiaotian is Long Xiaotian, and Longwangmen is Longwangmen. These are two different things. "

Shaking his head, Yang Feng said with a chuckle: There are tens of thousands of disciples in the Dragon King Gate, are they all the same as Long Xiaotian, are they willing to betray the righteous way of Wu Lin? I don’t think so! Don't forget, the Dragon King Gate is the head of the northern martial arts, and has made great contributions to the decent martial arts of the world. We cannot anger the entire Dragon King Gate because of Long Xiaotian's fault. Everyone give me a face and give them a chance to prove themselves. "

Uh this...

The mind was stagnant, after everyone thought for a while, Qi Qi bowed to Yang Feng: Since the leader has said so, then I will wait to obey. "

That's right. At the moment of the enemy, what we do first is not to split, but to unite. I believe that most of the Dragon Kings are our decent alliances. "

With a slight smile, Yang Feng looked at the people of the Dragon King Sect again: Dear elders of the Dragon King Sect, now because of Long Xiaotian's betrayal, the entire martial arts fellows have misunderstood you, so please don't mind. I hope that after you return to this door, you can do a self-inspection and remove those scum who have an affair with the Nether Palace. I believe that the Dragon King Gate without Long Xiaotian will be more just and more responsible. The leader of the northern martial arts, you still need to continue to bear it. "

The body shook suddenly, these old guys couldn't believe it. Not only did Yang Feng not retaliate against them, but he was also willing to let them continue to be the head of the northern martial arts.

Suddenly, a group of old guys were so moved, their voices were a little choked: Master Yang...Uh no, it's Leader Yang. We really misunderstood you before, sorry. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, you will retaliate against us with virtue, we..."

Don't say anything, when the martial arts is in danger, everyone must unite! "

Giving them a trusting look, Yang Feng said nothing, turning his head and leaving.

Looking at his steadfast back, everyone present, including the elders of the Dragon King Sect, all looked convincing.

This is righteousness and righteousness, the wind of the king!

That Long Qianqian stared at Yang Feng's back and didn't move, she was almost fascinated. Why didn't I find that Yang Feng was so handsome before...

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