Alien God System

Chapter 945: Murder

A quarter of an hour later, a magnificent frame pulled by a flying demon emperor landed from the nine-day model. Yang Feng's face was pale, and he looked very weak, but he still firmly told everyone that they must unite before he was sent to the car by the poison king and the others, and drove in the direction of the Holy Fire Church to recover. .

A group of martial arts colleagues watched the frame far away, and their eyes were moistened. Guru Yang is really an honest and good leader.

Then, the people swept their heads and glared at the old guys who had just guessed that Yang Feng would avenge the Dragon King's Gate, and said with contempt: With a villain's heart, the gentleman's belly, Yang Guru is upright, how can he take personal revenge? You old things are really dirty at heart. "

The heart was stagnant, and the seniors could only laugh twice, speechless.

At this time, people's admiration for Yang Feng was like a surging river, reaching the point where it could not be added.

On the other hand, in the frame of the Holy Flame, the Poison King looked at Yang Feng anxiously, and said with concern: Master, how is your injury? The old man must do his best to treat you as soon as possible. "

It's okay! "

The body was so steep that Yang Feng curled his mouth indifferently, and instantly he was like a different person. Not only did he not look weak at all, but his face became more ruddy and he was full of energy.

The Poison King and the others couldn't help but froze: are..."

A mere Qiu Xiaotian, where could he hurt me? I did it on purpose! "

You deliberately? "

Yes, I was deliberately injured by Qiu Xiaotian and let him go. "The corner of his mouth grinned, and Yang Feng's eyes glowed brightly.

The Poison King and the others looked at each other, and they were puzzled: Chou Xiaotian, the lord of the Nether Palace, is a rare enemy in the world, and he is really the enemy of my teaching. Besides, he may have something to do with my teaching Master Ouyang and the apostasy of the ghost king. He must not be left lightly. Why did you let him go? "

Don't worry, since I dared to let him go, I never looked at him. Maybe he is a big trouble in your eyes, but in my case, he is an ant that can be pinched to death at any time, not to be afraid. I have great use to keep him. "

Great use? "

At this time, Poison King and the others were puzzled: What is the big use? "

If you want a group of sheep to be obedient, you need a wolf watching outside the circle, and I want him to be the wolf. "

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yang Feng couldn't help but smile and said: The reason why those martial arts decent sects just elected me as the leader of the martial arts is not because I saved them, but because Qiu Xiaotian and his Nether Palace still exist. In the world, only I can deal with these evil wolves. As long as this pack of wolves are still alive, all schools and factions will need me, and they will obey me, ha ha ha! "

Nodded clearly, and all the Dharma kings understood that the leader kept the Nether Hall to intimidate the right way of martial arts, so as to control the various schools.

But soon, the King of Swordsman Batian asked again: Then, Master, are you sure you can control the size of the Indulgence Nether Hall? This group of fierce gods are not good, don't lose control in the end, instead suffer from them! "

Are you afraid that they are too powerful and will eventually ruin my sacred flame? "

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng smiled and said: Don't worry, this leader has an overwhelming strength to the Nether Hall. Even if they develop for thousands of years, they will not be able to overcome any big waves. Besides, they don't have thousands of years to develop. When I tamed these sheep, and cleared the customs and entered the sheep pen, the Nether Palace would no longer exist, hum. "

With a sneer, Yang Feng looked at the poison king again: the old poison, now Fenglei and Nanzhao are completely under our control. But Xijin in the west and Chubby in the south, we can only enter their territory, and the hearts of the people have not yet fully returned. You must speed up the mission and push forward with all your strength. I want everyone in these two places to believe in our holy fire. "

Yes, the leader, but what if there is resistance? "

Let it go, I just want results. "

With a cold expression, Yang Feng settled down: Now there is the threat of Nether Palace, the entire martial arts, the ten empires must unite. Whoever dares to resist our united front work is to destroy unity, to be in the company of the devil's way, and to punish everyone. Now I am the leader of the martial arts, what I said is the decision of the whole decent martial arts. All objections are completely eliminated. "

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the Poison King couldn't help but smile: I understand, the leader, the subordinates will live up to expectations! "

and also! "

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng said again: East is the site of Dongjue, and the united front work there is probably a little troublesome. You'd better call both Xijue and Beijue to do your work. But the same sentence, I am now the leader of the martial arts, all my decisions can not be disobeyed. If the old Dong Jue knows the current affairs, he should cooperate. "

Nodding together, the four kings looked at each other, and they all laughed proudly.

Now their Sacred Fire is really the overlord of the martial arts, regardless of the south, east and west, they must follow their orders, but even so, they are equivalent to only occupying half of the country.

Master, what about the north? "The King Corpse asked with a wink of hope.

The King of Swords couldn't help saying: Yes, what about the north? The four northern countries have vast territories and are still the territory of the Dragon King Gate, which is the most difficult to break. This time you benevolent and put those people in the Dragon King Sect back. Even if they are grateful to you, it is difficult to guarantee that the others in the Dragon King Sect are unwilling to submit and take the entire four northern countries to rebel against all our martial arts decent. "

I just let them rebel! "

Shaking his head contemptuously, Yang Feng smiled noncommitantly: The Dragon King Gate has been operating in the north for many years, with its big roots and deep roots, and it has never dealt with us in the south. If we do not carry out a major cleansing, how can our Holy Fire Cult gain a foothold in the northern land? That's why I put the people from the Dragon King's Gate back and brought me a message, as long as they draw a clear line from Long Xiaotian, the northern land will still be under their jurisdiction, but will they listen? "

Uh this...

Lightly stroked his beard, the Poison King seemed to realize: No, not to mention that Long Xiaotian, the sect master of the Dragon King, would not agree, and would definitely go back to fight for power. Even those immediate family members who followed Long Xiaotian would never agree. The so-called one emperor and one courtier, if the Dragon King Sect abandons Long Xiaotian, then they will also be implicated, so they will definitely split and rebel. "

That's right, everyone in this world is thinking about their own interests. The Dragon King Sect was afraid of being abandoned by the right way of martial arts, and wanted to continue to be the leader of the northern martial arts. Those old guys inside would definitely abandon Long Xiaotian and protect the interests of the whole school. But Long Xiaotian doesn't care about the Dragon King Sect, he will only grasp the power in his hands. In this case, the split between the two sides will cause the split of the entire northern martial arts. In this way, I, the general leader of the martial arts, can send troops to quell the chaos, and take the opportunity to wipe out the Dragon King Sect and the forces that belong to him. "

With a fierce glow in his eyes, Yang Feng shouted: That's why I let those people from the Dragon King Sect go back. My kindness is just to plant the seeds of their civil strife. Otherwise, if I insist on taking revenge on the Dragon King Sect, it will lead the Dragon King Sect to unite from top to bottom, and it will also damage the glorious image of my martial arts leader. But if they are messed up by themselves and they still take refuge in the Netherworld Palace, even if I kill them all, the martial arts decent sect can't tell if I am here. Who dares to say that I avenge my personal revenge? I have done my best before, hahaha! "

High, really high! "When he heard what he said, the Dharma kings couldn't help but admire again and again.

Yang Feng chuckled and curled his lips, picked up a glass of wine on the table, drank it, and murmured: Alas, conspiracy, murder, this kind of advanced warfare, Long Xiaotian that elementary school-level muscular man will always I can't learn it, ha ha. "

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