Alien God System

Chapter 950: Fleeing after Wenfeng

Sorry, these two monsters have arrived, and they can't run away now.

Their hearts shrank, and the poison kings saw these two terrifying figures, and their hearts sank.

With the strength of these two people, except for Yang Feng, who was an enemy, the others were really like little chickens under their hands, let alone rivals, they didn't even have a chance to run.

Suddenly, Poison King smiled bitterly and shook his head: It seems that this time, the old man can't go back and report the letter. He can only accompany your brother to the death on the battlefield. "

Alas, it seems that it can only be so. I only hope that Master Yang will know the situation here soon, so that our coalition forces will lose less! "Dugu Zhantian also shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Sunrise in the East, I am the only one who is the most **, I am...

God ** hero! "

Suddenly, a loud shout of extreme wind rang out in the clouds, causing all the gray-faced soldiers present to startle in spirit, screaming, and hope again appeared in their eyes.

Master Yang is here! "

Marshal Yang is here! "

The leader is coming! "


A cry of exclamation, like a cheerful bird, spread to every corner of the army, inspiring.

Long Xiaotian and Qiu Xiaotian, who were about to sweep the entire army, immediately shook their bodies when they heard this movement, and their complexions changed: Oh, that monster has arrived so soon, withdraw! "

As he said, the two great heroes flashed away, flew back along the original road, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The left messenger of the original Holy Fire Sect also shrank his pupils, his face twitched, and shouted: Retreat quickly, no matter how powerful the Type 5 Army is, it cannot withstand the strongest technique of the Holy Fire Leader, the skyfire meteor shower. . Earth escape, shrink to an inch, Liushahe! "


As soon as the voice fell, the entire Type 5 Army plunged directly into the ground from the ground, and then disappeared as the earth wriggled.

Dugu Zhantian's eyes condensed, and he waved his broad sword again, saying with great pride: Since the Master Yang has arrived, we are still afraid of him getting a ball. Soldiers, chase him up with the old man, kill him without leaving, hahaha! "

Old general, don't! "

At this time, Zhuge Shisan, the army sergeant, hurried to him and shook his head: Retreat quickly, speed up the march, and return to the wind and thunder. "

why? Marshal Yang is here, we are still afraid of him..."

Marshal Yang did not come! "

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Zhuge Shisan couldn't help sighing: Since the communication between us and Marshal Yang was cut off just now, it means that the base station we built along the way has been destroyed, and whether it is communication or transmission, it has failed. Marshal Yang split up with us, separated by thousands of miles, how can we come to the rescue so soon! "

what? He really didn't come? But just..."

I found someone with a voice similar to Marshal Yang and called it out deliberately in order to borrow the reputation of Marshal Yang to shake off these Xiaoxiao. They all suffered from Marshal Yang's hands, and they must not dare to face Marshal Yang head-on, so as soon as they heard Marshal Yang's fame, they fled. But this little trick won't deceive them much time. We take advantage of this time to retreat as soon as possible! "

Oh I got it!

Nodded clearly, and Dugu Zhantian took a deep look at the Zhuge XIII who swayed the feather fan. Now he was still calm and calm, and he couldn't help but praised: It is indeed the military adviser recommended by Marshal Yang to the old man. Chaos, good. If it weren't for you, the Suzaku army would have been wiped out, hahaha! "

Yang Tian let out a big laugh, and Dugu Zhantian immediately arrogantly said: Send orders to the entire army, withdraw, withdraw to the Fenglei border to stand by! "


As soon as the military order came out, the Dugu Army immediately turned and retreated, with neat steps and strict discipline, worthy of the name of the ace iron army.

It's just that Dugu Zhantian's footsteps are still untidy, and there is no way to compare with that five-type army, alas.

An hour later, the Dugu Army had withdrawn to nowhere. Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian were also Sayazi and fled. When they arrived thousands of miles away, the two men stopped, and the left envoy of the holy fire also led the fifth army from the ground. He floated up from the depths to see if Yang Feng was not chasing him behind him, and he couldn't help letting out a long suffocating breath.

Great, dumped it! "

I said, isn't he unable to transmit? Why did he arrive so quickly? "Long Xiaotian gasped, cursing.

Qiu Xiaotian rolled his eyes, and said with a disgusted expression: You ask me, who do I ask? According to the intelligence, he walked towards the Demon Cloud Valley and destroyed his base station, and the teleportation array failed. Who knew he came so soon? Could it be that he had a spare base station, which was not found by us? ? "

Impossible, no matter how powerful he is, the people under his hands are all mediocre, how can they escape the detection of our Nether Hall masters? "

There was a pimple between his brows, Long Xiaotian was suspicious.

Qiu Xiaotian was also puzzled, thinking silently.

After a while, Qiu Xiaotian suddenly asked again: That...Did you just see the shadow of that monster? "

If I see him, will I still be here to talk nonsense with you? As soon as I heard his voice, I turned and ran away! "

me too! "

After smacking his mouth twice, Qiu Xiaotian groaned a little, and then asked the holy fire left envoy and the fifth army below: What about you? Did you see that monster? "

Enlighten the Lord! "

The face was bitter, and the left envoy couldn’t help but mourn: Our army is huge, and the other party has practiced the Wuxiang Divine Formation. This kind of peerless magic can trap us in the cage at any time and seal the ground. Grade earth spells. If we run into him, there is no chance of escape. Like you, we just ran away after hearing the sound, and didn't even dare to look at it. "

Isn't it? It turns out that everyone is the same, and none of them saw the monster's face.

But this is strange, why didn't the monster chase him?

Qiu Xiaotian rolled his eyes left and right, then looked at Long Xiaotian and muttered: Should we go back secretly to see the situation? "

Uh... go back? Are you afraid of being caught by him? Didn’t you say that he hurt you badly with one finger last time? This shows that if he wants to catch you, you don't even have a chance to run, and there is a huge gap in our strength. "

I know, I will go back and have a look. Just be careful and don't run into him. I always feel that something is wrong. "

Qiu Xiaotian scratched his head, always confused.

Long Xiaotian thought for a while and nodded slightly.

Then, the two returned to the original battlefield together, only to see a few vigorous and powerful characters in the middle of the earth.

The rats who fled after hearing the peak, you were fooled, Jie Jie Jie! "


The cheeks twitched together, and both Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian's foreheads fell at the same time, and their foreheads bounced with anger.

Unexpectedly, they, the two great heroes of the world, would be tricked by a small Suzaku army today.

Especially, when they heard Yang Feng's name today, the story of escaping after hearing Feng was spread, where else would they put their old faces?

You guys wait for us, these bastards, hum!

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