Alien God System

Chapter 951: First-class center, third-rate team

On the other hand, Yang Feng waited ten days at the junction of China and North, eagerly pacing in front of the row of defenders.

Originally, he wanted to find the ten-way army, but he was afraid that he would miss it. The enemy caught up again. Without his own protection, the army was beheaded to death, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

Therefore, no matter how urgent he is, he can only wait patiently.

Brother Feng, look! "

Suddenly, Sha Tongtian pointed to clusters of black shadows not far away, and his face was full of surprise and authenticity: They are back! "

Yang Feng's eyes lit up, and he looked up. As expected, the rows of figures were undoubtedly the lone army, and he couldn't help being overjoyed. Fortunately, they are safe. Although there is an obvious loss in military strength, as long as the foundation is there, the rest will return safely.

He is relieved!

When Dugu Zhantian and Poison King saw the figure of Yang Feng right in front of the defending army, their holding hearts finally let go, and immediately brought their men and horses to join Yang Feng's headquarters.

As long as Yang Feng sits in town, they are not afraid that the master of the Nether Palace will catch up again.

Yang Feng and the Dugu army successfully joined forces. After roughly counting the number of people and counting some casualties, he immediately looked concerned: Old Marshal Dugu, what happened to you, how could the casualties be so large, one-third of the people? Haven't come back alive? If it is the trump card army of the four northern countries, it should not have this ability, and the Suzaku army will be hit to this point with a face-to-face encounter, or the people in the Nether Palace also shot? "

Hey, don’t mention it, not only the Nether Hall, but also your Holy Fire! "

Are we holy fire? what happened? "

Yang Feng was stunned unconsciously, and inexplicably looked at the Poison King who was following the Dugu Fighting Heaven and accompanying the army.

The Poison King groaned a little, and said in a mournful voice: Enlightenment Master, the enemy who blocked our Northern Expedition this time is not someone else, but the Sect’s Guardian Corps, the Type Five Army! "

What, the guardian corps of this religion is now an enemy force? "

Yes! "

With a long spit of turbid gas, the Poison King couldn't help but leisurely said: A hundred years ago, the sect fell apart and separated. Fortunately, Guru Yang is in charge of this teaching, so my teaching can be united again. It's just that the four kings of the army have returned to the sect, like the two envoys of the left and right, the five-type army, and the eight kings, all of whom have disappeared. This time on the battlefield, the old man met the former left ambassador of the sect, only to realize that they had already taken refuge in the Nether Palace, alas. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng knew in his heart, he didn't say anything, just said plainly: Everyone has his own ambitions, and since they don't want to return to their own teaching, then forget it. If you meet them another day, just kill them, don't worry too much. I just said that this teacher has become more and more prestigious recently, why didn't you see the original brothers come back, dare to betray you, hum, very good! "

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Yang Feng seemed to be indifferent, but his heart was already killing him.

Regardless of the fact that those **** were rebels from the Holy Flame [笔趣阁], even if they were pure nether messengers and had nothing to do with the Holy Flame, Yang Feng would never let any one dare to do it right Of people.

correct! "

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng asked again: I heard that the five-type army we teach is compared with other empire's ace army, it is not a problem to fight ten each, plus the assistance of the masters of the Nether Palace, how did you break through? "

Hearing these words, Dugu Zhantian and Poison King glanced at each other and couldn't help laughing together.

Then they told Zhuge Shisan about the fact that Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian, as well as his nether envoys, all scared away by his prestige.

Yang Feng couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, that he hadn't shown up yet, and the two heroes could be scared to death by name alone, and he was still a little proud.

However, after the teasing, the problems before everyone still exist.

That is, this team can do nothing without Yang Feng. The overall strength gap between them and the Nether Hall was too great. Although Yang Feng could single-handle the entire Nether Hall, without Yang Feng, the world martial arts and the top ten empires were all ant-like existences in front of the Nether Hall.

The power gap between the two sides was completely turned around by Yang Feng alone. But Yang Feng is only one person after all, and he lacks skills. Just like Zhuge Thirteen’s words to Yang Feng, no matter how strong Yang Feng is, he can’t manage the country by himself. He always needs someone who can be trusted to help.

It's the same now. No matter how invincible he is, he can't win a full-scale war that blossoms on all sides.

He needs a strong army to help him take down all the points and hold them so that he can triumph and sweep the world.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yang Feng was thinking about the solution.

At this time, another scream sounded, and Yang Feng followed everyone's gaze, only to see Ye Lujun also staggering back, the loss was more than that of the Lonely Army, but the whole army was not wiped out.

Yang Feng immediately stepped forward to express his condolences, and after inquiring carefully, he found out that Sikong Lengguang, the army division of the Yelu Army, had made the same idea at a critical time, using Yang Feng's reputation to scare the opponent away.

I have to say that this is the same as what the hero sees.

The two military divisions had expected Yang Feng's terrifying position in the hearts of the ghost envoys, so they used this false leader to scare away the real demon.

Speaking of this, everyone sneered gratefully at first, but soon they reluctantly sighed again.

Through this brief contact, they really realized how huge the gap between the two sides is.

When they laughed at others being scared off by a name, how could they bitterly laugh that the reason why they were able to come back alive was completely protected by a name.

But this trick worked the first time, and it won't work the next time.

The other party can be fooled last time, but he will never be fooled the second time.

Yang Feng looked at them deeply and saw their morale low, and he could feel their feelings in his heart.

It's like in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge scared away the live Zhongda, the only opponent Sima Yi feared was Zhuge Liang. Therefore, even if Zhuge Liang died, he could scare Sima Yi away once by name, ensuring the safe withdrawal of the Shu army back to Shu.

But since then, Sima Yi no longer fears the threat of Shu.

The loss of Zhuge Liang in the Kingdom of Shu means that it has lost its last reliance. To put it bluntly, the difference in strength between the two sides is too large, which can only be made up by one person's ingenuity.

As a result, as soon as this person dies, the difference between the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides will be difficult to remedy. In the end, the State of Shu just waited for death.

Nowadays, Yang Feng's status in people's hearts is the same as Zhuge Liang's status in Shu. Although Yang Feng can't hang up suddenly, everyone depends on one person to support the facade. After all, it is a kind of abnormal development.

The opponent can win the war by targeting only one person.

Just like a slam dunk player, the former Xiangbei basketball club besieged Akagi, which is equivalent to winning Xiangbei. A first-class center alone cannot drive a third-rate team after all.

Now Qiu Xiaotian and the others only need to pay attention to Yang Feng's movements, and they will be able to run wild in the world without meeting him.

At this moment, Yang Feng suddenly felt the mood of Akagi Takeken. If he wants to play in the national competition and compete for the country, he must gather Mitsui, Miyagi, Rukawa, and Sakuragi together...

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