Alien God System

Chapter 960: All reborn

Yang Feng looked at his steadfast face deeply, and after hesitating a little, he persuaded: Old Marshal, don't be too reluctant. If you have three strengths and two shortcomings, how can I explain to Ahai? "

The old man told my grandson a long time ago that as a soldier, dying on the battlefield is the highest honor, without any personal grievances, he will understand, hahaha. "

Dugu Zhantian smiled heartily. Seeing that he was so firm, Yang Feng could only take out a bottle after thinking a little: Old Marshal, think twice, let me remind you one last sentence..."

No need, get it! "

Dugu Zhantian snatched it and swallowed it without listening to Yang Feng's continued persuasion.

As soon as the elixir entered the body, Dugu Zhantian felt that his whole body was hot and cold, and his physical strength was also extremely weak. An indescribable pain rushed into his mind, and his face was immediately tightened, and his face was green. .

Old fellow, how are you? "

Seeing this, Yelu Chuxiong on the side hurriedly cared.

Dugu Zhantian's face twitched slightly, barely squeezing out a smile that was uglier than crying, gritted his teeth and said: It's okay, it's painful, it doesn't matter at all! "

I'm going, old guy, you don't pretend to look like this. You look like your face looks like three years of constipation. I believe you are a ghost!

His brows furrowed deeply, Yelu Chuxiong hadn't seen Dugu Zhantian's difficult face yet, and he couldn't help worrying more.


At this time, a terrifying aura radiated from Dugu Zhantian's body, and the people around him were forced to back again and again, and the breath was rapid.

They had also seen such a scene just now. It happened when Andrei was wailing in pain, but at this moment, Dugu Zhantian did not scream, still clenching his teeth and persisting, but the red cheeks, and The trembling brows have already highlighted the pain in his heart now.

Old guy, hold on!

Yelu Chuxiong clenched his fists, and suffocated Dugu Zhantian from the bottom of his heart. The fine cold sweat on his forehead oozes out, which is actually more nervous than Dugu Zhantian.

But Dugu Zhantian already closed his eyes tightly at this time, ignoring the outside world, and concentrating on the bite of the inner beast soul. The pain became more and more intense, and his body trembled more and more. Bigger.

But even so, the old marshal did not say anything from start to finish.

With this powerful willpower, Yang Feng, who was looking after him, couldn't stop secretly moving.

In fact, Dugu Zhantian's superhumanly strong will, Yang Feng has seen it since the last time the ghost king's black soul disaster. But this time, Yang Feng even saw the strong willpower of this old man far beyond ordinary generals, and he had to be impressed.

Time passed by, and Dugu Zhantian's body kept shaking, and the sweat on his forehead was falling down, and the brows were never loosened.

Until an hour later, Dugu Zhantian loosened his body and lowered his head.

Yang Feng shook his heart, is it possible that even the old man Dugu failed?

Yelu Chuxiong couldn't help but rushed to Dugu Zhantian's side, wailing: Old fellow, don't scare me, you won't die again. After that, who will accompany me to play chess, who will quarrel with me..."


But he hadn't finished speaking yet, Dugu Zhan Tian suddenly yelled to the sky, and the powerful momentum immediately shook Yelu Chuxiong beside him.

Then Dugu Zhantian jumped up and flew for nine days, with a flash of light in his hand, the nine-foot long sword fell in his hand, and a cyan dragon soul roared out of his body, and finally landed on the long sword.

Azure Dragon Slash! "

With a roar, Dugu Zhantian's slash slammed towards a distant mountain, but after hearing a loud bang, the mountain turned into a cloud of smoke in a blink of an eye and completely disappeared from the world.

Seeing this scene, everyone present could not help being stupid.

Dugu Zhantian, this old fellow's one-shot power, is already so terrifying? Such a strength, even if the Nether Envoy ran into it, it would be difficult to resist it.

This is the power of the Azure Dragon Soul! "

Yang Feng's eyes lit up, and he raised his eyes to look at the majestic and majestic solitary fighting sky gradually falling down, and smiled: Congratulations to the old marshal, the breakthrough was successful. "

With a grin, Dugu Zhantian also solemnly gave Yang Feng a fist, and shouted: Thank you, Marshal Yang, for giving me a pill. Now the old man can go to the Nether Palace Type Five Army to take revenge for the last humiliation, hahaha! "

Dugu Zhantian laughed boldly [Youyou Reading], and the rest of the people looked at him now with the appearance of the gods descending to the earth, they were both envious and admired.

Yelu Chuxiong hurriedly said: Holy King, please give me a beast soul pill too. "

Eh, what beast soul pill do you want? People with weak willpower not only killed themselves, but also wasted Marshal Yang a treasure pill. Old guy, would you leave him to a capable person? "

Hey, why can you break through, I can't break through? Do you think the old man's willpower will be worse than yours? Humph! "

A rough breath came out from his nostrils, Yelu Chuxiong heard Dugu Zhantian's teasing, and became even more dissatisfied. "

No problem, as long as you have confidence in your own willpower, there are as many medicinal pills as you need, don't be afraid to waste it. "With a slight smile, Yang Feng took out another bottle of Beast Soul Pill.

Yelu Chuxiong took it and swallowed it directly, but when the pill entered his stomach, he realized that the effect of the medicine was so overbearing and the pain was abnormal, and his body couldn't stop swinging, and he almost fainted. past.

At this time, Du Gu Zhan's expression was grave, and he began to ridicule.

What am I talking about, you can't, how can you compare with the old man? Okay now, you are dead, what about your Yelu army? Do you want to join my lone army? "

Fart, I won't hang on! "

Gritting his teeth tightly, Yelu Chuxiong woke up again.

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows and glanced at Dugu Zhantian, and he understood in his heart that this was the old marshal's use of aggressive methods to cheer up the old man. It's worthy of the best friends who have been fighting for half a lifetime, and they really know each other's tempers.

In this way, Dugu Zhantian continued to ridicule Yelu Chuxiong's ears, and Yelu Chuxiong's lungs were almost exploded with anger. But it was precisely because of this that the stubbornness in his heart made him persist from the pain of the pill and passed the barrier smoothly.

The two veterans passed the test, and everyone else hurriedly asked for medicine.

Especially the four kings, they couldn’t wait, but Yang Feng was afraid that they might make mistakes, so he also resorted to the radical method: You... don’t have to. Being the four kings for so long, I’ve long been used to being the four kings. Can you bear such pain? "

what? Pampered?

With a raised eyebrow, the Four Kings immediately refused to accept: Teacher, based on your words, today we will also refine this medicine for you to see. "

The corner of his mouth turned, Yang Feng had achieved his goal, and he gave them the pill.

As for Ximenzun and Tu Ganglie, Yang Feng didn't give it to them because he was afraid that they could not bear it. His second brother gave him one. After all, he was an alien who survived the poisonous man experiment of the Poison King, so his willpower was naturally not a problem. Sha Tongtian also gave one. He is a half beast, so he can adapt better.

Ever since, after another half day of work, accompanied by a strong momentum soaring into the sky, among the six worshippers in his family, Mo Shaoqiu, Yan Tianxing and the third child succeeded, and the other three failed to break through and lost. life.

The four kings succeeded without exception. His second brother and Sha Tongtian were also unsurprisingly successful, breaking through, but the remaining marshals, except for the few people such as Kao Shan Wang, who succeeded, most of them failed.

I have to say that this beast soul pill is different from the heavenly luck pill, and it must be consumed by extraordinary people.

Now that a group of masters have reborn, their combat power has greatly increased, and Yang Feng finally has the strength to fight the monster organization in the Nether Palace.

The whole army set out to destroy the enemy army and restore the world! "

Yang Feng's eyes flashed, and he shouted.

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