Alien God System

Chapter 966: Family relatives

Half a month later, the day of the decisive battle arrived.

All the high-ranking empires and the various factions of the martial arts have gathered to the decisive battle place, where the ruins of the original martial arts league are.

Huang Laojiu still worked his way up, set up a table to gather gambling, and roared with a broken gong, "I have all bets and bets, I'm sure to leave my hand, and the young man is not deceived. Yang Feng wins, one loses one; Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian win, one loses one million! Hurry up and place a bet. I bet the entire treasury to ensure that I have money to lose. Don't worry about bankruptcy of the dealer, hehehe. "

Your Majesty, you are a dignified monarch, how can you do such an inferior job? Too detrimental to the emperor's prestige. "At this moment, an old official looked at the emperor helplessly.

Huang Laojiu curled his lips disapprovingly: Oh, Lord Shang Shu, it is rare for me to go out of the palace today, and even run so far. If I travel abroad for a while, let me relax. Anyway, I can't compensate, who can beat my brother Feng, cut! "


Shaking his head with a wry smile, the old man was helpless.

Our majesty is good everywhere, but it is too fun.

Are you the emperor of Fenglei? "

Suddenly, a female voice sounded, and Huang Laojiu was taken aback. He looked up, and saw a beautiful woman in palace clothes in front of him. He couldn't help but smiled evilly: Yo, beauty, what's the matter with me? Want to go back to the palace with me, or just have a one-night stand, you pick, hehehe! "

Your Majesty the Emperor of Fenglei Country! "

Hearing his words, the woman looked cold and did not speak, but the guard next to her, A Gu Da, shouted sharply: This is our Majesty the Queen of Nanzhao, please pay attention to the emperor Fenglei. "

what? You are the Queen of Nanzhao? "

Unconsciously, Huang Laojiu screamed.

Yun Zhan nodded coldly, without saying a word, Huang Laojiu scratched his head in embarrassment immediately, and hurried to apologize: Ouch, forgive me, I didn’t expect you to come, my sister-in-law, I would like to see you for the first time. , Hehehe. "

sister in law?

He raised his brows, Yun Zhan didn't know what he meant: Why did you call me sister-in-law, and your surname is not Yang! "

Although my surname is not Yang, brother Feng and I are brothers of the opposite sex. I have heard from Brother Feng a long time ago that I also have a sister-in-law in Nanzhao, who was **** in a royal prison like me and could not get out. I wanted to pay a visit a long time ago, but I couldn't get out of it. I didn't expect to meet my sister-in-law here this time. You see, I came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. Or I will give you my jade seal. "

Your Majesty, don't. Yuxi represents the royal authority, how can you give it away casually, oops! "The Master Shang Shu next to him shuddered immediately when he heard it, and he almost cried.


Yun Zhan couldn't help covering her mouth and snickered. She never expected that Feng Lei's emperor was such an incongruous person, just like the dead ghost in her family. No wonder that the two of them could become brothers.

Huh, sister Yun Zhan, are you here too? "

At this time, Ji Shishi and Yue'er also came over, and they all straightened their belly.

Yun Zhan nodded slightly, took a deep look at their stomachs, his eyes full of envy.

Isn't the dead ghost working hard at Fenglei's side recently? I didn't see him staying with me, hum.

sister! "

Suddenly, there was another loud shout, and then I saw the whole earth rumbling loudly, all together.

Everyone was startled, and looked up, only to see a big fat woman of more than two hundred catties rushing over with joy, not Ye Shinniang, who was it?

Now she is Princess Chobe and Princess Nanzhao...Of course, this is because Yun Zhannian recognized her as a younger sister after she married herself, and continued to round this lie so that the two countries can be well.

It's just that this younger sister is more than twenty years older than her!

Yun Zhan smiled helplessly, then stepped forward and hugged Ye Shiniang intimately.

Prince Hada, accompanied by Alia, walked leisurely, his eyes were still dead gray, although there were two princes beside him, he was still sad about the hurdle in his heart.

Why are these two sisters so different? Was it this younger sister who was kissing, not that older sister? This sister is too anxious, ohhh!

Ignoring the frustration of her husband, Ye Shiniang came to Ji Shishi to bow after getting intimacy with Yun Zhan, and eagerly said: Commander Ji, it's been a long time, that..."

You want to ask about Xian'er, yeah, she is there, I brought her this time too! "

Ji Shishi smiled slightly and cast a wink over.

Ye Shiniang followed her gaze, and saw that Ye Xian'er was talking and laughing with her good sister Zhang Yonglie not far away, her eyes full of expectation.

Now Yang Feng has transferred Xian'er away from Baolong's Secret Guard, don't worry, she will never do dangerous things again. "

Immediately afterwards, Ji Shishi smiled again.

Ye Shiniang's eyes reddened, her throat couldn't help but choked, and she nodded excitedly: Thank you, Chief Yang and Chief Ji for what they did for our Xian'er. Even if I am a cow or a horse, it is hard to repay me. "

All right, all old friends, you are welcome. Do you want me to call Xian'er now and let you see you? "

Don't! "

Shaking her hand hurriedly, Ye Shiniang shook her head and said: She is fine now, don't add trouble to her, just treat her as her mother dead. "

Nodding clearly, Ji Shishi is right to think about it.

Then, the top politicians of the three countries chatted together, talking and laughing.

The others couldn't help but admire again and again.

As you can see, the heads of the three empires are all relatives of the Yang family. Now the four northern countries are temporarily controlled, and there is no master. But the future managers must also be appointed by Yang Feng, and the whole world has the surname Yang, tusk!

With the sound of discussion, the number of people here is increasing, and the voice is getting noisier. Everyone is discussing recent current affairs and the ultimate battle.


Suddenly, a dark hole opened in the entire sky, and Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian came out of it leisurely, and sneered towards the crowds of ants below, saying: The audience is all here, this decisive battle, as long as we Being able to kill Yang Feng is enough to restore the reputation we lost earlier, hum. "

Qiu Xiaotian, Long Xiaotian! "

The brows trembled, and everyone below came to a halt, their expressions dignified. Some people are even more distraught, their eyes are red, and their eyes are full of unforgettable hatred.

This time the Nether Envoy of the Nether Palace killed many people, and this account was naturally credited to both Qiu Xiaotian. Many people here who come to watch the battle are holding on to take advantage of their defeat, go up to make a knife, and revenge.

But Qiu Xiaotian and the others have no interest in these low-level creatures. After killing Yang Feng for a while, these people are going to die, hum.

Yang Feng, where are you, come out! "

With a roar, Long Xiaotian issued a battle roar to Yang Feng.


Above the nine heavens, countless petals fell, and with a slightly joking cry, a touch of familiar figure finally fell down.

Sunrise in the East, I am the only one who is the most **, I am..."

God ** hero! "

Everyone below shouted in unison, shaking so that the entire sky was trembling.

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