Alien God System

Chapter 967: Right-hand

Finally came to die, Yang Feng! "

With cold killing intent in his eyes, Qiu Xiaotian said with excitement: Today next year will be your anniversary, take the move..."

Wait a minute! "

However, before that Qiu Xiaotian had time to do it, he was stopped by Yang Feng hurriedly waving his hand.

Qiu Xiaotian was taken aback: What, do you have any last words? "

You defeated general, where is the confidence that you dare to leave me with? cut! "Pulling his lips in disdain, Yang Feng said lightly: Before the fight, I want to leave some time for my fans to sign names, take a photo, and shake hands. They are all from all over the world, looking at me from all over the world. For their idols, I can’t wait for them. It’s not easy for everyone."


Suddenly, both Qiu Xiaotian were inexplicable.

Yang Feng curled his lips contemptuously: People like you who are so lonely that no one loves them can't understand the hard work of millions of fans like us. There are too many people who like me, too enthusiastic, I have to Take care of it, hum. "

After finishing talking, Yang Feng came to the fans who came here so much, he asked them warmly, signed to commemorate them, and from time to time he had live events with them, which completely left the two big coffees Qiu Xiaotian behind. .

Leader Yang, I admire you very much, can I worship you as a teacher? "

Practice the basic skills first, and I will pay attention to you later. "

Chairman Yang, our whole family is your fans, and our whole family uses the products of the Yang Family Consortium, especially my mother. Can you sign me and let me take it back to my mother? "

Don't even talk about autographs, it's fine with my kiss, hahaha. "

Master Yang, you are the pride of our southern martial arts, can I give you a kiss? "

No, I have a wife! "

Wow, good man...


People screamed, excited, cheered, surrounded Yang Feng, admiring him like a saint, with little stars in their eyes.

Qiu Xiaotian and the other two watched this scene, but their cheeks twitched, and the black clouds were all over their heads.

Really cheap! "Long Xiaotian gritted his teeth, cursing.

Now I finally understand the mood of the ghost king's rebirth. This Yang Feng makes people want to pinch him to death. I can't wait for a moment! "


Qiu Xiaotian's eyes condensed, and a roulette full of colorful clouds appeared in his hand. With a sudden wave, he threw it at Yang Feng and his fans, and shouted: Since you like him so much, then follow him. Let's go to death together, the Five Elements Zhu Tianlun. "

The colored light of five colors flew by in an instant, in the blink of an eye.

Everyone didn't even have time to react. The ultimate move had already come to the front, but before it exploded, Yang Feng slammed and stopped it. Just a light squeeze, it was squeezed in the hand, and then it was touched and turned into fly ash.

With me here, no one can hurt my fans! "

Wow, hero!

The fans screamed again, Ji Shishi and the others smiled and shook their heads. The master is taking the opportunity to be handsome again. I don't know how many ignorant girls are going to fascinate again.

Qiu Xiaotian's face turned blue and red, and then looked at each other with Long Xiaotian, and the two nodded together before rushing towards Yang Feng.

Yang Feng grinned and rushed forward, and the three immediately fought together.

This battle really shocked the world and weeping ghosts. Yang Feng fought to the flesh with one enemy and two. With every punch, the entire sky would shatter, revealing a dark void.

The same goes for Long Xiaotian and Qiu Xiaotian, wherever they fists and kicks, there is a scene of heaven and earth breaking apart.

That terrifying wave spread, and turned into a gas layer with a radius of hundreds of meters across the entire sky. Everything that came close was turned into powder.

The crowd waiting saw cold sweat on their heads, pupils violent, and hands and feet trembling.

What a battle against the sky, even though the three of them didn't use any skills, they were just pure hands and feet. But every trick and every style has the power to destroy the world.

I am afraid that no one on the scene even has the qualifications to approach them, and they will be shattered by the terror waves that are emitted by the collision between their fists and feet.

Not only those onlookers, even those masters who took the beast soul pill and broke through to the superhuman realm, they felt this way at this moment.

If you approach these three people casually, there is only a dead end.


Qi Qi swallowed hard, everyone was watching the duel nervously without turning their eyes. This is estimated to be a peak showdown in the history of martial arts that has not been seen for tens of thousands of years.

However, even if the three of them are stalemate again and seem to be evenly divided, Yang Feng's strength is still stable.


A heavy fist hit the mask on Qiu Xiaotian's face, directly smashing the once infinitely arrogant man flying out, and then Yang Feng kicked Long Xiaotian's abdomen again, kicking the ambitious man flying.

Yang Feng grinned and raised the chin of the winner: But that's all. Even if you two are added together, you won't be my opponents. You should surrender obediently. I will give you a leniency, how about? "

Yang Feng, don't be too proud. This seat hasn't used real power yet, furfurfur! "

With a treacherous smile, Qiu Xiaotian straightened up again. Although his whole body was hurt, he still had an inexplicable confidence.

Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly and hooked his finger at him. He was already preparing the next move to blast this stubborn boy into ashes.


At this time, there was a crisp sound, and Qiu Xiaotian's mask finally burst to pieces under the repeated pressure, revealing a face with burns on half of his cheek.

Seeing the Poison King below, he couldn't help being shocked immediately: Are you... the right messenger? "

I teach the right envoy of the Holy Fire? "

With a frown, Yang Feng looked at Qiu Xiaotian and said: Are you also from the Holy Fire? "

No, I'm an undercover holy flame! "

He shook his head, and to this day, Qiu Xiaotian had nothing to hide, and he said directly: Back then, I heard that the Holy Fire of the Holy Fire had the immortal effect of the soul, so I reduced my strength and became a righteous envoy to the Holy Fire. At that time, the leader of the Holy Flame was the soul of the gods. His strength, even though he was considered top-notch in the martial arts, was far behind me. The reason why I have served him for several decades is entirely to get that holy flame inheritance. "

In the end, he was selfish and told his son that I wanted to kill the father and son. Unexpectedly, that soul regeneration was rejected by the holy fire. Later, Ouyang Feiying was inherited, and I discovered that this inheritance sacred flame was just a seed of the sacred flame, not the deity. The effect is not that big, not to mention, but also under the control of the deity's holy fire, so..."

So you stole into the holy mound and wanted to steal the holy fire? "

Speaking of this, Qiu Xiaotian hadn't finished speaking, the phantom of the saint ancestor had floated out, jokingly said: Oh, I recognize you, little thief. I didn't burn you to death at that time, and you are considered a little capable, hehehe. "

Old ghost, you finally appeared! "

With a cold complexion, Qiu Xiaotian smiled bitterly: Your fire at the beginning almost killed my soul! "

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