Alien God System

Chapter 983: Nine Nations Summit

Yo, isn't this His Majesty the Emperor of Fenglei Empire? Long time no see, but I want to kill me. "

Go, who do I know you? Don't get close! Yo, sister-in-law, you are here, welcome! "

Your Majesty Hada, what are your topics for this summit of the Nine Nations? "

Hey, we, Kewpie, have recently failed to harvest food and want to import some food from various countries, but the price of your food is too expensive. I want the leader to mediate. "


The Nine-nation Summit is the annual Nine-nation Ruling Forum established by Yang Feng after he ruled the world. Coordinates, Fenglei Imperial Capital, in the headquarters of the Tianxiahui.

After Yang Feng gave the territory of a country to the Ten Thousand Demons Nation, Yang Feng also sent a few trusted subordinates or local nobles close to the Holy Fire to govern the remaining empires.

In Choppy, Yang Feng only knew Prince Hada, so he has supported him to become the emperor of Choppy in recent years.

It can be said that the nine empires are Yang Feng's own people, and the ruling and discussion together are just like family gatherings. However, many unpleasant things will still happen in the conflict of interests between countries, which requires Yang Feng to make crucial decisions.

At the beginning of the summit, all the emperors formed a circle in front of a large circular table.

Yang Feng sat in the main seat, and after taking a look at everyone present, he solemnly said: Now you first report on the governing reports of various countries this year. How about I listen? "

OK, Brother Feng, I'll come first! "

With a grin, Huang Laojiu took the lead and said: Over the past year, our Fenglei Empire’s economy has grown by leaps and bounds. It has ranked first among the nine countries for ten consecutive years. This year, its GDP has doubled tenfold, which is the sum of the other eight countries. Hahaha..."

Huang Laojiu was glaringly proud, and the other nations couldn't help rolling their eyes.

What is this fat guy proud of?

Had it not been for the headquarters of the economic pillar of the Yang Family Consortium that was built in your Feng Lei Di Capital, could your financial report look so good? Isn't it the light of the Yang family consortium? cut!

Everyone was uneasy, and when Huang Laojiu's report on governance was completed, the other emperors also spoke one after another.

Finally, after Hada had finished talking about his achievements in power, he sat back on his seat lonely.

After all, they were originally a big agricultural country, and their economy was supported by agriculture. However, in recent years, crops have been worsening year by year, and there has been a lack of grain harvest.

Not only did the economy fail to develop, but also had to buy grain from foreign countries, which was despised by all countries.

After all, to develop the economy, we must first stabilize the grain. You can't even supply food, so what are you talking about economy?

Only Yang Feng didn't laugh at this sharp-eared brother, because he knew that they had done a good job. It was just a natural disaster and the reason why he took away the green jade rod, which caused the gradual desertification of the Chobe country and the shortage of food.

This has nothing to do with Hada's governance.

How much food do you need? "Yang Feng asked.

Hada promised for a moment and murmured: Two billion tons are enough, and we still have the rest..."

I will adjust 10 billion for you! "Apart from anything else, Yang Feng said directly.

Hada was shocked, tears filled her eyes moved, and she was speechless.

To be honest, in the past two years, if Yang Feng hadn't been mediating among them and helping them mobilize food, I am afraid that Choppy would have starved to death.

Without paying attention to Hada's grateful eyes, Yang Feng looked at another seat, but his expression quickly cooled down: Luo Tianye, what's the matter with you Xueying Country? This economic report is ugly. It has fallen for three consecutive years. "

Uh...we have a problem there, there are many natural disasters..."

Pulled down, the weather has been smooth for the past three years, where is the natural disaster? "

Glancing at him fiercely, Yang Feng yelled: Do you really think I'm in the wind and thunder, I don't know what happened to you? "

That is, Brother Feng has hands and eyes open to the sky, you dare to deceive Brother Feng? You too underestimated Brother Feng's intelligence network, hum. "At this time, Fatty Huang smiled coldly, and said sarcastically: Let alone Feng's Chaoyang crowd, my Baolong Secret Guard knows what's going on. Your tax burden is too high, 60 to 70%. Can these people bear the high tax burden?"

Yes, if we want economic development, we must hide wealth from the people. Your tax burden is so high and the people have no money, how do you spend it? Without consumption, how to boost the economy? "

The chief CEO of the Yang Family Consortium, Li Yan, is also screaming at this moment: Our products from the Yang Family Consortium have entered your country, and sales have plummeted. Not because our products are not good, but because your people have no money. The tax burden of other countries is below 10%, and you collect 60% to 70%, which is dark enough! "

That is, why did you collect all the money? "

Now, under the leadership of Brother Feng, all countries don’t need to fight anymore. Military expenditure can be cut down and used for people’s livelihood. Why do you still charge such a high tax burden? Does raising the royal family need so much money? "

I heard that their royal consumption is very high every year. "


With twitter, emperors of various countries began to crusade against the Nara fields.

Luo Tianye's face twitched and he dared not squeak.

At this time, there was a shout from outside the summit. Yang Feng looked out through the monitoring crystal and saw a group of vagrants who were suffering from whole body, holding up the blood book, wailing and howling: The emperor Xueying bullied men and women, Rampantly overbearing, the Xueying people don’t have a chance to live, please lead Yang to be the master for us, oh oh! "

Uh...Leader Yang, don't listen to them nonsense, they are all spoilers! "

His body staggered, Luo Tianye was so scared that he wiped cold sweat on his head.

Everyone knows that Yang Feng has always loved the people like his son. When he was a general in Nanzhao, how many heads of corrupt officials were cut off, and it is still a good talk.

Now the people of Xueying Nation have filed a lawsuit against Yang Feng, and Luo Tianye, the emperor raised by Yang Feng, is really scared.

Without speaking, Yang Feng remained silent. After a while, he murmured: Is there any need for a court who wants the people to kneel and cry to express their demands to you? "


As soon as the voice fell, a flash of cold light flashed, Luo Tianye's head suddenly fell, and there was no time to react.

Simon Zun at the door wiped the long thorn in his hand and left with a plain face.

Yang Feng didn't have any expressions from the beginning to the end, but coldly said: Ming Fenglei's official secretary, Yuan Shiying went to Xueying, took charge of the government, and thoroughly investigated Luo Tianye and other local bureaucrats for crimes against the people. Once implemented, there will be no mercy. "


Qi Qi gasped, and the emperors present shuddered when they saw Yang Feng's resolute and vigorous manner.

This is the prince of a country, and it was cut after saying that it was cut. Yang Feng, the leader of the Nine Nations, really wasn't built.

Yun Zhan was smiling, his eyes full of admiration.

After so many years, he is still so jealous and hateful in doing things, really like it.

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