Alien God System

Chapter 989: Ascension to the spirit world

Leader Yang, are you okay? "

If it doesn’t work, we’ll help you. "

Patriarch, don't be too reluctant! "


The people below saw that Yang Feng seemed to be stunned and couldn't help but screamed.

Yang Feng grinned and slammed his sleeves, and shouted: Stop talking nonsense, I can hold on, don't get in the way, this day the robbery is handed over to me. Vajra is not bad, body refining begins! "


As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng's body immediately emitted a golden halo, and began to quickly absorb external energy to repair the injuries in his body.


The five-colored thunder light became more turbulent, seeming to be dissatisfied with Yang Feng's arrogant attitude, a small mortal, dare to be stunned before the catastrophe, looking for death!

Boom boom boom!

Three waves of thunder in a row, one thicker than the other, all more powerful than the previous one. The thinnest among them, like a ten thousand-foot high mountain, hit Yang Feng's head severely.

Yang Feng was hit three times in a row, and his whole body was instantly blackened, his head also had gold stars, and he almost passed out. The gurgling thunder shuttled around him, exploding his steel body, and blood dripped down his arm.

Yang Feng shook his head, his eyes couldn't help but blur.

He would never have imagined that the power of this Heavenly Tribulation would be so strong, and a few thunders would knock him out. And since I am in such a difficult state, how can other people stand it?

At this moment, he couldn't help but rejoice, and he took the initiative to stand up to help everyone with thunder.

Otherwise, the funeral that the old guys had done in advance would probably come true.

The corners of his mouth curled up with a joyful arc, Yang Feng straightened up again, shouting to the sky: Come on, go on, I'm very comfortable, hahaha! "

Oh, hey, this kid dare to provoke Tianwei? Tolerable or intolerable, go to hell!

Boom boom boom!

God seemed to be really angry, and another series of seven divine thunders smashed Yang Feng's body severely, each of which smashed him into tenderness on the outside and vomiting blood.

But he still clenched his teeth and insisted, constantly running the two skills of body training, absorbing all the power of the sky thunder into his body and turning it into his own use.

And as he absorbed more thunderpower, his body became stronger and stronger, and he could withstand more thunder.

From the beginning of the two or three encounters, he dangled, and until the last dozen or so, he remained motionless, staring openly at the sky, as if he was under-beaten.

If God had a face right now, he would be distorted and vomiting blood with anger.

How come there is such a **** kid in the Lower Realm, it's too shameful for Lao Tzu, why are you getting more frustrated and brave?

When the saint ancestor watched this scene, he nodded happily.

He knew in his heart that even though Yang Feng's current physique faced the catastrophe, even if he wouldn't die, the pain that pierced his soul would definitely be unbearable for ordinary people.

But now, Yang Feng didn't faint, he was still facing with a smile, this kid... really improved a lot.

I think back then, when he was forced to refine his body for the first time, it would take him to swallow molten iron and swallow golden eggs. But now, he is stronger, not only physically, but also spiritually.

As the instructor who led him along the way, the saint ancestor was quite moved in his heart, always feeling that one of his works finally looked like a look.

The people below looked up at the Nine Heavens, Yang Feng's majestic and majestic appearance facing the tribulation of the sky, could not help but secretly praise.

The leader of Yang is the leader of Yang. It is estimated that he and the others will not be able to take such a terrible catastrophe, but the leader of Yang can still smile at the sky. He is really a hero, admire and admire!

Boom boom boom!

Lei Jie was still hitting Yang Feng's body, one by one fierce, Yang Feng gritted his teeth tightly, using it to hone his physical body. When it is really unable to hold it, it will immediately upgrade, and the basic physical attributes will rise sharply, and it will be able to hold it for a long time.

It is estimated that Yang Feng has never seen such a show operation.

No one brought a breakthrough on the scene when he was experiencing the catastrophe, and he would break through if he wanted to. The scale was so precise that he couldn't force his bottom line at all.

Ever since, just like that, after smashing more than five hundred thunder tribulations and forcing Yang Feng to break through two steps upwards, the thundering stopped and replaced with wind tribulation.

In an instant, the wind was raging, and countless wind gangs slashed towards Yang Feng like blades. Even if he couldn't cut his diamond body, he could go straight into the bone marrow through the pores of his skin, and his bones almost fell apart.

Yang Feng clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, hone his bone marrow through the power of the gang wind, and made it denser and denser to the point where the wind could not blow.

At this point, Yang Feng had already promoted the fighter trumpet to level 50, the semi-spirit late stage.


The wind and thunder in the sky gradually subsided, and he didn't move for a while. It seemed that at this moment, facing the monster Yang Feng, even God was shocked.

How can someone escalate while crossing the robbery, damn!

In the end, God used his own assassin to get lost.

After shouting, the entire valley was thick and foggy, Yang Feng hissed his eyes and looked around, but he couldn't see the shadows of other people at all.

At this time, a wicked laugh sounded, Long Xiaotian, Qiu Xiaotian, the King of Ghosts, and even the evil **** of Abeluo appeared, all staring at him with fierce expressions: Yang Feng, today is your death date, Jiejiejie . "

Situ Zheng, you killed my whole family, I want you to die! "

At the same time, Simon Zun also saw Situ Zheng's evil smiling face, and began to slash in the fog with his eyes flushed, but he could not touch Situ Zheng's body.

On the contrary, Situ Zheng kicked him three miles away.

Simon Zun couldn't believe it, how could it be possible? With his current strength, why can't he beat a Situ Zheng?

Suddenly, Simon Zun reacted, it was all an illusion.

According to the real person Bai He, the misguided calamity in the heavenly calamity is a calamity that uses the demon of the human heart to hone the will of the person. Once the triumphant breaks down in this illusion, he will die of soul flying.

Thinking of this, Simon Zun calmed down and began to meditate quietly. No matter how provocative Situ in the mist was, he ignored him and calmed his mind.

However, he was still a little worried. He saw through this misguided robbery, what should others do? Will someone be stuck in it and unable to extricate themselves?

call out!

However, he was worried, but when he heard a harsh buzzing, the thick fog had disappeared without a trace. Everyone's figure appeared in front of him again.

Looking up, I saw Yang Feng opened his mouth wide, sucking all the mist into his belly, and finally he couldn't help but burp and said: God, if something is coming at me, don't find anyone else. This fog is also a good thing, give it all to me, let me hone my mental power, don't waste it, hehehe. "


It seems that the brain congestion burst out of anger by Yang Feng's appearance, and only a crisp sound was heard. A crack appeared in the nine days of the void, and then with a bang, a hole was broken, and there was a dazzling golden glow. Come.

Yang Feng looked up, his eyes lit up immediately, and laughed: Brothers, the passage is open, let's go. Fly to a new world and set foot on a new battlefield! "


As soon as the voice fell, the crowd in the audience was passionate, and then flew to the golden passage one after another, with hope in their eyes.

New journey, new challenge, from now on...

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