Alien God System

Chapter 991: Strong dragon crushes earth snake

Yang Feng looked around, and saw that these people could stand up to the sky, mastering flying skills, and the numbers on their heads were all the signs of the progression of 53, 55, 57, etc., and he immediately understood that this is indeed the spiritual world. There can be so many people beyond level 50.

That's right, in Yang Feng's eyes, they are just talking.

It's not because of their low strength, in fact, their cultivation base is already far higher than many masters in the lower realm, but no matter how high the cultivation base is, it doesn't mean they can become great men.

People like Murong Yinfeng, Ghost King, Qiu Xiaotian, Long Xiaotian, etc., even though their cultivation bases are not as high as these, their brilliance and vision are still not comparable to these.

To put it bluntly, Xiao Xiong saw it as a means of aura and behavior, not a powerful and single force in cultivation.

Now, as soon as he saw the sordid eyes of these two people, Yang Feng had already seen that these were things that hadn't been seen in the world, and were ineffective.

With a contemptuous curl of his lips in his heart, Yang Feng said coldly: Why, suddenly shooting an arrow at me, I have hatred with you? "

You just came up from the lower realm, how can you have enemies with us? Ha ha ha! "

With a chuckle, a figure slowly floated out of the crowd.

Yang Feng looked at him, and saw that the man was a big man with a beard, and the highest cultivation level among these people, he had reached the level of 59 terrifying strength.

Of course, this is nothing to Yang Feng, after all, he is level 200.

But for them, it would be uncomfortable for them.

He sighed and shook his head, Yang Feng thought to himself, hoping that Father Dugu and the others would never be like themselves. They just came to the spiritual world when they encountered this kind of inexplicable trouble finding.

I was able to catch these people, but they were in difficulty, alas.

Seeing Yang Feng's frown, the big man thought he was afraid of being besieged by his own people, so he couldn't help laughing up to the sky: Friend, don't be afraid, we have no malice. In fact, when we found out that there was a light from the lower realm friends ascending, we rushed over immediately, wanting to invite you to join us. "

What if I don’t join? "

Before he could say anything, Yang Feng refused directly.

The big man narrowed his eyes, his face quickly became cold, and he sneered: There are only two roads before you, either join us in Gejiazhai, or today, the first day you have just entered the spiritual world, it is you Death day. After cultivating for many years, he finally came to the spirit world through the catastrophe. "

Not ashamed! "

With a disdainful smile, Yang Feng looked at the second man like a fool and said: Do you know who I am? Do you know how awesome I am? Do you know that if I stomped my feet casually, the whole world would fall apart? Actually want to force me into the group? Are you awake yet? Even if you are crying and crying to visit my dock, Lao Tzu may not agree, cut! "

what did you say? "

court death! "

Don't want to live anymore! "


As soon as the voice fell, everyone around was filled with righteous indignation, their eyes were red, and they wished to cut Yang Feng into seventeen or eighteen pieces and chop them to feed the dog.

The big man smiled disapprovingly, and said: "A person like you, Yang Biao, I have seen a lot before, it's not surprising. I would like to ask which cultivator from the lower realm is not one of the best in his interface, he is used to being arrogant, and understandable. But don't forget, this is the spiritual world, not your lower world. Even if you are a dragon in the lower realm, you have to get down for me when you come. "

Real dragons are dragons everywhere, not comparable to some pretentious little bugs. "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng was full of evil ways: I will give you a vaccination in advance, don't provoke Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu is different from other people who have ascended to the spiritual world. Lao Tzu is the chosen son of heaven, wearing the protagonist's halo, and RMB players, who will still hang up, are you afraid? "

Uh... what does he mean by this?

The heart was stagnant, everyone was stunned, glanced at each other, they were all inexplicable.

What are RMB players and opening up? "

It is probably one of his proud skills, right? "

Hi, are any spells and combat skills in the lower realm useful to our spiritual realm? cut! "


Everyone laughed loudly, eyes full of sarcasm, Yang Biao couldn't help but curl his lips and gestured to the person beside him: Go, learn about that kid's opening skills, let him know, here Where is it? "

Nodding lightly, a thinner man walked out and said to Yang Feng: The so-called spiritual world is not heaven. On the contrary, this is hell. No matter what kind of hero you used to be in the Nether, you all have to change here. "

The first-grade high-level spiritual technique, kills the wild tiger! "


With a loud shout, the situation changed drastically throughout the nine days. At the moment when the human hand art was played, a flying giant tiger tens of meters long suddenly appeared, and the whole body was emitting a yellow light, and suddenly rushed towards Yang Feng. Wherever it went, even the space began to vibrate.

When he was about to come in front of Yang Feng, his body burst into flames, and his momentum rose tenfold.

The dual energy combination of earth element and fire element? "

When he raised his brows, Yang Feng already saw the clues, and at the same time frowned slightly: But this power seems to be much stronger than those of the masters of the lower realm. "

Of course. "

With a wicked laugh, the man couldn't help but proudly said: Because this is my operation of the fairy spiritual power, how can it be the same as the ordinary spiritual power in the lower realm? Even the weakest first-rank low-level spiritual arts used with celestial spiritual power are 100 times more powerful than the top twelve-level spells in the lower realm. Moreover, how many strong people who rise from the lower realms do not have the energy bonus of earth-level elements? Now, you know why no matter how strong you are in the Nether, you can only be a bug when you come here. "


With a burst, the man's roar just fell, and a flash of fire passed through the giant tiger's body in an instant, smashing it into debris.

Immediately afterwards, the fire light all the way forward, coming to the person like a meteor.

The person hadn't realized what was going on, but in a crash, it exploded into ashes.

Grade 1 low-level spells, small fireballs! "

Yang Feng lightly raised a finger, curled his mouth in disdain, and sneered: Don't compare Lao Tzu to you, you are the one who wants to be a bug. No matter where I go, I will always be a dragon! "


Qi Qi took a breath, watching this scene, everyone present couldn't help being shocked.

The previous shot was also a master who soared up from the lower realm. He possessed two earth-level elemental energies, earth and fire, and after so many years of practice, he has become a second-tier mid-level master of the spirit emissary. In Gejiazhai, he is also a mid-to-upper skill. The presence.

But he never expected that he would be wiped out by the rookie who just soared up.

Suddenly, everyone present was dumbfounded, and Yang Biao's cheeks twitched, and his expression was harder to look like than ever...

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