Alien God System

Chapter 997: So lazy

By the way, God, why is this town called Silent Town? "

After a long chat, Yang Feng and Kuang Tianwei got acquainted.

Kuang Tianwei stayed with him, and waited two days to take him to go through the formalities of entering the family.

Yang Feng smiled happily, but soon thought of his initial question and blurted out.

Besides, Tianwei's body was stagnant, and his complexion seemed to be a little gloomy. After a little hesitation, he muttered: Because...the people in this town are all dumb. "

Dumb? No, I think they all yell very loudly, how can there be dumb? "

This... you will understand later that the people in this silent town can't actually make any sound, including the old man. "With a long sigh, Kuang Tianwei left with a lonely expression.

Yang Feng is a little confused, what kind of riddle is he playing?

When the two of them walked out of the house, Qu Linglong immediately stepped forward and said: Dad, are you going to take him to Wujiapu for the formalities of joining the family? I'll go as well! "

Messing around, the journey is far away, you are a girl's house, where to go, don't do anything halfway. "

I just want to go, I want to explain clearly to Brother Feihua. "

Explain what? Don't go! Otherwise, I will not be your daughter. "

Dad, are unreasonable, hum! "

Qu Linglong's face was stagnant, turned his head bitterly, and left crying.

Yang Feng blinked his confused eyes, inexplicably: I said, God, as for, isn't it just taking my daughter into the city to have fun, and by the way, resolve a misunderstanding with her boyfriend, what's the big deal? Besides, her boyfriend is still your apprentice, a childhood sweetheart, should you object? "

Whoops, Brother Yang, you don't want to get involved with this kind of beating mandarin ducks, okay? "

not good! "

Shaking his head, Yang Feng said very firmly: My wife and I were separated by my old husband's beating a mandarin duck, so now I can't see that other people's marriages are unhappy, and lovers eventually become unrelated. Besides, this matter started from me, I will take care of it to the end, and I must make peace with them, hehehe. "

Alas, it has nothing to do with you, it is..."

Besides, Tianwei's body was stagnant, he wanted to speak, and finally saw Yang Feng staring at him, but finally said helplessly: Some people's hearts are no longer there, what's the point of going back? "

Uh... what do you mean? "

What I mean is that my apprentice regretted the marriage and abandoned Linglong not because of your misunderstanding, but..."

He slapped his lips twice, and after Kuang Tianwei pondered for a long time, he said with difficulty: He has already become a door-to-door son-in-law in Wujiapu. Before he came back, he was going to make a clean break with Linglong, but he happened to have a misunderstanding with you, so he pushed along the boat and kicked Linglong. So he didn't want to figure out this misunderstanding at all. Anyway, if he doesn't figure it out, he will have to go to the parentage. After figuring it out, he was perfidy and notorious. How good it is now, to put all the responsibilities on Linglong, he will be able to pursue his great future. "

That's it!

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood: I just said why he was so embarrassed just now, I said that the three of them explained together, and the matter was cleared and the matter was over. He had to leave, and he looked like a little lady who didn't listen or listen. He had changed his mind a long time ago. "

Yes, once a person changes his mind, it is useless to talk about it, no matter whether it is male or female. Everything is an excuse. But I don't blame him, after all, it is not easy to seize an opportunity to rise in this place. "

After a long sigh, Kuang Tianwei sighed, then looked at Yang Feng, and exhorted: Brother Yang, I think you are also a chivalrous heart. Please don't tell Linglong about this. I'm afraid she can't accept it. Do something stupid. "

But can she accept it by keeping the word from her? "

After Zheng Feifei officially married the nobles, the raw rice was cooked, and she had to accept it if she didn't accept it. At least, don't let her know that she was abandoned, just treat it as a misunderstanding, alas. "

Kuang Tianwei's eyes exuded profoundness, and his thoughts could be described as long-term.

Yang Feng nodded clearly and agreed, but he reacted quickly.

Hey, this is not right.

Their beautiful misunderstanding, each fulfilled his wish.

Zheng Feifei did not feel any guilt, and he was very happy to join the wealthy family, and the girl would not resent her extraordinary brother, only if all this was a misunderstanding.

But she will hate me, I'm a brave man.

However, thinking that Kuang Tianwei had just provided him with so much spiritual world information, he was relieved if he had helped him. Anyway, there are not eight thousand people in this world who hate themselves, there are six or seven thousand, and one more little girl is not a big deal, just treat it as God's care.

Thinking about this, Yang Feng smiled freely and shrugged noncommittal.

Then, on this day, Yang Feng stayed at Tianye's house. The two happily drank, and Yang Feng slept in the guest room deeply.

But in the middle of the night, a man's scream cut through the sky, awakening Yang Feng, who was sleeping soundly.

It's not good, Linglong knows everything, and now I'm going to ask Zheng Feifean to question! "

Besides, Tianwei hurriedly came to Yang Feng, Yang Feng straightened up suddenly, narrowed his sleepy eyes, and muttered: Did you tell her? "

No, she must have overheard our conversation. Now she left a letter, ran away from home, and went to Wujiapu. "

Oh, that's no way, let her break up for a while, be careful when you meet a scumbag in the future, this is also a kind of experience, I believe she will grow up, Hululu! "

As he said, Yang Feng fell down and fell asleep again in the bed.

Kuang Tianwei jumped anxiously: Brother Yang, I am not afraid that she will not be able to withstand the broken relationship, I am worried that she will be dangerous on the way to Wujiapu from a girl’s house. This spirit world is no better than the lower realm. It is a real food for the weak and strong. She is such a child of water and spirit, in case she is..."

Speaking of this, Tianwei couldn't sit still, and hurriedly said: Brother Yang, we will set off right now, while looking for Linglong's whereabouts along the way, we will take you to Wujiapu to go through the formalities of joining the family. "

Anyway in the middle of the night, let me sleep for a while, let's talk about it tomorrow. She is such a big person, and it won't happen at that inch, don't worry. "

Brother Yang, you..."

Besides, Tianwei was temporarily stagnant. He never expected that anyone who could ascend to the spiritual realm would be a master who had been trained in the lower realm and had a firm will. How could such a lazy cultivator appear? As soon as my head touched the bed, I stopped getting up.

I really don't know what he relied on to ascend to the spiritual world.

Kuang Tianwei sighed long and didn't care about him anymore. He got up and walked on alone, but he kindly dropped a white transparent jade pendant before leaving.

Brother Yang, the old man is really worried about my daughter's accident, so he has to go ahead. This is the voice jade of the spirit world, within thousands of miles, you can contact the old man, say goodbye! "

When the voice fell, Kuang Tianwei left in a hurry.

Yang Feng still has a halazi, but he can't help muttering: Can the transponder of the spirit world be able to transmit thousands of miles without a base station? Much better than my Karma Treasure, it is indeed a spiritual world, the magical tools are developed, but unfortunately there is no civilian use. When Lao Tzu finds out the power distribution here, the glory of the Yang Family Consortium in the lower realm will be reproduced... Hululu! "

The thunderous snoring sounded, Yang Feng fell asleep again...

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