Alien God System

Chapter 998: clown


Under the dark night sky, a vigorous figure flashed across the moon like a meteor.

Kuang Tianwei condensed his brows tightly, and his eyes were like owls, exuding strange light, searching for his daughter's figure along the way.

Suddenly, Kuang Tianwei stagnated and fell from the air. Amidst the weeds on the ground, a few silver helmets and silver armors were lying on the ground, covered in blood.

Kuang Tianwei knew that these were Wujiapu soldiers, but they were attacked on the road, so he hurried forward to investigate, and as expected, they all died.

Unable to help, the old father's heart tightened even more.

This spirit world is more dangerous and not peaceful than the lower world. Linglong went to Wujiapu alone, what if something went wrong along the way?


With a long sigh, Kuang Tianwei's palms were already saturated with sweat.

Jingle Bell!

At this time, Kuang Tianwei moved his feet, and immediately stepped on something, making a crisp sound.

He hurriedly lowered his head to observe, and slowly picked up the object, but he couldn't stop his pupils from shrinking, and a cold sweat was about to flow down: this is not..."

This is a bracelet with a bell, which was given to Qu Linglong by Kuang Tianwei on her eighteenth birthday. But never expected that her bracelet would actually be among this pile of corpses.

Could Linglong have an accident?

Thinking of this, Kuang Tianwei was even more anxious, and hurriedly searched nearby, but found no sign of Qu Linglong.

This can not help not only relieved him a lot, but still fearful.

Don't worry because since there is no Qu Linglong's body here, that means she has a high chance of still having hope of survival. But this hope is so slim.

After all, even the soldiers of Wu Jiabao have died in such a large area. She was a girl who was involved in this kind of right and wrong.

Click it!

His fists tightened fiercely, and Tianwei didn't dare to hesitate anymore. He shook and flew high into the sky, following the fighting marks along the way, searching along the way.

Linglong, you must not have an accident!

Kuang Tianwei is crying in his heart...

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon the sky was bright, and the sunrise in the east illuminated this lush mountain forest. Kuang Tianwei searched all night, but still couldn't find the whereabouts of his daughter, so he couldn't help but wiped his cold sweat.

Di di di di!

A harsh buzzing sounded suddenly, and Kuang Tianwei, who was flying at extreme speed, took out the sound transmission jade in his arms, and said anxiously: Is it Linglong? Where are you now, tell dad! "

Ha... My God, I said you really left me alone, it's not enough! "Yu Perry heard Yang Feng's lazy, confused sound, and he just woke up.

Kuang Tianwei felt lost for a while, then couldn't stop rolling his eyes and cursing inwardly.

What a peculiar Lao Tzu hurriedly looking for her daughter, you are reluctant to leave the bed, and blame Lao Tzu for leaving you, who is it?

However, God has been the mayor of Silent Town for so many years. He is still cultivated. He barely suppressed his anger, and said in a deep voice: Now the old man is looking for Linglong's whereabouts, things may be a little troublesome. There are many soldiers from Wujiabao along the way. I'm afraid that Linglong's corpse will be caught in any danger, and she must be found immediately. "

Oh! "

Just a soft answer, without any care, Yang Feng's answer was very indifferent, which made Kuang Tianwei a little angry. Anyway, I was happily talking to him yesterday, even if it is not a brother or friend, now I have such a big thing here, my daughter is lost, I will always say something to care about, this kid... alas!

Besides, Tianwei shook his head and smiled bitterly, but only listened to Yang Feng's next words and almost didn't blow his lungs: By the way, God, didn't our family prepare breakfast in the morning? I'm hungry! "


A mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out. I lost my daughter here. I was in a hurry, but he still wanted to eat breakfast?

Unexpectedly, Tianwei could no longer control his emotions, and cursed: Linglong is not here, where can I get breakfast at home? Go out and buy yourself, you foodie. "

I have no money, where did you put the money? "

I go, you..."

Moreover, Tianwei's forehead jumped with anger, wishing to appear in front of Yang Feng now and beat him severely.

My daughter is lost, you are still thinking about turning over our family's money? Are you heartless or so heartless?

Even if you are ruthless and unjust, you can always do it on the surface, right? At this time, you will always say something polite, right? What about your emotional intelligence? After so many years of training in the arena, how did you cultivate to the spiritual world?

Besides, Tianwei was almost **** off by Yang Feng's innocence, and his face twitched, silently.

At this time, when Yang Feng saw that he was not talking, he said again: Forget it, you are quite busy now, I won't eat breakfast, I'll go see you. Seeing if I can help, I will help. "

Well, this is a human word.

Kuang Tianwei let out a long suffocation, and his mood calmed down a bit.

By the way, where are you and how do I find you? "Next, Yang Feng asked again.

You just need to keep going east. I'm on my way to Wujiapu now. "

Well, I see, it's just... there is another question. "

what is the problem? "

Where is Dong? "


With a twitch of his mouth, Kuang Tianwei, who was flying in the volley, staggered, almost didn't fall, completely dumbfounded.

I'm a good boy, this girl can't even tell the southeast, northwest, can actually fly to the spiritual world? How did he do it?

Suddenly, Kuang Tianwei felt that he had picked up a living treasure.

He had seen a lot of the cultivators who had soared up in the past, but even some old monsters with weird tempers were all calm and calm, experienced, and experienced powerful men.

Only this Yang Feng felt like a teenager who had just entered the arena. He was innocent and simple. He even had a little experience in the rivers and lakes... Well, let alone the experience of the rivers and lakes and human relations accidents, he didn't even have any common sense.

Such a rookie is actually a cultivator who has gone through untold hardships and ascended from the lower realm? how is this possible?

Although Tian was dazed, but where did he know that Yang Feng's biggest characteristic along the way was his willfulness.

And the reason that can guarantee him such a wayward is the guarantee of strong strength.

Otherwise, others would have died a long time ago if they were so self-willed; but if he was so self-willed, others would have died.

Therefore, Yang Feng can live unrestrainedly and freely in this perilous arena, live as he pleases, free from secular rules. Say what you want to say, do what you want to do, don’t hide, no one can do anything to him anyway.

But in the eyes of those old people who have been flattened by life, this is naive and simple.

Where is Dong? I will look for you! "Seeing that God was silent again, Yang Feng asked again.

When a black line fell, Kuang Tianwei sighed helplessly. It is estimated that he will be a burden when he is here, and he can't help much, but he still kindly pointed out: You just need to walk towards the sun. "

Oh, yes, I almost forgot, Sunrise Oriental, the physical geography class in the primary school textbook. Oh, I haven't been very good in this class since I was a kid. God, wait, don't worry, I will help you find your daughter. "

As long as you don't lose yourself, I'll thank God. "

With a wry smile, he shook his head. Besides, Tianwei had no expectation for Yang Feng's help, and he soon hung up the sound transmission jade...

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