Alien God System

Chapter 999: Why is it he?

On the other hand, three hours later, on the dome of the blue sky, with a red splash, a soldier in silver helmet and silver armor was dug a big hole in his chest, accompanied by a burnt smell, falling silently. Go down.

Opposite him, Yang Biao had a stern face and a sneer.

Worthy of being the Eighth Master, this fire and golden dragon claw is truly invincible in the world, hahaha! "

That's right, as long as the Eighth Master is out there, there is no opponent that can't be killed. "

This group of Wu Jiabao's chasing soldiers met Ba Ye, and they were unlucky! "


A group of young people surrounded Yang Biao one after another, and began to continue advocating.

Yang Biao grinned triumphantly at first, but soon, his expression became gloomy again.

Although these little brothers made him very comfortable with flattering, but only he knew in his heart that he had a few kilos. When he meets a real master, he wants to win, it is still very difficult, especially those... non-human monsters.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng's death-like smiling face three days ago would appear in front of him again for no reason, and he couldn't stop his fear.

Never before, he took the brothers out, and the whole army would be wiped out.

Only on that occasion, the scene where Yang Feng killed everyone in a second was so terrified that he didn't dare to ask for it anymore. What the world is invincible, this kind of nonsense is okay to flatter, but he must not take it seriously.

When he met a real monster, he couldn't even run.

Even now, thinking of Yang Feng's abusive eyes at the time, he still couldn't stop sweating.

However, in order to preserve his face, he didn’t tell anyone else. He only said that he was surrounded by Wujiapu masters when he was trying to recruit new ascended rookies. He finally broke through, but his brothers died. Yes, the opponent is ten times as powerful as oneself...Uh no, twenty times as powerful.

Otherwise, let others know that the reason for the annihilation of the entire army was caused by a rookie who just soared up. Then you should not be the master of Gejiazhai.

They would never believe that the cultivator who just soared up would be a freak rare in ten thousand years, with such a terrifying power.

I hope...Don't run into him again, Hu!

Yang Biao spit out a long sigh of breath, thinking with trepidation.

At this time, a younger brother brought a graceful figure in front of Yang Biao, and said with a lewd smile: Baye, what do you think I found in the group of Wujiapu running dogs? "

A woman? "

With a raised eyebrow, Yang Biao took a deep look at the beauty in front of him. It was no doubt Qu Linglong, and he couldn't help but smiled: It's pretty beautiful, it's Wu Jiabao's official wife. It just so happened that when we took it back, we also tasted the so-called high-class women, hum. "

it is good!

As soon as this remark came out, everyone shouted in unison, and their eyes flashed in excitement, just like those who haven't seen a woman in hundreds of years.

Qu Linglong looked at the lewd faces of these people and couldn't help but shivered, and hurriedly said: No, I am not from Wujiapu, I am from Silent Town. The mayor of Silent Town, God, it's my father! "

What, you are from Silent Town? "

Feeling stagnant, Yang Biao looked at her suspiciously.

The little brother on the side also hurried forward and whispered softly: Baye, the boss once told us that Silent Town is sick with us and we should not be disturbed. Look at this..."

Without speaking, Yang Biao thought for a while, then asked: Girl Wawa, you said you are in Silent Town, why did you get mixed up with these Wujiapu scouts? "

I went to Wujiapu to find someone. I happened to run into them, so I wanted to go back with them and be safer..."

Are you looking for someone in Wujiapu? Does anyone in your family work as an errand in Wujiapu? "

With a sudden cold face, Yang Biao said lightly.

Swallowing hardly, Qu Linglong nodded very honestly and murmured: My fiancé is Wujiapu’s Lieutenant Ma Si. This time I went to see him because I wanted to..."

It turned out to be a wagging tail begging for mercy. "

A killing intent flashed in his eyes, Yang Biao hugged Qu Linglong in his arms, tightly, and smiled evilly: Don’t go back to your unkind dog-legged husband, follow me, anyway, I’m still a man. , He is not. "

Qu Linglong was shocked: No, you let me go, I have a fiance. "

What about the fiance? Not a husband? What about the husband? Entering my Gejiazhai, you are my wife, I will see if your dog-legged husband has the guts to rescue you. Or... After I finish having a happy life with you, let's see if your fiance wants you, hahaha! "


Yang Biao laughed wildly, and everyone else laughed, eyes full of jealousy and evil.

Qu Linglong was so scared that she was crying, almost crying, and kept begging: No, please, I just had a misunderstanding with Brother Feihua, and I was about to solve it. If I was really ruined, Brother Fanfa would definitely not want me, oooooo..."

Don't worry, he doesn't want you, we want you, and you can change a different man to be your husband every day, how interesting, hahaha! "


Yang Biao laughed wildly again, which caused a commotion among all the boys around him.

Qu Linglong's mouth was slumped, she wanted to cry without tears, her intestines were blue with regret.

Knowing it was so dangerous outside, she shouldn't have sneaked out behind her father. It's good now. I was robbed of the mountain by a group of bandits and ruined the famous festival. In the future, let alone remarrying Brother Fanfa, she can't even see people.

stop! "

Suddenly, at this moment, a dark shadow ran across, and the money fell in front of everyone, not others, it was because of Tianwei.

Seeing him coming, Qu Linglong couldn't help being overjoyed, and said anxiously: Dad, you are here, save me. "

You are the brothers of Gejiazhai, this must be the eighth master of Gejiazhai, the Fire Golden Dragon Claw, Yang Biao, Brother Yang, who have long admired his name and disrespectful. The old man Kuang Tianwei, the mayor of Silent Town, has a little friendship with the owner of your Gejiazhai. This is the daughter of the old man. I hope that the brothers can let her go, thank you very much. "

Kuang Tianwei took a look at Qu Linglong's current situation, and was unharmed for the time being, a cold breath grew in his heart, and then solemnly said to Yang Biao and the others.

Yang Biao looked at the old man scornfully, and curled his lips disdainfully: Originally, my Gejiazhai and your Silent Town were the same disease. Although the roads are different, the well water does not interfere with the river water. But today, I can't give you the face. This little Niangpi is implicated with Wujiabao people, you should know our relationship with Wujiabao. "

Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings! "

Shaking her hand in a hurry, Kuang Tianwei hurriedly said: The person she was talking about was already in Wujiapu, and the aristocratic family in her inheritance had nothing to do with her. It was just that she was wishful thinking and self-conscious. I also hope that all my brothers can see the old man's thin face, raise your hands high, and be grateful for great kindness. "

After that, Kuang Tianwei worshipped deeply and sincerely.

Yang Biao looked at him sarcastically and teased: Old fellow, you think your face is worth..."

Hi, God, I finally found you! "


At this moment, a cry of surprise suddenly sounded, Yang Feng suddenly appeared in front of Kuang Tianwei, patted him on the shoulder, and asked: How is it, did you find your girl, how is she? "

Uh... why is he?

With a twitch of face, Yang Biao, who was still invincible before, was shocked at the moment Yang Feng appeared, and his whole body shivered indescribably.

Ah, why did this monster appear again? I want to go home, oooooo...

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