Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 381: Majesty of power



The landing gear fell heavily. Pinshu

The tire bounced a few times and made close contact with the ground.

The harsh friction sound buzzed the ears of everyone around. Wang Buan covered his ears subconsciously.

The conditions of this 217 Institute are really crude! Such a rough test method!

Others are computer simulations. Only Shi Jian is here.

How much raw materials have to be consumed in such a rough test method!

Those are all grade three hard alloys!

That's all grade 3 nitrile rubber!

These are very precious raw materials! Tens of thousands of RMB per ton!

It's really inappropriate to take bean bags as dry food!

It's also because of his team of skilled workers.

These landing gears are actually not standardized production. It was hammered out by the workers by hand. The roughness can be imagined.

However, do not underestimate China's skilled workers. Their craftsmanship is really nothing to say.

Now, what Shi Jian wants to test is the load-bearing limit test. Hand-forged parts can also be used.

The reading shows that the landing weight is 250 tons. The estimated impact force is about 1500 tons.

Six times. This is very conservative data.

If the speed is faster, ten times are possible.

When a commercial aircraft is landing, the speed will be better controlled. The impact coefficient generally does not exceed six times.

But the military transport aircraft is different. The larger the impact coefficient, the better, to cope with accidents.

In particular, the friction coefficient of military airfields is very large, which may additionally increase the impact coefficient.

Immediately, the landing gear was raised high by the manipulator.

Then, fall.

Falling heavily.

Violent impact.

Violent friction.

Wang Bu'an covered his ears again.

When he first arrived, he was completely shocked by Shi Jian's way of doing things. Then a little bit dumbfounded.

This guy, his thinking is simply stuck in the eighties!

No more rude than him.

He is not more primitive.

If it was seen by a foreign reporter, I'm afraid I will want it again.

It seems to be a movie by a certain big director, which always shows China's backward and original side. It makes foreigners think that we Chinese people are still living in the ignorant age of red sorghum.

What about a 500,000-ton hydraulic press?

What about 5-axis CNC linkage machine tools?

Obviously it has already been allocated! It's all installed.

How do you feel that these modern things are useless by Shi Jian? It feels like he prefers hand-made? It's really speechless.

Han Xuewei was a little girl who couldn't hide things, and couldn't help but remind her.

Wang Bu'an shook his head gently.

Shi Jian has his own very unique charm.

He can take a group of workers, and use primitive methods to create the Bull Demon Transporter.

The 109 Research Institute, which had much better conditions, fell behind him. It can be seen that his brilliance is not ordinary people. His tenacity is also full. Hardworking. hard working.

However, he also has his own limitations.

He keeps up with the development of the times. Or it is against the progress of the times.

Perhaps, his heart is worried that once the modern machinery and equipment are put into use, his workers will lose their jobs.

Laid-off is a very sensitive word.

He is unwilling to let any worker be laid off.

Han Xuewei has not experienced those special times, and of course she will not understand its taste.

A worker being laid off often means that a family is in trouble.

There is no source of income, the whole family has to pick up cinders, picking vegetables, picking up tatters, the elderly are sick and have no money to treat, and the children have no tuition fees...

Shi Jian could not accept this reality.

It is also to lead the workers to gain a living.

Otherwise, if it continues to sink, I am afraid that the entire research institute and affiliated factories will all be cancelled.

"Huh? Chief Engineer Wang!"

"What brings you here?"

Finally, Shi Jian and others finally found Wang Bu'an and Han Xuewei.

The poor 217 Institute didn't even have a guard. There was no one to report the visitor. To this extent, there is no one except Shi Jian.

Of course Wang Bu'an wouldn't mind.

But, others mind! At least Han Xuewei minds.

Even a little girl minds. What about the other leaders? Therefore, the cancellation of the 217 Institute is not injustice at all. Mrs. Shi Jian can't do anything.

Fortunately, he made a decisive move and pulled up the 217 Institute. Otherwise, they will have nowhere to cry.

However, if Shi Jian still insists on this, it won't work.

In case a big leader comes and feels neglected by you, you will wear your little shoes in the future.

Is the Bull Demon King transport plane great?

That's all the credit of other people's 220 Institute! You 217 Institute, is to mention it!

The 220 Institute is definitely irrevocable. However, there is no difficulty in canceling the 217 Institute. With or without 217 Research Institute, the Bull Devil Transport Aircraft can be developed.

"I have been standing here for eight minutes." Wang Bu'an said indifferently.

"That's just arrived, just arrived." Shi Zhiguo did not realize Wang Bu'an's meaning.

"Director Shi, let me tell you this. Your attitude in doing things has to be changed." Wang Bu'an was not polite, and said bluntly, "There must be a 24-hour doorman. It can be passed on at any time. It has to be arranged. Office staff. Special reception funds have to be arranged. After the leaders come, they have to receive them at any time..."

"What do you want those idlers to do?" Shi Jian said disapprovingly, "Sit down when you have time, why don't you come and give me a sledgehammer!"

"Shi Jian!" Wang Bu'an suddenly roared, "You bastard!"

"I..." Shi Jian was stunned.

It was quiet all around.

All the workers looked back at Wang Bu'an.

Immediately, they picked up the guys in their hands one after another, with wrenches, hammers, and large screwdrivers, rushing towards Wang Buyan.

But they thought that Shi Jian had been bullied and came to teach Wang Bu'an a lesson.

They don't know Wang Bu'an or Wang Eunuch.

Only Shi Jian was in their eyes.

Shi Jian suddenly felt bad.

Are these guys going to rebel?

They dare to be rude to Wang Bu'an, aren't they looking for death?

"Don't move!"

"No one is allowed to do it!"

Shi Jian hurriedly shouted, "He is my friend! He is a good man! A good man!"

The angry workers slowed down.

Wang Bu'an glanced at them.

They are all old workers.

The youngest is probably fifty years old.

The eldest one feels more than seventy years old. Grey hair, sunken eyes.

The number of them is not very large either. There are only more than fifty people. Half of them are wearing reading glasses. If you take off your reading glasses, you probably won’t see many things clearly.

Punching Nanshan Nursing Home, kicking Beihai Kindergarten, they should be talking about such a group of elderly people.

Really fight, maybe none of them can fight.

What about a wrench?

What about a hammer?

What about a screwdriver?

It's all pretty. Frightening. Wang Buan felt no danger at all.

The portable radar does not indicate any danger.

Obviously, it automatically filtered out the group of old workers in front of them.

"Don't watch!"

"Don't watch!"

"What catches your eyes?"

Shi Jian shouted, "Everyone, go back and do your own thing!"

"Director, he scolds you!" an old worker said unconvincedly, "He is a young man, and he is still stinking, so why scold you?"

"Uncle Li, don't talk yet!" Shi Jian said anxiously, "Everyone be quiet!"

"Hey, boy, tell me, why do you scold our boss?" another old worker exclaimed angrily.

"Uncle Mo, take a break first..." Shi Jian couldn't wait to stop them.

These old guys have never seen ruthless people!

Wang Bu'an is not a good kind.

This little guy is definitely not a harmless type of humans and animals.

During the flight test base, Shi Jian heard some information from his side. It is said that Wang Bu'an has caused a lot of disturbances.

He slapped people with blood all over his face, and there was no punishment afterwards.

This is obvious. He has a background.

W125 aero engine is Wang Bu'an's biggest backstage.

Who calls him a member of the 220 Institute? Who said W125 engine is the golden sign of 220 Institute?

"be quiet!"

"be quiet!"

Shi Jian waved his hands anxiously.

Finally, the restless old worker calmed down a bit.

Regardless of their age, their tempers have not restrained at all. The older you are, the greater your temper, and you feel like you are all over the Frankly speaking, Wang Buan doesn't like their attitude.

However, he also knows that many old workers are like this.

They have not kept up with the development of the times. They are actually scared inside. It was uneasy.

The times are changing too fast, and they have no ability to adapt.

They just want to maintain the lingering status quo.

If someone tries to break the status quo, they will be attacked by them.

In fact, they don't even know that such a method is not only ineffective, but it will be counterproductive. If Wang Bu'an was a general leader, he would definitely leave. Following an order, the entire 217 Institute was abolished. All the people here have lost their support, they can only cry without tears. Who cares about their life and death.

Of course Shi Jian knew this too. Therefore, he desperately prevented the workers from making trouble.

But, obviously, he couldn't stop it.

He is too familiar with the workers. Mingle. But the majesty is insufficient.

how to say? There is a good saying. Only distance can produce mystery. Only a sense of mystery can produce majesty.

The majesty of power comes from a sense of distance. From the strict grade difference.

However, in the 217 Institute, it is obvious that you cannot see this sense of distance or level difference.

Shi Jian is a man of affection.

He is too emotional. Instead, it does not pay attention to the system. He mingle with the workers.

He considers himself an old worker.

He did not consider himself a leader.

Haha, is this compliment?



He was doing it wrong.

He must change this style.

Otherwise, the 217 Institute will be cancelled sooner or later.

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