Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 636: Grenades are "terrorist" weapons

Wang Bu'an shot calmly.

After playing a magazine, immediately change to an assault rifle and continue shooting.

Even the time to replace the magazine is saved.



One after another, wolf cavalry fell.

They all washed up along the ridge of the slope.

In military topography, this location is the most vulnerable to devastating blows. It is a veritable place of death.

As long as a Czech light machine gun or a few rifles can be easily stuck.

No matter how stupid the commander is, he dare not attack along the ridge.

However, this is Middle-earth.

There is no concept of hot war.

Strictly speaking, this is the era of cold weapons.

Even the magic civilization does not seem to be particularly advanced. At least it can't be compared with the mainland of Elasia.

Fortunately, it is not the world in "Profane", there is no big prophecy...

In technological civilization, it is a low dimension.

In the magic civilization, it is estimated that its dimension is not high.

At least, Gandalf's spells are not so good. It is better at using clubs and swords to slash people. It can be said to be a very different kind of war wizard.

As for the legendary Great Demon King Sauron, he doesn't seem to be so good. He doesn't even know the Great Forbidden Spell...

The elves are even more sad, they can't even detoxify.

It's a shame to the elves...

The portable radar suddenly indicated that an enemy appeared behind him.

But a few half-orcs climbed up from under the cliff.

Wang Bu'an didn't look back either.

Silently took out a grenade with wooden handle.

Pull the string.

calculating time.

Just throw it away.

The wooden grenade fell from the edge of the cliff.



It happened to explode in mid-air.

The orc who tried to climb up suddenly crashed to the ground.

The sound was like an egg falling to the ground.


"so smart?"

Wang Bu'an secretly smacked his tongue.

He unexpectedly discovered that this kind of wooden grenade has been improved.

It actually uses a highly compressed charge. It is several times more powerful than ordinary grenade with wooden handle. No wonder a hand grenade exploded and killed a bunch of orcs.

Quietly took out a wooden handle grenade and studied it in particular. Sure enough, there was a discovery.

Inside the projectile is a new type of composite plastic.

It seems to be produced in Wang Buyan's own industrial park.

There seems to be some glass fiber?

What a luxury, even glass fiber is used...

It doesn't seem strange to think about it.

This batch of grenades was used by special forces.

Of course they are not ordinary guys.

The glass fiber has higher strength and greater elasticity, and can carry more high-compression charges.

In the past, only one hundred grams of explosives could be loaded, but now at least five hundred grams can be loaded. That is a fourfold increase. The shock wave of the explosion was of course even more violent.

Ordinary grenades rely on shrapnel to kill. Thick shell less medicine. Glass fiber is just the opposite, with a thin shell and multiple drugs. Mainly rely on detonation to kill.

Special forces generally have body armor for combat, which can effectively resist the splash of debris.

However, if it is a knock, it cannot be stopped.

The surface of the orc's body is also relatively hard.

They are relatively hard-shelled.

It's like a human wearing a body armor.

It's a pity that they can't handle the detonation of the 500-gram charge.

I just felt that under the cliff, there were still many orcs gathering.

Without thinking about it, a grenade went down.

In an instant, there was a scream under the cliff.

The half-orcs were originally densely packed, but they were blown up in a big circle. The radius exceeds ten meters.

The damage radius of ordinary grenade is about ten meters. This enhanced type is naturally more powerful. The kill radius is definitely more than 30 meters.

Within a radius of ten meters, all the orcs had to lie down. Others are also shocked internally.

If it was unfortunately hit by shrapnel, then... I'm sorry.

The half-orc's body certainly couldn't stop the burst of shrapnel.

The Gamba wolf cavalry felt bad.

They quickly spread around. The offense was temporarily stopped.

The orcs are brave and sturdy. But it does not mean that you are completely brainless. At least, some bosses are there.

Grenades are such "horrible" weapons that they have never seen before.

It is to see a small thing falling from the sky.

Then they are tragic.

With a loud noise, a terrible disaster came.

With just one grenade, more than a dozen orcs were killed and even more injured.

Even the Gamba wolves they were riding in were killed by five or six alive. The others were scared and hurried back.

The wounded Gamba wolves were all covered in flesh and groaned in pain.

After all, the power of modern high-explosive bombs can definitely throw away the original black powder. The two are not the same.

What if Middle-earth is a magical civilization?

There are no wizards among the orcs.

They are the most primitive force. The most primitive means of attack.

In fact, in the entire Middle-earth world, wizards do not seem to be the mainstream. Mainly infantry and cavalry. Archers are the world of the elves.

That fire-breathing dragon seems to be called Smaug, right? It seems to be really powerful, it's impossible to beat.

However, if you encounter a J-11 or J-16 fighter jet...

A squadron of J-11 or J-16 can wipe out the entire dragon clan.

Maybe, if you get an aircraft carrier yourself, you can definitely become the king of Middle-earth...

...Think too much.

We are not interested in this.

Our task is to spread the glory of technology...

Our task is to help Middle-earth World develop technology and enhance the dimension of technological civilization...

Brother loves peace...

Brother hates killing...

Raising his hand is another magazine.

Five more Gamba wolf cavalry rolled down the slope.

Shooting technology has improved.

Actual combat is really the best way to train.

Wang Bu'an's original shooting level is the level of college students' military training.

However, now, in less than an hour, it has improved a lot. The hit rate of each magazine is greatly improved.

However, the Gamba wolf cavalry continued to charge upward.

They seem to be crazy.

After a brief period of calm, he went crazy.

They completely ignore the life and death of their companions, crazy impact.

They rushed up the **** densely. There are at least more than 500 within sight.

At the same time, behind Wang Bu'an, on the cliff, there were more orcs trying to climb up. It is hard to imagine that these half-orcs are actually so skilled in their rock climbing.

In many games, half-orcs seem to be stupid, unintelligible, low-level creatures.

In magic wars, they are basically cannon fodder.

If the magician puts down any curse, thousands of orcs will disappear completely.

It seems that no one has ever asked how the Orcs came.

Their only characteristic is that they are large in quantity, cheap, and they don’t feel heartache when they die.

Everything in front of me seems to prove this.

Thousands of Gamba wolf cavalry!

There are really too many of them.

If he hadn't had modern weapons, he would have died a long time ago.

It would be very troublesome to give you a hundred marksmen of the Elf race, even the Elf King himself, and the Elf Prince sitting in town.

The surrounding terrain is relatively open, the hills are not much different, and there are not too many obstacles. It is the best battlefield for wolf cavalry. Once they initiate a group charge, no opponent can stop it. Aragorn in "The Return of the King" was also attacked by wolf cavalry before being beaten and dropped into the river.




Wang Bu'an is confident!

He has modern weapons. Not afraid of the opponent's group charge at all.

This relatively open terrain is also a place where modern earth weapons can fully exert their power.

The bullet is almost without any obstacles. Flying straight. Fly as far as you can.

Obviously, no wolf cavalry knew how to avoid bullets.

They will not creep forward.

They don't know how to find obstacles.

They also don't know how to open the line of dispersal and increase the distance between each other.

All the wolf cavalry seemed to like to gather in densely packed. It seems that this can increase mutual combat effectiveness?

As a result, gave the bullet more chances to hit. Once a shuttle passes, the hit rate is often extremely high.

However, if it is compared with the grenade, the bullet is much inferior.

The dense formation is most suitable for grenades.

When a grenade falls and explodes, it often creates a blank.

The half-orcs in the blank area were almost killed.

Fortunately, there is no heavy artillery...

Suddenly remembered the PLZ255 heavy artillery...

If it were to be brought to Middle-earth, it would simply be...


Wang Bu'an shook his head.

It's so boring.

This is a backward technological civilization that clearly bullies others!

Keep your mission in mind.

You are here to promote positive energy.

It's not here to rule the king and do anything wrong (_).

Your mission is to spread scientific knowledge in a kind and friendly manner and improve the technological civilization of Middle-earth...

Other Transformers did not kill on the earth, doing evil.

The backhand is another string of grenades.

Before the orcs gathered, they blasted them all under the cliff.

Otherwise, they would have to crawl for a long time in vain and ended up being blown to death in the middle. Sorry to be bleeding and sweating? It’s dead now, so I don’t have to sweat. This is kindness and friendship...

Suddenly, there was a strange noise.

Turning his head to see, it was the old mage (witch?) who was pulling the cart with the rabbit came back.

Wang Bu'an finally remembered the other party's name.

What does it seem to be called Ruida?

Damn, I can't remember the rest.

Female **** is really harmful!

Not only was the body hollowed out.

It feels like your brain is hollowed out?

The rabbit's voice was getting closer.

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