Alien Knights

Chapter 109 What is a Knight (Part 1)

Silver Ring City, the residence of Earl Gnar. (Fifteen days before fleeing)

"My lord, the man and woman met again."

Hearing the butler's words, the chunky middle-aged man raised his head from the desk, put down the pen in his hand, and asked, "Viscount Felson has no doubts?"

The butler shook his head, and his tone was full of contempt and disdain: "That idiot, who is convinced that the woman he met is the Queen himself, will never think that she is just a prostitute!"

The count touched the top of his head with his hand, and said cautiously: "Be careful in everything! If that idiot who is obsessed with the queen accidentally sees something, my plan will all fail!"

"My lord, don't worry. We spent a lot of money to buy a female officer and a guard. Every time I met the Viscount, they would accompany them to testify and fully grasp the Queen's itinerary. There is also that prostitute who is somewhat similar to the Queen in terms of voice and figure. We spent more than half a month teaching her to imitate the queen's every move; not to mention that the other party is that stupid and arrogant Viscount Filson..."

Having said this, the butler took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to the earl: "My lord, this is the love letter from Viscount Felson to the 'Queen' tonight, and the content is roughly the same as what we want."

The count took the letter, opened the envelope carefully, and spent a lot of time reading it carefully. Finally, he nodded in satisfaction and asked the butler, "What about the painting?"

"Together with this love letter, he also gave that painting to the 'Queen' tonight."

"What about the layout in the palace?"

"Everything is in order."

"Very well, this plan is considered half successful." The earl suddenly remembered something, and said to the butler, "After this matter is over, those insiders, including that prostitute, do you know what to do?"

Seeing the bald fat man gently pressing his fingers on the table, the butler swallowed and nodded heavily.


Yinhuan City, the palace bedroom. (Eleven days left before fleeing)

"Your Majesty, apply some herbal medicine to the corner of the eye, it will be better."

Queen Mary looked sadly at herself in the bronze mirror, the corners of her eyes and her right collarbone, two obvious purple bruises were very dazzling. She gently pushed away the ointment handed by the maid Cathy, and asked in a hoarse voice, "His Majesty the King hasn't come back yet?"

Cathy was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty and the nobles have gone hunting."

"What about the official documents?"

"I heard that it was all thrown to the ministers of state affairs..."

The queen closed her eyes and sighed heavily.

When Cathy said this, she first looked at the master's expression, and then said angrily: "If you want me to say, that painting and that letter, it is obvious that someone put the blame on you! You actually said that you had a tryst with that Viscount Filson just because of a painting! What kind of love letter did you accept from the other party!"

The queen shook her head: "It's a clumsy deception with many flaws, but it just hit the king's weakness... As long as His Majesty is given some time, I believe he can see the tricks inside."

After saying this, Mary gently touched the wound on her face with her hand, but there was a dull pain in her heart.


Silver Ring City, the main entrance of the palace. (Seven days before fleeing)

"Knight Commander Herman! Why hasn't Her Majesty's house arrest been lifted yet?!"

Seeing the maid yelling at him in front of him, Herman shrugged helplessly: "Sorry, as guard knights, we are only following the king's order."

Cathy was waiting to say something, when she was suddenly startled by the shouts in front of the square.

Hundreds of residents of Yinhuan City, shouting slogans and holding high wooden signs, flocked to the square, pouring out their anger and dissatisfaction in the direction of the palace.

"Reduce taxes and fees! 』

"Stop sucking our blood! 』

"It's all the Queen's fault! She made us so poor! 』

"Kill her, she is an evil witch! 』

Hearing the voices of the people, Herman frowned deeper and deeper. The conversation between the two palace guards behind him caught his attention.

"I heard that someone once mentioned to the queen that the people of the Silver Ring Kingdom couldn't even afford bread, but the queen replied, 'Then why don't they eat cake'?"

Another person followed up and said, "That's right, I've also heard about this. Some people also said that the treasury was used by the queen to make clothes, buy jewelry, hold banquets, and build gardens. There is a nickname for the queen-"Madame Deficit" among the people."

"People say that His Majesty the King is kind and loving to the people. He is a good monarch. The Queen is vicious, cruel and extravagant. The King's reputation has been dragged down by her..."

The knight commander Herman became more and more annoyed the more he heard it. He slapped his sword on the ground and shouted behind him: "What are you still doing?! Go stop those people and prevent them from crashing into the palace!"

The man watched his subordinates run to the front to maintain order, and signaled the maid, Cathy, to go back to the palace first, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a cavalry galloping from afar.

The cavalryman carried a lacquered leather tube symbolizing an emergency military report on his waist. He shouted loudly at the civilians and guards in front of him, and rode directly into the palace on horseback.

Herman looked at the badge of the "Eastern Legion" on the chest of the cavalry, and fell into deep thought.


Silver Ring City, Guards Barracks, late at night. (the day before Escape Day)

Herman lay on the bed, looking at the cold moonlight outside the window, thinking about what had happened in the past few days.

Things went from bad to worse in the kingdom.

The anger of the people is getting heavier day by day. In the past few days, the number of people participating in anti-tax rallies has exceeded 3,000 people each time. People took to the streets, there were several large-scale clashes with the army, and casualties were heard every day.

Compared with the civil strife, a piece of news circulating in the barracks made him more worried. In the east of the Silver Ring Kingdom, the army of the Holy Acropolis has approached the national border, and the war between the two countries may break out again after four years.

And Her Majesty the Queen...

In Herman's mind, that beautiful and strong figure emerged. Half a month ago, due to the "painting incident" as the trigger, the queen's reputation plummeted. Coupled with the charges of squandering the treasury, bewitching the king, and the princess of the enemy country, she was completely thrown into the forefront of public opinion.

Herman sat up from the bed and rubbed his forehead with a headache. He wanted to sort out this dispute, but he didn't know how to sort it out.

"Sir, are you asleep?"

The voice of a sentry came from the door, interrupting Herman's train of thought: "What is it?"

"There is a woman who claims to be from the palace and says she must see you."

Herman opened his eyes wide and stood up: "I'll be right here."

Five minutes later, at the gate of the barracks, the knight commander saw the maid Cathy who was crying into tears, and dragged the latter to a hidden corner. Herman asked eagerly, "What happened?!"

From the intermittent words of the maid, the knight finally knew what happened.

Half an hour ago, the Supreme Judge of the Yinhuan Grand Court led a group of soldiers to seal off the bedroom. Not only did he produce an arrest warrant signed by the king, but he also publicly read Queen Mary's eleven charges including corruption, solicitation, infidelity, treason, and capitalism.

Seeing that the maid, Cathy, was in a bad situation, she sneaked out while everyone was unprepared. In desperation, she had no choice but to come to the guard barracks and turn to Knight Commander Hermann for help.

"What?! Why didn't anyone tell me about this in advance..." Herman stopped talking, and suddenly remembered that he was transferred from the palace to the barracks just yesterday. Thinking about it this way, the arrest of the queen tonight must have been premeditated.

As the captain of the knight guards, Herman knew best what kind of person Queen Mary was, and he didn't believe in these charges at all. Thinking of everything that happened in the past few days, he has gradually understood the truth of the matter—in order to quell public anger and stabilize the situation, Queen Mary was pushed to the trial seat as a scapegoat, and the sentence waiting for her was likely to be the guillotine.

The question is what to do now?

Herman is the knight of the kingdom and the royal guard. It should be his duty and responsibility to safeguard the authority of the king, defend the honor of the country, and obey orders unconditionally. but……

"Master Knight! Please save the queen!"

Cathy's crying deeply pricked the knight's heart, duty and justice, Herman wandered painfully in the dilemma. His brow was covered with sweat, his lips trembled, but he couldn't utter a word.

If father is here, if it's him! What kind of decision will he make? !

Herman recalled the words spoken by his father, Baron Cumberland, during his knighthood ceremony.

"Remember what I said! In front of a strong enemy, be fearless! Courageous and loyal, worthy of Heavenly Father! Geng Zheng said bluntly, I would rather die than lie! Protecting the weak is no wonder! 』

Herman closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was no hesitation or hesitation in them.

"Cathy, give this to the commander of the barracks at the South Gate, my father, Baron Cumberland, and tell him to meet me at the west gate of the palace." Herman took off the cross from his neck and handed it to the maid.

Cathy looked at the token in her hand and sobbed softly, "My lord, what are you going to do?"

"Do what a knight should do."

Another chapter tonight.

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