Alien Knights

Chapter 13 Parasites

Todd staggered and struggled to get out of bed. When Jerry saw it, he hurried over and helped him stand on the ground.

After standing still, Todd signaled the tall young man to lie down on the bed.

The other party didn't move and looked puzzled, so Todd had to pat the edge of the bed and said, "Lie down."

Little Jerry did as he was told.

Under the puzzled eyes of others, Todd lifted off the clothes on his abdomen, and used the ability of perspective to look at the other person's kidneys.

The parasite that looked like a "leech" was still there, but its body was only half the size of yesterday, about 7 cm, and its activity frequency was much lower, and it seemed much quieter.

Bringing his face closer and adding static at a close distance allows Todd to observe the worm body more carefully. Taking a closer look, this parasite is different from the "leech". Its mouthparts are connected to its multi-segmented body, and under each segment there are two organs similar to "palus feet", which are directly inserted into the renal fascia.

No matter in terms of appearance, body, and feeding habits, this form of parasite has never been discovered in the medical world in previous lives, and it is a brand new species.

After a period of physiological observation, Todd found that this adrenal parasite would adopt the method of "physiological stimulation" every once in a while - the worm would wriggle, use its "legs" to stimulate the adrenal gland, obtain adrenaline secretion from the host, and then use its mouthparts to absorb the secreted adrenaline into the cavity and store it in the body.

From this point of view, once the adrenaline secretion obtained by the parasite exceeds the upper limit of the parasite's storage capacity, it will spew out all the secretion at one time, forming an intermittent response from the host, causing Jerry to "rage" regularly.

Todd motioned Jerry to turn sideways and observe the worm from a different angle.

While using "Perspective", he was thinking of a solution.

If it was in the previous life, surgery can be performed with local anesthesia to remove the worm body. But under the current conditions, let alone surgery, even the anesthesia environment cannot do it.

Straightening up, Todd touched his chin with his hand and closed his eyes with a headache.

Or, if you have a complete set of biochemical laboratory equipment on hand, such as "nucleic acid and protein chromatography", "DNA sequence analysis tank", etc., you can determine the corresponding microRNA of the parasite after performing a section test on the living body, and make "gene suppression drugs".

But now in this broken place, not to mention biochemical equipment, even a dropper can't be found!

How to do it?

Huggins and Edgar exchanged glances. The former approached Todd and said cautiously, "Do you have a way to cure Jerry?"

Todd was silent for a while, then said, "I need to think about it..."

After thinking about it for a long time, but still had no clue, Todd let out a long breath and signaled Jerry to get up from the bed.

Huggins looked a little disappointed, but he quickly changed the subject: "Let's put aside the matter of Jerry. Regarding the matter of refining silver, I found a few reliable people..."

Hearing the other party's words in his ears, but thinking about the alien species that Huggins mentioned in his mind, Todd suddenly remembered that this man and Edgar both had alien species abilities. Could it be because of parasites in their bodies?

Using the perspective ability to look over, Huggins could vaguely see the "black particles" constantly floating in his hands, and there was a hazy layer of "gray fog" in the nerve tube of Edgar's lower body.

The foreign substances in these two people's bodies don't look like parasites, maybe they are creatures smaller than parasites?

Temporarily giving up the idea of ​​probing, thinking that Master Meris had just given himself a vacation these days, Todd nodded: "You are right, let us first focus on the transformation of the "Ash Blowing Furnace"."

Pulled out the drawing from the bottom of the bed, Todd explained to Huggins several important projects of the furnace body transformation.

Since the equipment foundation of "Farmer's Stove" already exists, it only needs to carry out the transformation of the furnace top, furnace plate and furnace passage on top of it.

The furnace roof should have been made of high-alumina bricks or refractory bricks, but due to limited conditions, limestone bricks could only be used reluctantly; the furnace plate is the most critical equipment, and it needs to be built in a rectangular shape with high-temperature-resistant materials. Magnesia bricks or cement refractory bricks are generally used, but wrought iron can barely be used instead; Add stones.

It's not that I don't know, but after careful calculation, the material and labor costs will cost a lot of money just for the item of "furnace body modification".

Just when the penniless Todd was in a dilemma, Huggins was willing to support himself with all his belongings, and Edgar also stepped forward, willing to contribute all his pocket money.

Seeing the pain in the heart of the two, Todd really had some doubts. He didn't even dare to say that he was sure about it. Why would these two guys have such great enthusiasm.

He didn't know that what Master Melis said about his "Holy Son's Blessing" had penetrated into the hearts of the two of them.

Then, Huggins made a suggestion to divide the drawings into several parts according to the engineering quantity and entrust them to different craftsmen for production.

After thinking about it for a while, Todd understood what he meant. He took apart the processed products and made them separately. Every craftsman didn't know what the thing he was making was for. In the final analysis, it is for "technical secrecy".

After agreeing to such a proposal, the three soon began to divide the work.

Huggins was responsible for bringing the disassembled drawings and went to different villages to find someone to process the equipment.

Todd went to the smelting field at the foot of the mountain to prepare for the silver refining work.

Edgar will go to the market to purchase consumable materials such as wood, charcoal and oil.

The three of them set off immediately, and started working officially that morning.

When I rushed to the smelting field, I first taught the craftsmen an ideological and political lesson with the principle of "serving God", and then led them to modify the furnace body to adapt to the next equipment installation, and dug out some of the silver mine waste slag that had been filled into the mountain, and piled it in the open space.

After finishing all this work, Todd sat among the craftsmen and chatted with everyone without saying a word, but he caught a glimpse of Little Jerry who was squatting beside him in a daze not far away.

This guy who is close to two meters tall is a conspicuous presence no matter where he goes.

Todd felt very strange, ever since he woke up, the tall and thin young man had followed behind him, never leaving.

In the words of Huggins, he wants to be your bodyguard, which is his way of "redemption".

Todd scoffed at this statement, remembering that this guy might go crazy one day, this kind of close-to-body behavior, in his opinion, is more like "seeking help".

When the time came around one o'clock in the afternoon that day, Edgar came back with a carriage full of consumables.

At about five o'clock in the evening, Huggins also rushed to the scene with the first batch of furnace equipment.

Instructing the craftsmen to install and adjust the "Ash Blowing Stove", Todd rubbed his hands and lit the charcoal in the furnace with a torch. The red flame instantly illuminated his face.

"let's start."

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