Alien Knights

Chapter 19 The Exorcism Ritual

Todd, who came back from the smelting field, got into the laboratory, leaving only Huggins, Edgar, and Jerry looking at each other in the underground hall.

The three of them made up their minds together, and in the end Huggins stepped forward, gently pushed open the door of the laboratory, looked at Todd who was busy in a pile of bottles and cans, and suggested in a low voice: "Todd, if our opponent is really a demon, maybe it would be better for people from the church to come forward."

Carefully pour the "ferric chloride" solution into a test tube that can be carried with you, and then seal it and put it on the shelf in the small wooden box. Todd raised his head and looked at the man with some confusion.

The worry and faint fear on the other party's face made him suddenly realize what Huggins was thinking.

Todd, who was adjusting the chemical materials and packing the large bottles and small jars, stood on tiptoe and patted the man on the shoulder, giving him a look of "rest assured". Unfortunately, Huggins showed no sign of relaxing at all, but became even more disturbed.

During the several hours in the afternoon, Todd prepared everything needed to "remove the curse".

After repeatedly instructing the three of Huggins to handle them with care, Todd handed over several wooden boxes that he carried with him to them for safekeeping. Then came to the gate of the monastery, and together with Aiden Kom and other craftsmen and apprentices who had been waiting for a long time, they set off towards the village of "The Cursed".

Starting from the monastery towards the southeast, after less than an hour's walk, Todd and his party arrived at the edge of the Raven Forest before the sun set.

The destination of this exorcism journey - Qianmu Village also appeared in his vision.

Different from the previous life, the so-called village here is very small.

The entire village usually only has a hundred people, and even smaller ones have only a few dozen people. Such population gathering areas are densely covered in the entire plain like stars, and there are no less than two hundred people who can be named.

Qianmu Village covers an area of ​​less than 100 mu. Standing at the entrance of the village, you can even see the border between the end of the village and the forest. Even so, the interior of the village is "although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs", including churches, village halls, warehouses, and wells. Due to the proximity to the forest and abundant timber resources, the villagers' houses are mostly made of logs, which look more beautiful than other places in the plain area.

Following Aiden and others, Todd walked on the dirt road of Qianmu Village, and the conspicuous monk's uniform on his body made the villagers talk a lot.

The residence of the cursed craftsman is located near the edge of forests and fields. It should be that he heard the news that someone was coming to exorcise the demon. A large number of people gathered at the door of the hut early, many of whom came from neighboring villages or even towns.

These men, women and children in different costumes have various expressions on their faces, such as curiosity, surprise, doubt and confusion.

Ignoring the noise of the crowd outside, Todd walked into the low bungalow in front of him under the guidance of the advancing team.

Inside, the unfinished mud floor was strewn with rushes, and despite the early spring of January, the cold wind kept pouring in through the cracks in the crumbling wooden walls.

The unconscious craftsman was lying on a bed in the middle of the hut, with a circle of people standing around him.

Aiden Kom took the initiative to chat with a strong young man. The latter nodded, walked in front of Todd, and bowed his back slightly: "Father, my lord, we have been waiting for your arrival. I am the village chief here, Ackerman Xiaokola."

Listening to the other party introducing the people in the house, Todd was a little dizzy. There were village chiefs from nearby villages, squires who belonged to fiefdoms, respected elders, etc., and many names he just heard and forgot, but there was only one person who impressed him a little.

The priest of Qianmu Village Church, Moore Rupert, was the first member of the church that Todd came into contact with.

Father Rupert, a young man who is full of arrogance and somewhat hunchbacked, always likes to look down at others with his head up. There is a silver cross hanging on his chest. He looks at the boy with three-point strangeness and seven-point contempt, as if he saw "a sheep took the initiative to find the hunter and asked for meat".

"Friend Todd, I never thought that the monks would put down the books in their hands, step out of the high walls, and provide the believers with exorcism services."

The tone sounded aggressive and unfriendly.

Todd rolled his eyes, and read in his mouth: "Volume 3, Chapter 9, Article 31 of the Exhortations from the Word of the Lord."

Before the priest could react, he had already recited the scriptures: "Serving the believers should surpass everything, and don't delay. If someone asks for help while praying, go with peace of mind! Dedicate this behavior as a prayer to the Heavenly Father. Don't feel restless or guilty because of the interrupted prayer. Temporarily suspending one good work to God is to complete another good work. Heavenly Father has not been neglected..."

Ignoring the dumbfounded Moore Rupert, Todd turned his face to the village chief Ackerman Xiaokola: "Let everyone get out, I'm going to start preparing for the exorcism ceremony."

Some noble people immediately expressed their opposition.

I came all the way here just to see monks' ability to exorcise demons, so there is no reason to be turned away.

What I'm waiting for is your words.

Pretending to be embarrassed, Todd thought for a while, and finally agreed to people's request, but on the condition that he could only come in after 30 minutes. The reason was to arrange the ceremony venue.


Thirty minutes later.

It was getting darker, and the crescent moon hung like a hook in the sky.

More and more people gathered outside the house, but only the monk Todd and the cursed craftsman were inside. Compared with the silence inside, the outside is as noisy as a market scene.

Just when people began to get impatient, the closed door of the hut opened.

Todd, who was dressed in a monk's uniform, stood at the door and said to everyone: "The exorcism ceremony is ready..."

Glancing at the eager crowd outside the door, Todd continued: "Once the ceremony begins, I can't guarantee what will happen. It's not surprising that there will be a 'demon phagocytosis'."

Upon hearing this, people all backed away one after another, and the idea of ​​trying was no longer there.

"From now on, everyone is not allowed to make a sound, otherwise the devil will be alarmed, and the heavenly father will also send down punishment! In addition, only six people can enter the room, you can decide the list yourself." After saying this, Todd turned and disappeared at the door.

In the end, after some debate, the six people who participated in the exorcism ceremony were as follows: Hudgens, Jerry Jr., Aiden Combe, Father Rupert, a knight squire who had returned from the war and a sheriff of a nearby town.

The village chiefs Ackerman and Edgar stayed outside the house and were responsible for maintaining order to keep the place absolutely quiet.

When the six people walked into the craftsman's hut, they were so shocked by the weird layout in the room that they forgot to speak.

Windows, stoves, holes, as long as every gap in the room that can lead to the outside world is pasted with black paper, and a cross is painted on each of them with white ash.

The craftsman's bed was moved to the very center of the room, and the unconscious cursed man was covered with a brown sackcloth with a white cross painted on it.

Finally, with the bed as the center, a huge cross was painted with white ash on the floor of the room, and seven candles were placed on the four sides of the cross.

"Is this an exorcism ceremony?!"

The priest first raised a question. He has participated in no less than a hundred exorcisms. In the past, holy water and scriptures were mostly used as ritual methods, but let alone a scene like this, he has never even heard of it!

Todd ignored him, and brought the six people to the craftsman's bed, motioning them to stand on the left and right ends of the cross and the lower end respectively. The seven candles correspond to seven people. Huggins and Jerry are at the left end of the cross, the priest and the sheriff are at the right end, the village chief and the squire are at the bottom, and I am at the top.

"Before starting the exorcism, there are some taboos I want to tell you."

In the completely darkened room, Todd's face appeared a little unclear under the faint light of the candles. The latter's voice was so deep that it made people feel numb: "First, you must not make loud noises during the ceremony; second, before the ceremony is over, stand where you are now, and no matter what happens, you must never leave; third, you must never touch these papers and linen with holy signs. If you hear clearly and agree to abide by it, please repeat it."

In order from left to right, everyone repeated the three taboos again, the voice outside the house became lower and lower, and a strange atmosphere came quietly in the air.

Taking out the scriptures from his arms, Todd looked at the six nervous participants who were facing an enemy, covered the hood of the monk's uniform, nodded slightly and said, "The ceremony has begun."

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