Alien Knights

Chapter 28 Experimental Accident

The creation of the original microscope was a milestone in Todd's research on xenomorphs.

In the past, Todd's clairvoyant ability could only use the naked eye to observe the situation in the body of the alien, such as the parasite at the position of Jerry's adrenal gland.

As for the smaller microorganisms, you can only see the shadows of unknown creatures gathered together, which cannot be recognized with the naked eye.

With an optical microscope, although the magnification is less than 400 times, and the chromatic aberration and temperature difference of the lens are not satisfactory, at least you can see the root of the new supernatural ability besides parasites-bacteria.

These include the "eubacteria" of Huggins and Edgar and the "archaea" of Todd's neural network system.

But as more discoveries come, so do more questions.

Todd's biggest concern at the moment is what kind of harm the supernatural bacteria will cause to the host.

Looking closely at Huggins' palm, the skin and tissues of this man's hand have become poisoned and discolored due to the long-term presence of "debilitated" foreign bacteria, and even the internal bones and texture have been damaged to varying degrees.

The most serious thing is that this kind of corruption has begun to spread from the hands to the arms.

If left alone, at this rate, in the next five years, half of a man's body will experience organ failure and tissue necrosis.

Then use clairvoyance to observe Edgar's leg nerves.

Although the alien bacteria named "speed" endowed the boy with super high speed and agility, it caused the nerves at the end of his lower body to atrophy to varying degrees.

The boy himself admitted that he often loses feeling in his legs when he sleeps at night.

If this continues, once the "speedy" bacteria invade the nerve center, all that awaits him is paralysis or even worse.

For his own diagnosis, Todd also identified the bacteria extracted from the two people's bodies in the laboratory according to the staining identification method of the Danish bacteriologist Hans Gram in 1884 in his previous life, just to be on the safe side. It was verified that "debilitated bacteria" are exotoxin bacteria, and "rapid bacteria" are endotoxin bacteria.

Looking at this result, Todd was finally able to understand what was the real reason for the reduction of the xenogeneic blood in the mouth of the throat bone.

Being hunted by the church is only a secondary reason, and the slow killing of the infected by the pathogen is the main reason for the gradual decrease of the xenomorphs!

With this discovery, Todd walked out of the laboratory with a heavy heart. Karin, who was wearing a monk's robe, followed behind him. Seeing his face livid and silent, it was rare that he didn't bother him with questions.

Todd finds the alien trio at the foot of the monastery mountain, supervising craftsmen refining silver.

Edgar was wearing a bright new suit. He began to spend money to find a child from a nearby village to do the farm work in the monastery. Due to avoiding labor and eating and drinking, the child looked a lot fatter than before.

Huggins didn't change much, he was still wearing the old leather jacket, he still didn't want to throw away the mended boots on his feet, and even the unpalatable low-quality ale was still in the leather jug. Todd had always wondered, where on earth did this guy spend all that money?

As for the danger of the alien bacteria, Todd still didn't plan to tell them for the time being, but turned his attention to the little Jerry who had a silly smile on his face.

As early as when exorcising demons, he discovered that external stimuli can cause adrenal parasites to secrete body fluids. At that time, he thought of a way to solve the problem of Jerry's berserk, but a series of things that happened afterwards made him forget about it.

Todd gathered Huggins and Edgar to his side. The former briefly explained the cause of Jerry's heterogeneity. The three discussed together for a while, and finally came up with a way to control the "Rage Ability".

In fact, the method is very simple. In the final analysis, there is only one word.


He tried his best to stimulate Jerry's nerves, forcing him to adapt and control the activities of adrenal parasites in his body.

After confirming that he couldn't help more, Todd left the space for those three to play. He chose to return to the laboratory and continued to find ways to suppress the bacteria in Huggins and Edgar.

It was ten o'clock in the middle of the night, and under Todd's repeated request, Karin went back to rest first.

He himself continued to conduct experiments under the dim light of the oil lamp after having a simple dinner.

I can't remember how many times I've tried this.

The alien bacteria under the microscope swallowed up the normal cells of the human body bit by bit, releasing toxins again.

Looking at the results of this experiment, Todd pulled his hair tightly and let out an annoyed growl.

The antibacterial test failed again.

Natural antibiotics, organic acids, low temperature, active filters... Todd tried everything he could think of, but the heterogeneous bacteria in Huggins and Edgar's bodies were still tenaciously surviving.

Looking at the four glass petri dishes in front of him containing "weakening bacteria", "rapid bacteria", "perspective bacteria" and "Sutherland archaea", Todd buried his face deeply in his hands, and felt self-blame and frustration that he had never felt before.

This is different from the subjects and research in those biochemical laboratories in his previous life. What he is doing now is trying to save two lives, the lives of two of his friends.

Todd's knowledge is nearly a thousand years ahead of the world, and microbiology is his best academic field, but he is helpless in the face of these never-before-seen bacteria, which is painful and even more shameful.

Standing up dejectedly, wanting to leave this frustrated place. Long-term fatigue and sitting for a long time made him just stand up, blood rushed to his brain, his eyes went dark, his feet staggered, and he waved his hands forward.


The four petri dishes in front of them were overturned together, and the culture fluid flowed everywhere along the stone table.

Todd, who hurriedly bent down to clean up the mess, discovered in despair that the bacterial samples in the other three petri dishes were all mixed into the petri dish of Sutherland archaea.

"Ah! Fuck, this book is useless!" (Chinese)

Picking up the petri dish mixed with four kinds of bacteria, he exhaled, looked at the wooden barrel in the corner, and thought about going to Huggins and Edgar to take samples tomorrow, but his feet did not move for a long time.

Looking at the glass dish in his hand again, a strange thought arose in Todd's mind.


Take a look with a microscope, what's going on here?

Do whatever comes to mind.

The petri dish sample was extracted and placed on the observation platform. When his eyes were on the eyepiece, Todd felt his heartbeat stop for a moment.

"How can this be?"

The phagocytosis stopped and the toxin was gone. The "Sutherland Archaea" are like miniature "safe boxes", which firmly "lock" the other three different bacteria in the cell wall, preventing their "evil deeds".

In the history of later generations, no one thought that it was an experimental accident that year, which lit up the way forward for the long night of alien salvation.

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