Alien Knights

Chapter 31 Militia and the Harbor

After participating in this inexplicable consecration ceremony, Todd returned to the monastery, ignored the strange eyes of the monks around him, and walked straight to the monastery library.

He has a ton of questions that he needs to know the answers to immediately.

If Master Meris was still around, he would be the best answerer. But the long-term absence of the old man left Todd no choice but to rely on himself.

Walking to the second floor of the library, Todd looked at the marks on the bookshelves.

Dogmatic theology, pastoral theology, catechumens writings, biographies of figures, biography of religious history, maps and mapping...

found it!

With the idea of ​​seeking answers, Todd took out the books from the bookshelf, and saw a "ghost face" behind the bookshelf without any mental preparation.

He trembled with fright, and the books in his hands fell to the ground.

"Karin! What are you doing! You almost scared me to death!"

Todd rubbed his chest with one hand (of course it was his own), and pulled out the girl in a monk's robe behind the bookshelf with the other hand. The other party put on a pitiful look, and he really didn't know how to reprimand her.

"I hid in the front hall and saw what they did to you and was a little worried about you."

Hearing her words, Todd looked at her in surprise.

"What should we do now?" Seeing no one around, Karin combed her long black hair, which had been bound for a long time, out of the robe with her hands, and slid down like a waterfall.

Todd watched the woman's alluring movements, heard her evocative words, and stayed where she was.

In the past few days, although he was in the same room with this beautiful girl, he was busy with experiments at that time, and he was completely unaware that there was such a woman beside him.

Karin lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something: "Maybe we should meet at night..."

Todd raised his eyebrows, smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I also think it's a bit inconvenient to do this in broad daylight."

The girl looked out the window: "Today is the new moon, the moonlight is dim, no one will pay attention to us."

Todd nodded his head like a pile driver: "That's right, that's right! No one will disturb you at night like this. We can wander under the moonlight and chat about life..."

"I've scouted the church's camp, and the guards there are as porous as holes in cheese."

"Oh, so you like to go for walks in the church camp... eh? Church camp?"

Hearing this, Todd felt something was wrong.

Karin took out a dagger glowing with silver light from her robe, and gestured a few times in the air. Her face was still sweet, but her smile made people shudder: "In the middle of the night, when everyone is asleep. I can sneak into the room through the chimney, cut the throats of those vicious dogs, and then smear the blood on the entire wall, and give the church a warning, tell them to go away!"

Sister, your style of painting is changing too fast, I really can't keep up!

Todd was really intimidated this time. The mouth is slightly open, the eyes are straight, and there is a blue vein on the head that keeps beating.

What kind of world have you lived in, Karin? Blood smearing the wall, let alone seeing it, even thinking about it, will make people feel numb all over.

Covering his forehead with his hands, Todd shook his head and immediately rejected the bloody proposal.

Putting the book on the table, pulling Karin to her side and letting her sit down, Todd patiently explained to him that no matter from the point of view of faction confrontation, power confrontation, or strength comparison, assassination is not a good option.

To put it bluntly, Todd finally dispelled the other party's thoughts. After calming down, Todd realized that he still knew too little about this girl named Karin.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Todd turned his attention to the records in the book. After searching for a while, I finally found the information of "Protector and Exorcist Squad" and "Music Seaport".

Let’s talk about the Guardian Exorcism Squad first.

The Apologetic Exorcist Squad is a non-governmental armed force managed directly by the Church under the Inquisition.

It is different from the regular military organization of the Knights of the Church. First, it is an unofficial organization and has not been recorded in the Holy Ministry documents of the church. Second, the approval and establishment of the Knights must first be reviewed by the Cardinals of the Pope, and then authorized by the Pope to establish. The Apologist Exorcism Squad is much simpler, and only needs the archbishop or even the bishop of the diocese to issue a sacred letter. Civilian reconnaissance and arrest operations do not participate in large-scale military wars.

After reading this introduction, Todd couldn't laugh or cry.

At first I thought it was some great religious organization, but in the end, it turned out to be a group of enthusiastic people who helped the church find heresies by reporting and making small reports.

However, Todd thought about it carefully, and this kind of authorization did not do any harm to him, but it had a lot of convenience.

From today's experience, it can be seen that the monks don't have much affection for him.

When the church came forward to make things difficult, none of the monks was willing to stand up and speak for themselves.

Therefore, staying in the monastery may not be a long-term solution.

With the organization of the Guardian Exorcist Squad, they can develop their own power in a legitimate way, so that even if they leave the monastery, they can have a little bit of self-protection power.

After all, no one would have thought that the enthusiastic people who helped the church search for heresy were actually composed of a bunch of heterogeneous people.

Thinking of this, Todd has already regarded the establishment of the apostolic exorcist group as his top priority.

Let's take a look at Muxi Harbor again.

The record of this place name in the holy history originated from the missionary event in the 375th year of the Christian calendar.

Twelve ascetic monks set off from the coast here, accompanied by only the scriptures of the heavenly father and simple luggage.

They rode a single sail, experienced seventy-five days and nights, passed through hundreds of islands in the wild north, and spread the glory of God and the grace of the Lord to the primitive barbarians.

When returning to the voyage, because of the storm and scurvy, only one person finally returned to the Yuexi Plain alive.

In the 379th year of the Christian calendar, in order to commemorate the great deeds of this group of believers, the Kingdom of Silver Ring donated the harbor here to the church.

That's the history, let's talk about the geographical environment.

Muxi Harbor is a natural ice-free harbor.

Although the salinity of seawater is not high, the depth of the seabed is relatively large and the volume of seawater is large enough, which constitute the basic conditions for seawater not to freeze.

It also has a unique geographical advantage. The north side is the Falling Star Mountains, which shelters the wind and rain from the misty sea; the south side is hills, where lighthouses, watchtowers and fortifications can be built; the east side is a flat plain, which is conducive to the entry and exit of unloading and loading carriages;

As the saying goes, the transportation is convenient and the environment is superior.

However, today's Muxi Harbor is not as bustling and prosperous as imagined.

For hundreds of years, it has been abandoned there, still a mass of rocks and gravel.

There is only one reason - pirates from the northern islands went south to plunder and attack.

Muxi Harbor is too close to the Northern Islands, and too far from the military centers of the church and the secular state; in addition, the coastline of several kilometers is difficult to defend; and the Silver Ring Kingdom already has silver as a stable source of income, so it doesn't care too much about the port.

The combination of so many factors naturally resulted in the phenomenon of rampant pirates, deserted harbors, and no attention.

Todd closed the book, thinking secretly.

Muxi Harbor may be a good opportunity.

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